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Epic Week 2019, Day 2: Progress Report

Posted by Kim on April 25, 2019, 12:19pm

With four five seals unlocked, the Gryphon Obelisk has begun to glow, and patient puzzle and riddle solvers are continuing their work. Do you want to join them, hero?
Perhaps riddles and puzzles aren't your cup of tea, but you still want to help -- you're in luck! There are FOUR collection quests going on, where simply turning in items will help to advance our plot. You can find all of the necessary items by exploring the labyrinth.

super-scarab-icon.pngSuper Scarab Collection Quest

super-slug-icon.pngSuper Slugs Collection Quest

lapis-lazuli-icon.pngLapis Lazuli Pebbles Collection Quest

medicinalherb-icon.pngMedicinal Plants Collection Quest (Yes, plants obtained in previous years count! Clean out your inventories! ;))

As we make progress in solving the riddles, some more difficult monsters have started to arrive.

One of those monsters is a mechanical scorpion - if you suffer from arachnophobia triggered by related species like the scorpion, please know that you can adjust your settings to have all spider-like creatures turned into something else for Epic Week. Just put a checkmark next to "I have arachnophobia" on your settings page, and save your changes. This year, we've even got multiple versions of any videos that show scorpions, to make sure you have an arachnophobia safe version. :)

Member-Run Contests

In the true spirit of Epic Week, many members are showing their generosity by holding unofficial contests, where they are giving away artwork and/or various RPR items.
If I missed your giveaway, PM me, I'll make sure it gets added and tweet about it. :)

And of course, there's also all our official Epic Week contests still going on!

Super Powers!

Have you noticed that the crystals in the labyrinth occasionally cause you to manifest different super powers during combat this year??

If you'd like to remove the dangerous randomness of your super power manifestations, there is a Highly Qualified Trainer standing by to help you! :D Of course there's also a Not at All Qualified Trainer you should not work with.

Remember, to see all of Epic Week, click the "Event" link in the top navigation. :)

Happy Epic Week all! :D

Post tags: Epic Week 2019



April 25, 2019

Never mind! I figured it out. This is fun!


April 25, 2019

What do the Super Scarabs do? I found one on my first try, but Idk what to do with it..


April 25, 2019

I really love what the scorpions turned into!


April 25, 2019

*giggle* I saw that bolding mistake~