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Get your creative juices flowing this weekend with a Meet Cute

Posted by Kim on February 12, 2016, 11:44am

The Meet Cute event is still going on through this weekend! The RPR challenges you to arrange a "meet cute" scene between two characters that have never met one another before. Remember, the results don't have to be romantic. The meeting just has to be funny, dramatic, unusual, explosive -- in other words, the kind of thing people will talk about for years to come.

A meet-cute is a scene in film, television, or literature in which two characters meet in a way that is so unusual or memorable, it seems as if their coming together must have been fate.

You are encouraged to not only choose a character that you've never played with before, but a player you've never played with before, too! This is a perfect chance to make a new friend and experiment with potential new RP partners without any risk. It's up to you if your RP will continue beyond the first meet cute scene!

If you are posting a RP ad on the Looking for RP forum, be sure to include "Meet Cute" in the title so others interested in giving this experiment a try can easily find you.

Looking for a meet cute? Try these!



February 13, 2016

@Draken901 You may want to re-read the first paragraph again. Meet Cute scenes do not have to result in romance - lifelong enemies is also an acceptable option. :)


February 12, 2016

I guess I won't be attending any of these. Considering almost all of my characters aren't built for possible romance, and/or probably won't fit in to any of these whatsoever. Not complaining though. I don't even remember the last time I had a close relation/romance RP, and would probably be as rusty as a brazen steam pipe. (a.k.a. probably never had any/been in one rarely)


February 12, 2016

@ThePsychicBruiser You can do as many Meet Cutes as you like. From my perspective, this is just a fun, low risk, low commitment way to step out of your comfort zone and maybe make a new friend you can play with year round. If you end up making more than one new friend, all the better! :D


February 12, 2016

I like this idea. I do have a question. Is it one per character? Or can we use other characters and request as well?