Posted by Kim on April 1, 2022, 8:00am
It's come to my attention that the RPR doesn't work very well in other parts of the world; namely, in Australia, where everything is famously upside down and sometimes backwards. Especially when you flush a toilet.In order to even things out, I've decided that on all odd numbered days, we will display our images upside down, so that people on the opposite side of the world will see them right-side up.
I mean, that's just science. Can't argue with science!
(If you can't stand it: You can turn off loading images in all major browsers, or else temporarily change your timezone to somewhere that April Fools is over.)
I thought it was a wonderful prank, it's been a while since I have seen a good April fools Day prank and it took me a second to figure out what was happening.
As an Australian, next year can you please flip the text the right way too so I don't have to do a headstand to use RPR?
Wait, you mean Australia is a real place and not just where naughty children go when they're taken by the Krampus?!
You people still believe in Australia?
For those who need help finding a suitable time zone to jump to, use Pacific/Kanton.
If you ABSOLUTELY can't wait for the joke to end -- set your time zone ahead, there are places in the world where April fool's is over already. Or, all major browsers allow you to turn off the loading of images (usually used as a bandwidth/speed saving measure.) You have the power to get rid of it already
I’m sure most people are aware it’s just for April Fool’s! It’s definitely a prank, just one that people wished they could’ve opted in/out of because it causes visual strain.
Can we please get an option to opt out? navigating the site like this is a serious pain and makes me nauseated and dizzy. The fact my mind keeps trying to overcorrect the images its trying to understand is making it so difficult to navigate the site. Cute joke, not really all that funny, but it's cute. Can we please get an opt out for this so people can actually enjoy the site again?
To those who are not like the prank (I love it by the way its pretty funny) you can chabge your timezones to be able to end the prank and things will be normal
Lol, this is hilarious
I thought it was funny. Ya got me kim! Good one!
Seconding the option to opt out. As someone who was frequently pranked and mistreated for the sake of 'silly' when I was younger, I choose not to participate in April Fools things and find being forced to frustrating.
Also its obviously an April Fool’s day joke ya clowns, she’s not gonna keep it like this forever
its making me a lil sick.
So this is Australia Mode? Sounds funny
I think this is cute and fun and I honestly love it. Unfortunately, like others, it makes me feel ill after seeing it for very long.
April 1, 2022
(Great prank!)