Posted by Kim on November 4, 2020, 8:00am
Last night, something very important was being counted... and you probably saw the stream of pumpkins and candies going out as a result!
Thank you to all participants of this year's trick or treat the forums!

At this point, nearly all the candy and jack-o-lantern accolades have been given out. In fact, this amount have been given out:

Server is apparently on some kind of candy apple kick.
There's still more to go - check your PMs, you might have one from me asking about how you want your candies

If you think I've missed you, please let me know via PM! Just shoot me the link to the topic that you're in, and the name of the character I should be looking at. With so many of you participating, it's entirely possible I've overlooked some intrepid trick or treaters!
Can't wait for more fun with your fellow members? Stay tuned for announcement of our next event at the end of the week 

I hadn't come across anything like this! Thank you! I'm so sorry I chose to trick or treat the days after Halloween. I've been facing some hard times irl. I hope it wasn't a bother, but thank you for this, and I hope to participate more next year!
This was marvellous, I had so much fun!

@Kim Thanks, and I'm glad! ^v^ I'm just sorry I didn't get things moving quickly enough to give you more time to be involved. If you have time again at some point and it's still going, feel free to swing by again!
Definitely a nice event! One of my favorite of the year.

@Avitrathephoenix I'm so glad to hear that! I had a lot of fun in your thread, it was very creative!
This was such a fun event. ^v^ I wish I'd been a little quicker on getting some stuff figured out, but games where the danger is low and the stakes are candy are always a good time! Speaking of, I gotta poke someone and keep the game rolling! 
Also, the fact that Server seems to have a fave candy is adorable.

Also, the fact that Server seems to have a fave candy is adorable.

Oh fabulous!! I'm so glad to hear it!

November 10, 2020