Posted by Kim on April 8, 2022, 9:00am
RP prompts may be complete plot ideas, a single situation, a character, a feeling, a challenge, or even a photo to use as inspiration. Start a new RP to play them out, or use them to add a twist to an existing RP. Modify them, take inspiration from them, or use them as is!
Character A is a cunning immortal. They have kept this secret for centuries by taking on a new name every fifty years or so, but one day, Character B contacts them to reveal they have concrete evidence connecting their many alternate identities! What does Character B want: money, a favor, or are they simply curious? Will Character A oblige? - Suggested by Libertine
Do you have a suggestion for a RP prompt or plot bunny you'd like to see featured in the news? Send it to Kim -- if it's picked, you'll receive credit for the idea.
Post tags: RP Prompt
Awesome idea.
Oooh this is so interesting!!

I have so much interest in this one. 0 v0
I think this is the first time I've seen a friday RP prompt I found interesting. Kudos to whoever suggested this one!
Ooo sounds cool
Ooh, this is neat

April 13, 2022