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Talk Like a Pirate Day

Posted by Kim on September 19, 2011, 12:59pm

Blow me down, but we've had some funny contest entries while I was away sailin' the high seas, and watchin' land lubbers get three sheets to the wind in New Orleans! It warms the cockles o' me heart to see me site shipe shape 'pon my return, and all o' ye sea dogs lookin' so fair.

If ye be daft, ye may not have yet realized that this be the International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Go forth and talk silly where e'er ye be!

And while ye be talkin' silly, be certain to write us a pirate-themed poem, limerick or haiku in the Pirate Poetry Contest. This be yer last day to be enterin'!

Will the prize be in peices o' eight? Doublons? Character slots and epic status? Ye shan't know until ye dig up yer treasure chest!



September 20, 2011

My cousin told me that joke a few months ago. I wish I'd recorded him saying it, he did it so well.


September 20, 2011

Pirating was fun! :)
And ooooh, what a pun, Darth. xD


September 20, 2011

Why are pirates called pirates?

Because they arr.


September 19, 2011

And if you're on Furcadia be sure to say 'talk like a pirate' in game to do just that! :P


September 19, 2011

Arrr, this be a fine day. Pity that me brain's gone for a-wanderin'. Good luck to all who dare enter!