Posted by Kim on January 8, 2020, 1:00am

It's super easy to start adding characters to categories. Just go to Your Stuff » Characters
From there, you can simply drag your characters into any category listed in the sidebar. Characters can go into any number of categories.

On mobile and can't drag and drop? Go to Your Stuff » Characters and click the edit button for any of your characters. You will be taken to the character management page. Select the "Categories" section.

In the "Categories" area, you can put a check next to any relevant category for that character. Your work will be auto-saved.
Using Categories to Control the Characters that Appear on Your Profile
To help you put the characters you most want to play with front and center, if you add characters to the category "Featured", those are the characters that will be featured on your user profile first!

Of course, visitors can always see your entire line up of characters too, by clicking on the link "See all characters" on your profile.
Hope these tidbits were helpful!

Post tags: Feature Explanations
How do you remove a character from being featured?
I didn't read the post, have we been hacked?
I didn't know I could draaaaaaaaaag?????
This is AMAZING????
This is AMAZING????

Ooo, that's nice! As someone who's terrible at remembering to put profile images for characters, but has some who do have them, this is awesome!
I love the tick-box for Featured so very much! Also cool to know that there's a drag and drop so you don't have to go into each character add them to a category!
Thanks, Kim, for the new features and tips!
Thanks, Kim, for the new features and tips!
Oh COOL! I didn't realize drag and drop was a thing for this!!
January 16, 2020