Posted by Kim on April 28, 2015, 4:10pm
Day 5 of Epic Week and things are in full swing! We've locked up two portals, but the goblins were on to our efforts and built their own portal out of timber felled by missed battle axe swings. This time, they're not taking any chances - the new portal is being guarded by an ENORMOUS, many headed, cyborg dragon.Many of you are already able warriors with many battles under your belts! But some of you missed the first few days of Epic Week, when the difficulty level wasn't up quite so high. For those of you who arrived a bit late and are now confused, today's post recaps everything the players have learned about the various Epic Week quests and how to play them like a pro.
There are three parts to the main questline, and I'll cover them each individually.

A portal can be closed by activating all 10 "seals" or symbols around its edges.
The seals are activated with a special word or phrase. The game is to figure out what that word or phrase is. Each seal has at least three clues. The clues are pretty challenging, as they are meant to be discussed by a large group of people (thus, the official portal discussion thread!)
You can always find links to the most up to date clues for each of the portal seals in posts #2 or #3 in the Official Portal Thread, thanks to the efforts of Sanne and Wizard.
The complication with this is that to check and see if a guess is right, you need to have a clear path to the portals... and most of the time, goblins are in the way.
This is where the goblin combat game comes in.
Please note: This is a community game, leveling up is done as a community rather than on an individual basis, and windows to enter guesses are rare and short! This all means that there is NO benefit to keeping your guesses to yourself, because it does not matter who enters a guess into the portal. If you want your guess to be tried, make sure to post it so that the next time there is an opportunity to get to the portal, anyone from the portal team who is online can include it in the list of guesses to enter generated by the community!
Goblin combat
Once an hour (at the half hour mark, or :30) a bunch of goblins spawn to block the way to the portals. The game is to kill all the goblins with enough time left on the respawn clock that the portal team has time to try some guesses.Regular goblins

It also helps to be using the right weapon: Rapier for green goblins, axe for red goblins, and ray gun for blue goblins. Grenades work equally well on any kind of goblin.
Most weapons will do SOME damage to any kind of goblin, but they work super well when you're matching the weapon to the right color.
For more information about the different weapons and how to best use them, check out the great guide by Tailbone in post #2 of the Official Warriors Thread
The boss monster

However, it is very challenging to hit, and it bites HARD! One trick may be to attack it using the rapier, the only weapon that gives a bonus to dodge.
How do I get weapons?
Finding weapons is a matter of luck, as whenever someone wins the Doubutt game the weapon will be given to another player who is actively browsing the site at the time. BUT, some users have pooled their weaponry and party hats of healing in one group, so it can be given to whoever needs it: if you want to coordinate with other members and help kill goblins, you can usually just say so when there's a few people in the official warrior thread, and someone will send you what you need to help.

Doubutt Game
The way to get more weapons into circulation is to play and win the Doubutt game, a desktop videogame about the mythical Doubutt trying to get weapons out of the treasury of Forohfor castle and into the hands of those on the front lines.
Every time you win it, an active user (slight preference toward those active with combat) will receive the weapon you supplied. It's impossible to give yourself weapons by playing this game, but enough other people are playing that there's a chance for you to randomly get one of their wins.

With the Many Headed Cyborg Dragon having such high health, the warriors are in desperate need of more weapons!
For more information on how to successfully win the Doubutt game, check out Gamers amazing guide in post #2 of the Official Doubutt thread.
There's also five contests you can participate in, though don't worry, the due dates extend beyond Epic Week itself.
- Dice Roll Tombola
- Write a Sonnet
- Genre Jumble Art Contest
- Essay: How RP has Changed my Life
- Spread the Love Raffle
If you have more questions about how to play in the Epic Week games, please feel free to post them!
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April 28, 2015