Posted by Kim on February 15, 2017, 6:00am

If you prefer the solitude of the night;
If your soul is full of dark poetry;
If you prefer to reflect on how absurd it is that we celebrate the beheading of St. Valentine by giving each other sappy cards and candies;
Then the black rose, designed to mimic the blackness of your heart, might be for you. On sale Feb 15th, until the bells toll midnight.
Pluck off all its petals for a meditation on the nature of darkness, or keep it forever as a beautiful profile decoration!

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hrm i want one...
(i hid in my closet with my computer all day yesterday pretending to be a sick vampire)
(i hid in my closet with my computer all day yesterday pretending to be a sick vampire)
Yep, I'm just gonna start a collection of roses and flowers on my profile now.

This will do for Yaino~
February 15, 2017