Posted by Kim on May 2, 2011, 12:27am
A lot of small but significant changes have taken place over the last week. Improving your experience is the name of the game!Let's get started...
Collapse Buttons
Put the tools you use the most at your fingertips, and hide the clutter with new collapse buttons on the Dashboard. Just click the beautiful sea green arrow on the right side of any of the dashboard widget to tuck excess information out of sight.
Easier Editing
Characters and Groups now have brand new "management" pages, designed to make your life simpler and easier. No more stumbling around searching for tiny links - everything is right out in the open, waiting to serve you. Plus, cute icons!
You'll also notice similar buttons right on your dashboard, added for exactly the same reasons of ease and accessibility.
You'll might also also notice that the early stages of character creation have been slightly tweaked to make the process easier and less daunting.
Better Search
No, we're not quite to the revision that includes genre tags for characters, but search is still hugely better. It's smarter about finding the players and characters you want to see, and now looks up games, groups, and forum topics too.
Plus, to make browsing easier, characters with no widgets don't appear in the public listings any longer. This should cut down on stumbling across abandoned profiles while surfing.
Evildoers Vanquished!
A few days ago the RPR had several hours of downtime. It seems that our host was attacked by some teenager who wanted to bring down a site that was competing with him, and thought it was just bonus amusement that other bystanders - like us - were affected.
Rest assured, no damage was done, and our outages were minimal. Even so, I've gone ahead and added 24 hours to every Epic Account to make up for any lost time.
Awesome new stuff!
Wow..Teenagers these days, ugh. e.e
The updates are totally awesome!
I love them
Great job, Kim!
P.S. Thanks for the extra Epic. x3
The updates are totally awesome!

P.S. Thanks for the extra Epic. x3
All noticable and useful updates!
Thankyou for the extra day of Epic for my accoint too. It's a shame some people have to behave so badly.
Thankyou for the extra day of Epic for my accoint too. It's a shame some people have to behave so badly.
May 2, 2011
And man, they managed a few hours? <sarcasm> Wow. </sarcasm>