Posted by Kim on December 29, 2019, 4:43pm
This year, a record-breaking 249 FOBETEO candles were given out, as a result of over 1245 brand-new kudos being given between December 14th and December 25th. And no, that doesn't count duplicates occurring as a result of lag.

That's a rate of about five kudos an hour for nearly two solid weeks! Thank you to everyone who took some time this winter to offer kind, considered words to the people who matter to you. It is so important to remember to tell people that they are seen and appreciated. The simplest of kind words can change the course of a life.
I also want to thank the mod team, who had to read through and approve every single kudos given during this event. There were some truly heroic multi-hundred kudos reviewing sessions that took place during the event.
Last Chance at an Enchanted Wardrobe!
Just a quick reminder -- Enchanted wardrobes leave the store again for another year on January 1st - be sure to grab yours before the start of the new year. Enchanted wardrobes contain 4 pieces of clothing, each one magical in its own right. The most common item that they give is enchanted cloaks of +1 character slots, sometimes in special collector's colors not available in any other way. Get yours now!

Reviewing this year's kudos was an absolute delight! Thank you to everyone who was able to participate!

I loved reading through all the wonderful things people had to say about each other!

Thank you creating RPRepository for all of us Kim.
Love all the candles
Love all the candles
What a year ending with such positivity!

YAY!!! So many amazing candlessss!!!
Well done everyone for spreading so much love and nice words.

It's amazing to see soooo many candles!! Like looking at the sun!

LakotaSiouxWarriorJanuary 11, 2020