Posted by Kim on January 1, 2025, 9:00am

Many of my goals for the RPR are repeats of the goals I attempted - and belly flopped- in 2024. Maps, avatars, maps! I also want to do a code refresh of the basics of the site to get it ready for integrations with maps and the latest set of modern tools. These are very exciting and motivating goals to think about.
Another big event I'm anticipating in 2025 is that my partner and I are planning to sell our house and move from the USA to the UK.

What are you looking forward to in 2025?
You are an amazing person. I wish you and your partner much success. To GET OUT of America!!! Such an awesome 2025 goal! Stay connected! Much respect! 🙏🏽
Luv ya bunch!
You are an amazing person. I wish you and your partner much success. To GET OUT of America!!! Such an awesome 2025 goal! Stay connected! Much respect! 🙏🏽
Luv ya bunch!
Hoping all goes well with your move Kim! Have plans in action ourselves for a similar move.
I giggled when I read this as the mental visual was ... shall we say ... interesting!
Kim wrote:
"I wasn't exactly off jitter bugging in a chocolate fountain"

I wish you all the best with your move, Kim!
I am going back to college this year, finally finishing my graphic design and media marketing degree.
I am going back to college this year, finally finishing my graphic design and media marketing degree.
Working further on my freelance career so that I can prep for my move from the USA to Lithuania!
You have a lot going on, and I understand the need to go elsewhere. You are a wonderful site administrator, and there is nothing like this place anywhere!
Can't say I'm looking forward to much of anything good in 2025. This year will be taken up with those same things here (house sale and immigration) though we're looking to go to Canada. I'm looking to fortifying; keeping a rearguard; staying in the fight; opposing hate; and enjoying an RP or two along the way.
Can't say I'm looking forward to much of anything good in 2025. This year will be taken up with those same things here (house sale and immigration) though we're looking to go to Canada. I'm looking to fortifying; keeping a rearguard; staying in the fight; opposing hate; and enjoying an RP or two along the way.
Wow!!!! That sounds amazing, Kim!!!! Safe journey to your new home (whenever you do make the move)!
As for me, I'm going back to university to become an English teacher! I'm also planning to work more one of the (many) stories I'm writing and turning it into an actual novel! Also want to eat healthier and not get take out as much!
As for me, I'm going back to university to become an English teacher! I'm also planning to work more one of the (many) stories I'm writing and turning it into an actual novel! Also want to eat healthier and not get take out as much!
Wow! A trans-world move? Having done one from the USA to Australia in ‘07, I can say there is a lot to do. Not sure about the technical and legal aspects of immigration to the UK, but I’ll say have all your documents and such in order. Feel free to DM if you have any international immigration questions for American Citizens.
I agree with others in that you didn’t bellyflop. As Gandalf said, ‘I was delayed’. It will come together for you. Thank you so much for this site and all you do for and with it, and taking the time to keep us informed. You are the most active and involved site owner/administrator I’ve ever known.
That huge immigration step aside, I’m hoping for the best for you and your partner, and that you find health and happiness in this coming year as you work through it all.
I agree with others in that you didn’t bellyflop. As Gandalf said, ‘I was delayed’. It will come together for you. Thank you so much for this site and all you do for and with it, and taking the time to keep us informed. You are the most active and involved site owner/administrator I’ve ever known.
That huge immigration step aside, I’m hoping for the best for you and your partner, and that you find health and happiness in this coming year as you work through it all.
You've all been *incredibly* sweet and supportive, which doesn't surprise me at all. And I so, so appreciate it.
To be clear -- I agree that there were Real, Valid Reasons why I missed out on my RPR goals for the past year. I wasn't exactly off jitter bugging in a chocolate fountain or twirling my mustache while cackling on a pile of money.
But even if the reasons the goals got missed were legitimate and unavoidable, those goals were still missed. And I really am just sad about that.
To be clear -- I agree that there were Real, Valid Reasons why I missed out on my RPR goals for the past year. I wasn't exactly off jitter bugging in a chocolate fountain or twirling my mustache while cackling on a pile of money.
But even if the reasons the goals got missed were legitimate and unavoidable, those goals were still missed. And I really am just sad about that.
Hopefully releasing my first novel. As well as a healthier life style.

If you need an America-gram care package at some point, I'm happy to oblige and send you anything you might be craving!
One of my goals this year is to give myself the same grace that I extend to everyone and to remember that they're aware I'm human, and maybe they love the human in me as much as I love the human in them. You are doing fantastically as a human and have continued to do amazing things over the years. I've been continuously impressed with your work on this website, and that's one of many reasons I've always felt comfortable storing my most precious ideas here. Progress isn't always a linear journey taken in a single constant and swift motion—not even with robots. Maintenance, updates, calibration, or lab conditions all contribute there. I wanted to let you know that I love the human in you, and I'm proud of that human for doing so many hard things as they've popped up. Be nice to Kim, she's magical and she's got really cool hair.
For the last few years I've felt pretty under motivated to do anything other than just vibe. Honestly ever since the start of 2020, when my friends and I were joking about this decade being the "Boring 20s" only for that to go up in flames just a few months in. 😬
The past few years have been anything but boring, and I am sorry 2024 was especially terrible Kim! I'll echo the same sentiment that I've seen a few times now, but I don't think you flopped hard at all, goals are north stars to focus on, but ultimately real life comes first... and my lord did it come at you fast.
In terms of what I'm looking forward to in 2025, it's the intent to be more active on this site and RP in general. Writing is by far my favorite hobby, and as much as I love drowning myself in worldbuilding and character creation, if I'm not really doing much more than shelving it all when I'm done, where's the satisfaction?
So this year I'm going to try to dust off my shelf and get more engaged, in whatever flavor that comes in (🫘), still figuring that part out.
TL;DR: You do great work Kim and I'm stoked for what comes next! 💜
Oh and can we talk about Mimic Baby haunting my dreams for the next year?? lmao
The past few years have been anything but boring, and I am sorry 2024 was especially terrible Kim! I'll echo the same sentiment that I've seen a few times now, but I don't think you flopped hard at all, goals are north stars to focus on, but ultimately real life comes first... and my lord did it come at you fast.
In terms of what I'm looking forward to in 2025, it's the intent to be more active on this site and RP in general. Writing is by far my favorite hobby, and as much as I love drowning myself in worldbuilding and character creation, if I'm not really doing much more than shelving it all when I'm done, where's the satisfaction?
So this year I'm going to try to dust off my shelf and get more engaged, in whatever flavor that comes in (🫘), still figuring that part out.
TL;DR: You do great work Kim and I'm stoked for what comes next! 💜
Oh and can we talk about Mimic Baby haunting my dreams for the next year?? lmao
That's incredible news. I certainly wish you and your partner well.
I don't think you belly-flopped on the goals. You weren't lazy, you weren't procrastinating, you weren't faffing about--you had important and unavoidable things come up. I don't think anyone, at all, is disappointed, and I'm pretty sure everyone is looking forward to see what will happen with the site and with you this year.
I don't think you belly-flopped on the goals. You weren't lazy, you weren't procrastinating, you weren't faffing about--you had important and unavoidable things come up. I don't think anyone, at all, is disappointed, and I'm pretty sure everyone is looking forward to see what will happen with the site and with you this year.

That sounds Amazing Kim, goals are great and having something to work towards without the pressure is even better.
Sounds awesome though that you will be joining us Brits on the drizzly dark and grey shores of our tiny little island. I have fingers and toes crossed this all goes well for you.
Sounds awesome though that you will be joining us Brits on the drizzly dark and grey shores of our tiny little island. I have fingers and toes crossed this all goes well for you.
January 24, 2025