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Epic Week 2019 - Plot Review

Posted by Kim on April 20, 2020, 9:00am

It took a full year of study, but by our 9th birthday, we were finally ready to try opening the ancient portal we had found beneath the ocean the year before. What strange mysteries did we discover in the labyrinth beyond? The first one appeared to be... strange glowing crystals that bestow temporary super powers?!

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There were two strange obelisks inside the labyrinth, and we worked to solve its mysteries - and complete the quests it demanded from us - even as we were beset by a range of high-tech adversaries.

STOP! Before you watch this video: Do you have arachnophobia that is set off by scorpions? If yes, please go to your comfort & privacy settings and put a check next to the setting "I have arachnophobia." We'll go out of our way to not show you creepy-crawlies in the Epic Week media. Once you've updated your settings, come right back here to enjoy the scorpion-free version. :)

The physical challenges intensified with the arrival of a giant, robotic boulder that tried to run over us!


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And then we were confronted by an android Sphinx!


Click for full size comic

In the deepest part of the labyrinth, we found a final obelisk of riddles and quests.

But together, we triumphed :D

And that's where our Epic Quests stand so far... How will the adventure continue this year? What will the device we found in the heart of the labyrinth do to our portal? We'll find out together on Friday! :D

For those of you that were here last year, what were your favorite moments of this adventure? :D



April 23, 2020

I am so freaking ready.


April 21, 2020



April 20, 2020



April 20, 2020

@WelchsGrapeJuice - There's a general guide to Epic Week right over here! There may be further explanations to come, and some things always change, but anything new is likely to be pointed out somewhere, whether that's here in the news, or on the forums associated with Epic Week that are likely to appear. :)


April 20, 2020

When the new Epic Week roles out, will there be an explanation of how Epic Week works for us newbies?


April 20, 2020

2019 built off of 2018 in interesting ways! There were more of the puzzle nodes, some of them fiendish indeed. The monsters grew in numbers and strength; the strongest 'normal' enemy that we saw (a slightly weaker version of the sphinx above) had a whopping 900 HP, and could show up multiple times in a wave! And we saw more than a couple of 'collection' nodes that year - where we all had to chip in with collections of certain weapons, or party hats, or fish oils. That was a good way for folks who had an inventory full of hats but who didn't really want to participate otherwise to contribute to the cause!

But I think my favourite thing was our superpower trainers. Everyone who was contributing to the fight could gain a 'power' to help define their battle role a bit. Among other things, there was increased initiative, extra damage, healing potential... And my personal choice, Chaos and Nonsense powers, bestowed by our dear friend Doubutt. :P I turned myself inside out more than a couple of times last year, it's true, but I *also* had bouncy ball cannons and all of the other powers at my disposal at random, which saved my bacon (almost) as many times as it backfired on me.

But that device, now, hidden in the heart of the labyrinth by the puzzling-peoples of olde... That is very interesting, isn't it? And it's known that they had enemies in search of it, too.


April 20, 2020

This was an interesting one. It gets better and better every year. I wonder what's next?


April 20, 2020

That was it first epic week! The memories!


April 20, 2020

Beating crap out of robot scorpions and and then somehow managed to break/glitch out duobutt(?) game.


April 20, 2020