Posted by Kim on December 5, 2024, 9:00am
Hey friends! Just a real quick Being Excellent to Each Other tip for the day: Identify who makes the holiday magic in your household, and plan some magic for them!Maybe it's your mom, or wife, or an older sibling that is out there buying all the chocolate and toys for everyone else's stockings. Is anyone remembering to get some surprises for theirs? Are they having to stuff their own stocking, or go without? Is there someone cooking everyone else's favorite dishes, but isn't making their own favorites? Use some of those holiday days off to get out there and make sure they will feel seen and appreciated in return this holiday.
And if you celebrate some other winter holiday that's already passed and are slapping your forehead realizing you forgot, make sure to put a reminder on your calendar for next year.

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December 5, 2024
I celebrate Yule, on the Winter Solstice, so I think I will do a self-care ritual and just take the time to "just be". No worries, no stress, no fuss! Just be in the moment and enjoy the little things!