Posted by Kim on September 28, 2011, 12:56pm
It's National Ask A Stupid Question Day, a holiday that honors inquisitiveness, curiosity, and the boldness to always ask questions. Even if you suspect the answer might be obvious to other people.As gamers, we're used to poking our noses into places that might get them cut off. It's called chasing plot! But sometimes, after all that daredevil sleuthing, it can feel pretty silly to need to ask the simple questions.
Well, no more! Today is the day for asking your questions, no matter how stupid you think they might be. Whether your question is related to the RP Repository or not, I will do my best to have answers for all of them tomorrow.
So: What do you want to know? Comment here, tweet me, send me your questions on facebook -- I'll answer them all.
Am I late!? Am I late? i'm not late am I?
A three hit combo
A three hit combo
"You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense."
Why does my shoulder hurt?
Why does my shoulder hurt?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Why is there brail at a drive-up ATM?
What's the number for 911?
What is the meaning of life?
If drinking and driving is illegal, why do they have parking lots for bars?
Why do you drive on a park way and park in a drive way?
Can you go the wrong way on a freeway?
If a woodchuck could chuck, could it chuck Chuck Norris?
Why do only some farts smell?
What is the meaning of life?
If drinking and driving is illegal, why do they have parking lots for bars?
Why do you drive on a park way and park in a drive way?
Can you go the wrong way on a freeway?
If a woodchuck could chuck, could it chuck Chuck Norris?
Why do only some farts smell?
if you were riding on the ocean and the wheel fell off your jetski, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse?
Who is John Galt?
can you smell the rainbow? 8D
Where is my mind?
Should you happen to be in a school bus full of children and the bus driver turns around and happens to be Bruce Wayne and he's fighting the Joker and he realizes he can't drive and the bus falls off a cliff and into a pit of pudding, what flavor ice cream would you crave?
WHy so serious?
What's ask a stupid question day about?

What colors will the next templates be?
Why these red-grey-brown colors for RPR?
What's your middle name?
Who's your daddy?
Why these red-grey-brown colors for RPR?
What's your middle name?
Who's your daddy?
8D Everyday is National Ask A Stupid Question for me (because I am very inquisitive, even to the point where my own parents go "Look it up on the internet/Google it" because I ask too much
I have one!
How do you vote on stuff in the development logs? I seem to be a dumbdumb who can't figure this out. Whoopsie.
Also would you go snowboarding down a mountain with a couple of yetis on giant frozen leaves?

I have one!
How do you vote on stuff in the development logs? I seem to be a dumbdumb who can't figure this out. Whoopsie.
Also would you go snowboarding down a mountain with a couple of yetis on giant frozen leaves?
Green or purple?
Hey Kim, Kim!
If olive oil's made by grinding olives, what's the capital of Norway?
What is olive oil wasn't made by grinding olives, what would be the capital of Norway then?
What's a capital?
Why am I asking this again?
If olive oil's made by grinding olives, what's the capital of Norway?
What is olive oil wasn't made by grinding olives, what would be the capital of Norway then?
What's a capital?
Why am I asking this again?
Stupid questions coming up!
Why did you create the RPR?
What gave you the idea?
What's your least favourite Roleplaying character?
Why is this?
.. I thought I'd take part!

Why did you create the RPR?
What gave you the idea?
What's your least favourite Roleplaying character?
Why is this?
.. I thought I'd take part!

September 30, 2011