Posted by Kim on April 24, 2017, 1:22pm

So mark your calendars, there's just 13 days to go before we're up to our eyeballs in contests, prizes, and a site-wide plot where the players get to become the heroes! In the past, our birthday celebrations have tended toward a fantasy theme. This year, we have something a little bit different in store for you! Strap in for a sci-fi Epic Week.

Post tags: Epic Week 2017
Happy birthday RP Repository! I may have only just joined a few days ago, but everyone I have met on this site has been kind, I've already gotten a few people to join a roleplay I've made, and I am truly blessed (I'm an atheist, using this to express my gratitude towards everyone) to have met everyone I have, I sincerely thank all of you for being on this site, and I hope to have many wonderful days with all of you! Also, quoting "TheCookiesAreGo!" in their words, "-I love you RPR and happy birthday, I don't regret it coming here." Though I would have slightly altered your grammar there (sorry no hard feelings I hope, OH, and your profile pic is GORGEOUS! Is that what you look like? if so, I bet you attract everyone you know! Have a good life) I agree with you! This site is one place I don't regret walking into! Everyone is nice to me, (though that's because I haven't been on long and I don't know many people here) and I hope I can repay your kindness!
p.s. Happy Birthday again! And I hope you have many more years of this site running!
p.s. Happy Birthday again! And I hope you have many more years of this site running!
happy birthday rpr!! glad to be here to celebrate this! congratulations on the amazing work, the site looks very good and your community is fantastic! :>
Bring on the party poppers! RPR is still getting older, and growing stronger still! I'm glad I got my arm twisted to join the site when I did. Thanks friends

that cake design is adorable!!
that cake design is adorable!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday!
Love you RPR and Happy Birthday!
been here going on four love this place and everyone on it
Happy Birthday RPR!

YEY! Happy Happy Birthday!! So exciting! And I looovvvee the cake!!!

Happy birthday!
I joined five months ago. I love you RPR and happy birthday. I don't regret it coming here.

Yaaay, happy birthday RPR!
This site gets better with every passing year.
Happy Birthday RPR!
Yay! Happy Birthday!
April 26, 2017