Posted by Kim on April 17, 2017, 11:43am
Dear friends,My sincere apologies, but Epic Week will be postponed until May 8 - May 14.
I experienced a death in the family last month, and I haven't been working at full capacity since. I am doing okay, but I find myself needing more quiet time to reflect no matter what my schedule says I ought to be doing. Following a major computer failure over the weekend that soaked up much of my catch-up time, I've had to make the difficult decision to announce this delay.
This year, we've got some fantastic new additions to the gameplay and the most complex plot yet, and I think it's important that we do them justice. Every Epic Week, we experiment with new ideas and try even more ambitious things. We never quite know how it's going to work out until we put it into your hands, but the Epic Week games are always about striving to deliver edge-of-your-seat moments and community-teamwork-inspiring gameplay.
I don't want to subject you to a haphazard event. I know many of you pour your hearts into participating all week long, just as I pour my heart into preparing the event in the months leading up to it. I want Epic wek to be challenging, fun, fulfilling, and worthy of its Epic name.
Bear with me! Just a few more weeks and we'll have Epic Week ignition.
Post tags: Epic Week 2017
I'm sorry for your loss, Kim.
Take as much time as you need to recover!
Take as much time as you need to recover!
We love you Kim, we'll be fine and here for you in whatever way we can.
Take your time, stabilize, hugs and strength to you
And I am actually 100% fine with the week coming a little later this time. Soooo many busy things this year, and I wanna participate so.... I am fine with this
Take your time
And I am actually 100% fine with the week coming a little later this time. Soooo many busy things this year, and I wanna participate so.... I am fine with this
Take your time
Sorry for you're loss... take as much time as you need. We can wait.
Im sorry for your loss Kim. Im sure epic week will be about the same as it always is--Better then last year! Im looking forward to it.
I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I've only lost a family member Christmas last year and I'm still coping, so I completely understand where you're coming from. I sincerely hope things will get better for you. We're all here to support you and wish you the very best.
I hope everything turns out well for you and your family as you go through this time. This'll be my first Epic Week and I'm sincerely looking forward to it.
I have 3 deaths happen to be sense I've been on this website and I'm trying my best to stay positive I hope epic week will be epic.
Please, take your time! It's okay if you postpone. We'll all be patient, I'm sure. ^-^
April 17, 2017
You have my humblest condolences, and I wish you and your family well!