Posted by Kim on May 16, 2017, 12:45pm
That's it! We've successfully hacked into the Die Star's systems and triggered its self destruct mechanism!
Click for full size comic
Our scouts escaped with us...
New templates for all!
Congratulations, adventurers! Your efforts have won 15 new character profile templates for the entire site to enjoy for years to come: Lavender, Chamomile, Cosmic dust (in blue, green and red), Industrial Grunge, Lurker, Landmarks: Manhattan, Landmarks: Great Pyramid, Landmarks: Himalayas, Candle Cluster and Candle Cluster (Dark).
And thanks to Moki for designing Dossier, Landmarks: Big Ben and Fur: Tiger

Some special thank yous
There were many members and mods that helped get this event ready for your enjoyment, but there were three individuals who put in long hours of work, some of it under insane last minute pressure, to bring this event to you.
I want to extend a special thanks to Justine for designing the alien species, and creating the artwork for all of them plus the new weapons, crystals, comics, walrus mechs and more. This was months of hard work and I hope you agree with me that the result was spectacular.
Auberon converted all the concept art for the weapons, mech walrus, crystals, grab bag and even the slice of birthday cake into high quality pixel art icons, so you could show all the cool new stuff off on your profile!
And a gigantic, humongous, ridiculous thank you to Darth_Angelus, who made this even possible - All of the 15 puzzle nodes this year were his idea. He single handedly designed the alien language and number system. And of course, he produced the absolutely stunning video series that followed the journey of the Hero and the Princess as our forward scouts.
Finally, I want to thank every one of the 370+ people who participated in this year's Epic Week event! You will soon be seeing a special year 7 accolade on your profile to mark the occasion.

Post tags: Epic Week 2017
Thank you so much for this great event! I had a fantastic time! I also want to extend my gratitude to Darth for the animation! You really exceeded yourself this year!
Yay! Fantastic first epic week for me, had lots of fun sadly I wasn't much help with the riddles but I made sure to collect scrap and fight some bad guys! Thank you to all the members of staff and helpers for putting on such a fantastic event!
*screeches* BLUE CAEK!!!!
Huzzah!!! Good work everyone!!
Enjoy those templates(holy crap they're all so PRETTY), and keep an eye out for more goodies from me
Enjoy those templates(holy crap they're all so PRETTY), and keep an eye out for more goodies from me

Time to celebrate!
I've already made good use of the lurker and Dossier templates
now I eagerly wait for this mysterious writing prompt to be revealed~!

Yeeeyyy! We won!!! That was the greatest epic week evvuuhhhh! Can't wait for the next one!

Great work everyone! We did it! I'd say this was the best Epic Week yet!

Epic week was, as usual, an epic happening! Thanks for hosting this!
Thus the nightmare ends, as the cascade of sunlight beams again over the horizon. Be sure that we will rise again to any threat, as we've risen many times before.
May your year be filled with laughter and contentment, all of you!
May your year be filled with laughter and contentment, all of you!
Yay! Nice job everyone!
This has been so much fun -- lovely templates too!

Great job everyone and Thanks to everyone that helped give us another awesome Epic Week

Nice going everyone!!!
Great job, everyone!
BEAUTIFUL templates, too!

that part with the rocket launcher "I got this!" im rollin 
also YAY new templates (ooh and cake!!!!!!)

also YAY new templates (ooh and cake!!!!!!)
Yay! Good job,all! Can't wait for next year.
May 17, 2017