Posted by Kim on December 5, 2018, 10:14am

And should OOC frictions arise that prevent members of a RP group from enjoying each other's company, it becomes nearly inevitable that that RP group will dissolve and the IC stories be left unfinished unless the people involved are able to sit down, talk it out, resolve their differences and get back to being friends.
While we spend a lot of time focusing on and creating RP throughout the rest of the year, each year in December we pause to reflect on the OOC relationships that all those games have brought into our lives, and take the time to try and strengthen them. That's what the Festival of Being Excellent to Each Other is all about.
Let them know you care
In keeping with FOBETEO tradition, take the time to thank your RP partners of the past year of fun. Thank them for giving you the gift of their time, attention, creativity, talent, patience and understanding. If you prefer, you can do this via private message.
But if you'd like to recognize what makes your RP partners so special publicly, write a kudos! Tell them how much you appreciate their time, their brilliance, the effort that they put into creating story hooks and plot twists and special moments. Tell your friends how much you've seen them improve and that their hard work has not gone unnoticed. Tell those who were there when you were going through a hard time what a difference it made. It doesn't have to take a long time, but it's sure to mean a lot!

Every five kudos you write this week will earn you a special winter candle accolade to display proudly on your profile, available only during FOBETEO.
Remember, to be eligible, a kudos needs to contain a clear "why" explaining what makes your friend so special! Don't just say "He's awesome!", tell the world what makes your friend so awesome. Click here for the complete kudos guidelines.

An annual excuse to be able to tell everyone how amazing they are is always a good holiday in my book.
Let me love you all.
*snickers* This festival/event always makes me feel like a big fluffy puppy...
Shout out to Demilicious who's kudos to me almost made me cry tears of joy
we should really talk more~~
Shout out to Demilicious who's kudos to me almost made me cry tears of joy

This is wonderful. Showing your freinds and fellow roleplayers. How much you appreciate and care about them.
My favorite time of the year!
Yay it's candle time again!
Wonderful, just wonderful.
'Cause I haven't been pre-planning awesomeness for about a week now for this. Noooo

GalaxyStar2December 6, 2018