Posted by Kim on August 1, 2017, 6:04pm

But there's another fancy new feature in this lightbox - if an image is marked mature, you will have the opportunity to choose whether or not you want to see the mature content on an image by image basis.
What this means for all of you profile builders is that having a mature gallery image no longer necessitates that you add a warning to the entire profile as well - only the gallery image itself will need to be marked as mature.
Answers to your questions about this new policy
If I put a sexuality, language or violence warning on my entire profile, do I need to bother with marking individual gallery images as mature?YES. Gallery images don't just appear on your profile - they can wander into people's notification feeds as well. Please be courteous of your fellow internet citizens and give them the option to opt out of seeing content that might make them uncomfortable. Or might get them in trouble if it suddenly displays at work or at school, for that matter!
When do I need to mark a gallery image as mature?
Nudity, sexual content, extreme gore or violence, and strong language (or rude gestures that are silent stand-ins for certain f-bomby words) are the most common reasons why gallery images need to be checked off as mature.
What if I put an image on my character/group profile using BBCode? How do I mark that image as mature?
In this case, you'd need to mark the entire profile with a violence, language or sexuality warning as appropriate. Only gallery widgets have special ways of handling mature images.
If my profile is entirely free of excessive violence, strong language, or nudity/sexual content except for a mature gallery image, does this mean I can now remove that warning from my profile?
Yes, if the rest of your profile is clean except for properly flagged gallery widget images, you are cleared to go ahead and remove the warnings from your profile. Also, thank you for cooperating with our need for that work-around in years past! We appreciate your patience while we worked out a fix.

I have marked an image as mature, but it doesn't ask me if I'm comfortable seeing it before enlarging it. Why?
If you have set yourself as comfortable seeing all kinds of mature content, you won't ever be asked to confirm that you want to see that kind of content. You can change your settings by going to Dashboard > Your Settings and looking in the section "Comfort & Privacy"
This is annoying, how do I get it to stop asking me if I want to see mature images?
Go to Dashboard > Your Settings and looking in the section "Comfort & Privacy". Check off that you are comfortable seeing violence, strong language and sexuality. Click "Update settings." You will then no longer be asked if you are comfortable engaging with these things.
What happens if I use the "full size" setting for gallery images?
If you have marked an image as mature, it will still utilize the lightbox for people who have not previously declared themselves as comfortable seeing all types of mature content.
What happens to the thumbnails (previews) of images I mark as mature?
They will appear all black to people who have not previously declared themselves as comfortable seeing all types of mature content. People who have gone into their settings and marked themselves as comfortable with seeing all types of mature content will see the thumbnails as normal.
Wait wait wait wait wait. What the heck is a lightbox?
It's what happens when you click on a gallery image thumbnail. It displays images by filling the screen and dimming out the rest of the web page, so you can take a closer look at the artwork with fewer distractions.
I have some other question not answered here.
Feel free to post it in the comments and I'll answer it!

@TurokSierra115 - It is on the site right now, no app necessary.

Awesome! This new feature looks great, thank you c:
So will this be an app or still used on a browser?
this must make things much easier on the modding end too!

@Novalyyn that's correct, if you're getting creative and bypassing the gallery's normal display method you'd still have to mark the profile. Good question!

Novalyyn wrote:
If it's a NSFW image and you're linking to it via BBCODE, you'll have to mark the profile as NSFW, even if it's already in your gallery and marked as NSFW there.
A question though, just for clarity. On some of my profiles, I have images in a lightbox gallery thing that I also display on other parts of the profile, using BBCode to link directly to the version uploaded there. Am I correct to assume that the BBCode item you mentioned still applies; that using BBCode to display an image labelled mature in the lightbox will still display that image (outside of the lightbox) for everyone, thus requiring the profile to be marked as well?
A question though, just for clarity. On some of my profiles, I have images in a lightbox gallery thing that I also display on other parts of the profile, using BBCode to link directly to the version uploaded there. Am I correct to assume that the BBCode item you mentioned still applies; that using BBCode to display an image labelled mature in the lightbox will still display that image (outside of the lightbox) for everyone, thus requiring the profile to be marked as well?
Aaaaa man, this is soooo nice~ I know that this was one of my primary issues when doing up all of my profiles, and having to remember to tick boxes and stuff. Good about it when uploading images, terrible when it came to actually updating my profiles to be flagged as mature.
This is such a nice update, and leaves me less worried about having to doublecheck all my profiles for the proper tags and filters now that this is in place. :'D
This is such a nice update, and leaves me less worried about having to doublecheck all my profiles for the proper tags and filters now that this is in place. :'D
This is fantastic. Much much smoother. I was browsing a friend's gallery and it had changed, but I didn't make much of it until I saw this announcement.
Fantastic job Kim, and fantastic job to anyone and everyone that helped bring this about. Have a cookie.
Fantastic job Kim, and fantastic job to anyone and everyone that helped bring this about. Have a cookie.

Rogue-ScribeAugust 20, 2019
Is there a past news article that talks specifically about the character profile warning ticks and what is covered and what isn't when the ticks are activated?? I take it from what I read here that the warnings allows the 'heavy stuff' within the character profile and the ability to view profiles with active warnings is decided by the individual users by their 'comfort and privacy' levels?
Maybe I should start a new topic for this instead of tacking on to this news article.