Posted by Kim on December 30, 2016, 11:36am
RP prompts may be complete plot ideas, a single situation, a character, a feeling, a challenge, or even a photo to use as inspiration. Start a new RP to play them out, or use them to add a twist to an existing RP. Modify them, take inspiration from them, or use them as is!
You have the opportunity to travel back in time to prevent the creation of your deadliest enemy. But would destroying their civilization make you any better than they are? - suggested by Darth_Angelus
Do you have a suggestion for a RP prompt or plot bunny you'd like to see featured in the news? Send it to Kim -- if it's picked, you'll receive credit for the idea.
Post tags: RP Prompt
December 30, 2016
Over the years, Duncan had valiantly fought against marauders and thieves, all sent clandestinely at the behest of a King Janus Gregory III. I appeared before Duncan disguised as a traveling merchant, coming to offer news that was to solve his greatest a cost. I told him a story, speaking of how his bravery had once saved my family from certain death. I then went on to explain that in gratitude, I would offer him recompense. I divulged the variety of questionable individuals I had met during my dealings, weaving a tale of a mercenary army that sought King Janus' downfall. Upon Duncan's approval, I was to give this group of hired swords the information required to lay siege across the tyrannical rulers kingdom. It was with great sorrow that I witnessed Duncan's eventual acceptance.
In an attempt to offer the Knight an opportunity to correct his error, I set the events in motion. The mercenaries were given the information and resources needed to raze Janus' kingdom to the ground. Sir Duncan did nothing, save ride his steed to the kingdoms boundary in order to watch the grounds burn.
Upon that night, my purpose shifted. Before I was a blessed creature, guiding benevolent mortals along a righteous path. When Duncan failed his final test, I became the personification of his end. I became his angel of death. When the final innocent drew their last breath, I manifested before the Knight once again. On this occasion, I wore the full countenance of my unearthly visage. Crimson flames surrounded the blade I pulled from it's sheath. With one swooping arc of my sword, I deflected Duncan's attack. With a second, I then thrust the blade down into his chest. Tears began to form almost immediately as I watched the light die in his eyes. When Sir Duncan's lifeless body collapsed to the ground I dropped my sword, fell to my knees and wept.
On the evening of Duncan's corruption, I had become irrevocably changed. Now cast from heaven for my failure, I am left to wander the earth as an immortal shell. Eternally cursed with the image of Duncan's final moments forever seared within my memory.