Posted by Kim on July 4, 2017, 9:25pm
My dearest most darling artists and larger RPR community,We had nearly 50 entries this year, and they were of exceptional, surpassing quality. Every year involves making heart breaking decisions in service of the larger Genre Jumble composition, in trying to showcase our diversity of character and genre and style. This year was no different, and yet it was ten times more than usual.
Whether you have a character in this jumble or not, I hope you are proud of yourself -- I MOST CERTAINLY am. I could not be more sincere when I say: Enter again next year, whether you're in this year's jumble or not. Every one of you is deserving of having your art on the front page.
Once again we've set a record for the number of characters in one jumble. This year, there are 20. Last year, there were 16.

The following artists are represented:
- Ashley
- Claine
- Crus0e
- Degu
- f0x1nth3b0x
- FreeJayFly
- Goo
- Heimdall
- Lyss
- MadRatBird
- Moki (team entry with MadRatBird)
- Owelle
- Sanne
- Sland
- TinyCentaur
- TornBySanity
- Vinters
- Yamashta
I highly encourage everyone to peruse the original topic to see all of the entries:
Got the art bug? The summer art trade signups will be going up soon!

Next: The rare and wondrous stargazer lily »
« Previous: Make sure you submit your fan films this weekend!
This is probably the best thing I could have returned to the internet to ;v; I'm proud of everybody who joined the contest and this is so damn awesome to see! Can't wait to try out again next year!
Y'all did an amazing job. I would enter, but I'm horrible at digital drawing. You all are amazin though!

Awesome entries everyone, and I mean EVERYONE! What a blessing to have such a talented and caring community

Awesome entries everyone, and I mean EVERYONE! What a blessing to have such a talented and caring community

BRILLIANT. I can pick out a few of my favorite artists in there

Wow, y'all did awesome! Congrats on representing the genres!

loving the diverse mix of colours this year, very fitting for RPR's community!
well done everyone! the jumbles keep getting better.
well done everyone! the jumbles keep getting better.

Congrats, guys
It's fabulous like always!

Everyone did such an amazing job on their entries, and Kim, every year you surprise us with an amazing, diverse composition! Huzzah!
Congratulations, winner peeps! Y'all did fantastic--I always enjoy perusing the thread each year!

Congrats to all the winners!
There was some really amazing entries this year.

Ermine wouldda been lost in here xD A big bunch against a tiny critter
Congrats to the winners~
Congrats to the winners~
Congrats to the winners! :>
Omg, kinda expecting not to win but there's my demon dude! Wowie I didn't expect this. ;u;
Congrats everyone!!! It looks fantastic!
Congrats everyone!!! It looks fantastic!
Congrats to everyone who made the jumble! Everyone did so well this year, it must've been beyond hard for Kim to choose~!
I feel kinda bad that we keep torturing Kim like this every year, but...but...the end result is so cool! Congrats everyone! C:
Eeee!! So much excitement! Congrats to everyone that got picked and featured~!
There were so many good entries this year. 8 v 8! ♥♥
There were so many good entries this year. 8 v 8! ♥♥
July 16, 2017