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A Dangerous Discovery

Posted by Kim on April 25, 2023, 1:28pm

Our scouts have made an important discovery...

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The Hero and Princess are climbing the cliffs. They pull themselves up onto a ledge and find themselves facing a cave.

They go inside tentatively. With a lit torch, they find paintings on a wall of an egg bathed in glowing energy. In the next painting, it hatches into a Struth child.

Princess: This is what that Struth sage was telling us… It’s the energy of this island that made the Struth what they are today.

Hero: Right. If they aren’t laid here, in the energy field of the island, their eggs hatch into just regular flightless birds. That’s why there are so few of them left.

Princess: Wait… could that mean?

A lizard assassin appears in silhouette at the mouth of the cave. They whirl to meet him, pulling their weapons. Other lizards emerge out of the darkness behind them, brandishing weapons. One Lizard wizard sparks up a fireball in his clawed hand, illuminating his face.

The Hero and Princess exchange a look.

Hero: I guess it worked on the lizards too.

The lizards rush them. They swing their weapons.


There are 5 contests for you to enter this Epic Week. Roll dice, showcase your creativity, win prizes!


Dice Roll Tombola

This is the easiest prize you've ever won! Just show up every day and roll a 100 sided die. Big prizes await you! Click here for the rules


Tell a Friend Raffle

You don't need any special skills in order to enter this contest. Just make a social media post or tell a friend about the RPR and be entered to win! Last day to enter: May 7th Click here for complete rules!


Comic Dialogue Contest

Oh no! The dialogue of this comic somehow got erased. Can you come up with the best script? Last day to enter: May 14th Click here for complete rules!


Short Story Contest

The luck of a die roll will assign you a theme or topic, and then you'll write a short story to explore it. Last day to enter: May 21st Click here for complete rules!


Genre Mascot Art Contest

Possibly second only to epic week itself, this is one of the most anticipated events of the entire year! Artists select a genre of RP such as fantasy, sci-fi, or horror, and attempt to design an original character mascot that embodies the essence of that genre. The winners adorn our homepage all year long! Last day to enter: May 29th Click here for the Genre Mascot Art Contest rules.

Remember, there's a new tab labeled "Event" that's been added to the navigation menu -- use that link to quickly jump into Epic Week 2023 from anywhere on the site.

Post tags: Epic Week 2023



April 25, 2023

Teehee the rogues are cute.


April 25, 2023

In less than 100 years they've developed high levels of metallurgy, chemistry, mineral extraction and language.

We're doomed.


April 25, 2023

Ohhhh this is getting heated


April 25, 2023

That doesn't bode well.