Posted by Kim on January 29, 2020, 8:21pm
We had a bit of an exciting evening. The site started experiencing a series of intensifying crashes around 4:30pm PST -- I was able to stabilize it for a bit, but soon Server demanded he needed to take an extended nap.In the end, I ended up installing a new disk, which seems to have helped tremendously.
BEFORE all this went down, I had spent most of the day working on some site speed upgrades. I took the opportunity to install all those speed patches while the site was down for the other unplanned maintenance, so it seems to have come up snappier than before in some key areas!
As ever, the slow progress of... well, progress will go on, and there will be more speed boosts in our future.

Thanks for your patience while I wrestled Server back onto his feet tonight!
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Is all of the bugs and crashing done? Or is there still more that needs to be done?
I'm with Server on this one; sometimes you just need a good ol' nap to get your synapses running again. 
Fantastic work as always, Kim!

Fantastic work as always, Kim!

I present a suggestion to the docket.
Have we considered speed holes?

They make things go faster, I hear.
Excellent work, Kim! Thank you for everything you do.
Have we considered speed holes?

They make things go faster, I hear.

Excellent work, Kim! Thank you for everything you do.

Thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks for the supportive words, everyone.
It was a bit of a stressful night!
@Shinyrainbowlithogra - I don't think we changed any drop downs?

@Shinyrainbowlithogra - I don't think we changed any drop downs?

Thank you so much Kim! We appreciate you!
Hmm, was the drop-down menu modified a little or am I just a goosey goose?
Who knows? Anyway. Cheering you on, Kim! Server is a sturdy boi!

Always annoying when weird things start happening, but it was good that the time taken was made more useful! ^v^ Thanks Kim, you do awesome work. I'm glad server is feeling even better, too.
Thanks so much Kim for your continued work on everything!

Well I kind of slept through the whole thing, but seriously with Kim at the helm I had no doubt we would end this adventure in great victory and achievement.
Good work Kim! Thanks for all your hard work keeping the site running. I can't express to you thoroughly enough how much it always means to me personally (and undoubtedly everyone else too)
Good work Kim! Thanks for all your hard work keeping the site running. I can't express to you thoroughly enough how much it always means to me personally (and undoubtedly everyone else too)
January 30, 2020