Posted by Kim on December 31, 2016, 4:17pm

Now, on the final day of 2016, I've been looking back at all that's been achieved. The average number of active users logging in and playing on a weekly basis has grown by about 20% over the course of the year. We've held discussions as a community, both official and unofficial, on how to become better RPers. We've released a myriad of features aimed at making engaging with the site easier for all types of people, whether new or old-hands at RP, whether PC-bound or always on the go on a mobile phone.
In fact, our 15000th account was registered today!
We've experienced so much growth that it's time for yet another Server upgrade for us! We'll be conducting a major upgrade in the first few weeks of 2017. Stay tuned for more news about that.
We're not done growing yet, but I'm proud of what we've accomplished - and who we've been - together in 2016. I'm looking forward to dashing headlong into the new year with all of you. 

What about? What were your personal achievements over the past 366 days?
Congrats on fifteen thousand members! I've only been here a few days, but the site's really grown on me, so it's good to hear that 2016 has been successful for you guys.
This year wasn't a great run for me overall-- or a lot of other people, it seems. That's life, I guess. Keep moving forwards.
This year wasn't a great run for me overall-- or a lot of other people, it seems. That's life, I guess. Keep moving forwards.
Not sure why everyone says this year was bad; bad things happen every year.
Anyway, nothing interesting really happened to me this year, aside from joining this website. 2017 should prove to be more eventful, as I turn 18 and life will get even more difficult (but less restricting) than it already is.
Still, I can't say I didn't have fun this year and I owe it to you all. So thank you and happy new years!
Anyway, nothing interesting really happened to me this year, aside from joining this website. 2017 should prove to be more eventful, as I turn 18 and life will get even more difficult (but less restricting) than it already is.
Still, I can't say I didn't have fun this year and I owe it to you all. So thank you and happy new years!
Unfortunately, my year didn't start out so nicely. This year has been rough and confusing and full of new mysteries and ideas, but the beauty in all of this is that our futures are obfuscated and we'll have to try and find a path together.
This year is my worst and my best, and I'm ready to give my best shot in 2017.
And this site has brought me comfort and a place to reside for when my emotions are out of control.
To RP Repository and our adventures into 2017. We'll brave it through together.
This year is my worst and my best, and I'm ready to give my best shot in 2017.
And this site has brought me comfort and a place to reside for when my emotions are out of control.
To RP Repository and our adventures into 2017. We'll brave it through together.
Glad I was able to help!
Let the world figure out more secrets throughout the years 
2016 was the best year omy life. I think I actually found someone who loves me as much as I love him.
My family is with me and I am gratefugrateful for those who made this site.
If it was nr made, I'm pretty sure I would still be roaming the internet.
Here's to RP Repository and 2017.
*raises glass full of punch*
Here's to those around me. My friends, my family, my love.
Happy New Years.

2016 was the best year omy life. I think I actually found someone who loves me as much as I love him.
My family is with me and I am gratefugrateful for those who made this site.
If it was nr made, I'm pretty sure I would still be roaming the internet.
Here's to RP Repository and 2017.
*raises glass full of punch*
Here's to those around me. My friends, my family, my love.
Happy New Years.
2016 started rough. And in fact, it stayed rough for a long time. It started rough like the years before it did. And hell. It's still ending rough.
But not as rough.
This year, things turned upwards instead of downwards for once.
This next year, I want to see things move upwards more. And I want to see my involvement here move up with it.
But not as rough.
This year, things turned upwards instead of downwards for once.
This next year, I want to see things move upwards more. And I want to see my involvement here move up with it.
Honestly, 2016 was the worst year in my life. I'm ready to face 2017 head on and make it through! Hopefully it isn't going to turn out as bad as 2016. I mean, people are already making songs of how 'horrible it was' and 2016 is just a meme in itself.
2016 was a great year on here, though, and I hope this place can get much farther and expand more throughout 2017! Happy new year everyone!
2016 was a great year on here, though, and I hope this place can get much farther and expand more throughout 2017! Happy new year everyone!
2016 was the year I got a new job for a great company and completed my first semester of community college as a fine arts student.
Here's to 2017!
Here's to 2017!
15000 RPRians, and growing more awesome every day. time to conquer earth!
there's been so many awesome updates this year, i'm excited to see where 2017 takes us!
in short, i hope to take advantage of this clean slate and blank calendar to leave last year's worries in the past, and set some realistic new goals. each new year is an opportunity to be a newer, better version of myself.
there's been so many awesome updates this year, i'm excited to see where 2017 takes us!
in short, i hope to take advantage of this clean slate and blank calendar to leave last year's worries in the past, and set some realistic new goals. each new year is an opportunity to be a newer, better version of myself.

Geeze, 2016 was a roller coaster.
I got a job, which was probably my biggest accomplishment this year.
Here's to a more accomplished 2017
I got a job, which was probably my biggest accomplishment this year.
Here's to a more accomplished 2017
I have only one W-2 this year. That might not seem like a big deal, but for the past two or three years, this wasn't the case.
I've been in a loving, healthy relationship for a year. I didn't think that was something that could happen any more.
I've said "no" to abusive relationships with others and come a long way in my own mental and emotional health. I no longer feel that I need medication to be able to handle the slog of everyday existence, and I'm able to look at things much more objectively than I ever have before. Personal happiness is within my reach each and every day.
I've been in a loving, healthy relationship for a year. I didn't think that was something that could happen any more.
I've said "no" to abusive relationships with others and come a long way in my own mental and emotional health. I no longer feel that I need medication to be able to handle the slog of everyday existence, and I'm able to look at things much more objectively than I ever have before. Personal happiness is within my reach each and every day.
I have only been a member of RPR for a short time, but that time has been immeasurably enjoyable. I have spent years roleplaying on various sites and forums beset with rude and obnoxious members. I also freelance as a writer, which causes writing to feel like a chore at times. This all works away at my enjoyment of roleplaying.
RPR has been such a breath of fresh air. Not only have I met some outstanding roleplayers, everyone I've spoken to has been incredibly friendly.
I am proud to be a part of this group.
I live in England and it has passed midnight. So Happy New Year everybody, best wishes to you all.
RPR has been such a breath of fresh air. Not only have I met some outstanding roleplayers, everyone I've spoken to has been incredibly friendly.
I am proud to be a part of this group.
I live in England and it has passed midnight. So Happy New Year everybody, best wishes to you all.
2016 was one hell of a year, probably the year in my life during which I achieved the most. Looking at where I am compared to where I was last year, it's almost unreal.
Over the last 12 months I have successfully emigrated in order to move in with my partner of many years. I've been furthering my studies into an area I actually enjoy. I've been discovering new interests and hobbies and new things that bring me happiness. I've been developing on a personal and social level and being able to do things and take risks I would never managed to before. My circle of trusted friends almost doubled. I can very safely say I've never been happier than I am right now, whereas at the beginning of 2016 I was feeling pretty miserable overall.
I wasn't without hardship, of course, much on the contrary, but I managed to endure.
Here's to a lovely 2017.
Over the last 12 months I have successfully emigrated in order to move in with my partner of many years. I've been furthering my studies into an area I actually enjoy. I've been discovering new interests and hobbies and new things that bring me happiness. I've been developing on a personal and social level and being able to do things and take risks I would never managed to before. My circle of trusted friends almost doubled. I can very safely say I've never been happier than I am right now, whereas at the beginning of 2016 I was feeling pretty miserable overall.
I wasn't without hardship, of course, much on the contrary, but I managed to endure.
Here's to a lovely 2017.
Terminal-JSJanuary 1, 2017