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Posted by Kim on August 19, 2016, 12:55pm

Gimme your contest ideas!

Epic week is receding on the landscape of time behind us, but wait! For the first time ever, I still have two RP Repository totebags left to give away.

So I want to know from you: What would be the most fun way to distribute these prizes? Should we run another diceroll tombola? Karaoke contest? Poetry slam? Pitch me your contest ideas!

Roleplay prompt of the week

Okay, I know we did one of these on Tuesday, but I'm going to try and aim for more of a Friday/Saturday schedule for these from here on out.

Photo by Miguel Ángel García

What was forgotten beneath this place?

Do you have a suggestion for a RP prompt or plot bunny you'd like to see featured in the news? Send it to Kim -- if it's picked, you'll receive credit for the idea.



August 24, 2016

Tambola please!


August 21, 2016

I think karaoke would be cool :)


August 21, 2016

Poetry slam would be amazing! I have the best slam that I could use!


August 20, 2016

a karaoke just for funsies would definitely be cute, yeah!


August 20, 2016

Maybe we can have a nerdy holiday karaoke sometime! XD


August 19, 2016



August 19, 2016

While I'd vote for the tombola, I'd also like to see more RP prompts like this! Anything that can encourage and inspire our creativity is always worthwhile, in my opinion.

I'd rather not suffer - or make others suffer - for our art. So I'd have to say 'no' to karaoke. xD


August 19, 2016

I was mostly joking about the karaoke. Mostly. But I thought there was a chance someone would suggest some magically feasible way to do it. ;)

I also love the idea of the prompt contest; I do love a good content-generating contest that everyone can benefit from over time ;)


August 19, 2016

i think a tombola or poetry slam would be most fair, yes! it'll give people without the confidence for karaoke/revealing their voice to strangers the chance too!

i do like crus0e's idea too though, perhaps it could be a future event. :D


August 19, 2016

... Karaoke sounds really nice right about now. But how would we go about that? <.<


August 19, 2016

@Sanne I would say it should be more of a forum post thing, because stripping away flashy bbcode and layouts would make it more strictly about the effort put into the character and not a nice frame to stick it in, you know?


August 19, 2016

Karaoke you say?


August 19, 2016

@Crus0e: How would people without any free character slots do this? Or would it have to be posted in a forum post?


August 19, 2016

I'm just gonna throw this out there because I've been thinking about it lately, but I'm not sure how it could be implemented and I couldn't run it myself since I can't afford prizes...

What if we had a character creation contest? You could have a theme, or maybe even randomly generated constraints the entrants have to work within, and you could score them based on creativity, effort, how well they stuck to the theme and how well they twisted it around into something new and unique? It'd be a bit subjective sure, but with a handful of judges you'd be able to get a good spread for fair choosing. Maybe not the best idea for giving out the tote bags, but I like the concept a lot and I'm curious if other people find it interesting too.

For the bags though the tombola is probably the best idea, totally fair and no subjectivity whatsoever, plain old RNG win/lose.


August 19, 2016

I second the tombola. We don't have to do anything extra to enter, and it gives everyone a fair chance regardless of schedule or amount of effort that has to be put into the entry. C:


August 19, 2016

Oooooooh a diceroll tombola is definitely one that everyone can enter, so I vote yes to at least one contest for that. :D

What about a contest for more RP prompts? We've had something like that in the past and as we're all RPers who create stories from nothing every day, everyone is capable of contributing to that as well.