Posted by Kim on August 14, 2023, 9:00am
For those of you tracking the steady reveals in the backer rewards section, you've probably seen that all but the last sticker has been revealed, in tandem with the hippocampus reveals --
I couldn't wait until this Friday and the last reveal to show you these photos of the real life stickers, though!

I included the dice for scale. As you can see, they are roughly 3" big, and nicely glossy.

I also did this water resistance test to verify the manufacturer's claims!
I have been very happily having my daily breakfast tea in this bad boy since fancying it up.

Of course, if what you really want is to support the creation of maps and avatars and you don't need or want anything else from the fundraiser, you can opt out of either digital or physical backer rewards and allow your shipping costs to be re-absorbed into the project funds.

Post tags: Lemonade Stand Fundraiser
@corvin ....I have an abundance of lumpy, google eyed, rock children, #teampetrock for life.
Ahhhh, wish I could get all the stickers. They all look so cute
@Atheist You angel

I will take photos of mine where ever they wind up, if it helps.

I desperately want to go to the future and see photos of these stickers on things out in the wild

Am I the only member of team pet rock?
I'm okay with this.
I'm okay with this.
I have plans for these. PLANS, I say! I really want the Phoenixes and Hippocampi! These look so good!
I need the hippocampus and the pheonix ones ahhhhhh
I'm so excited ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! They look so good!
*vibrates with the need to put these all over my planner*
August 15, 2023