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Help stop Congress from blocking US citizens from accessing sites like the RP repository

Posted by Kim on November 16, 2011, 1:45pm

Did you know that the entertainment industry once sued someone for posting a video of their baby on Youtube, because you could hear a static-addled song playing on the radio in the background?

Did you know that the entertainment industry sued to try and stop the first VCRs? And the first mp3 players?

Now they want the power not only to sue any site on the internet that contains copyrighted content in any amount -- They want the power to have the US government block the site from being accessed by anyone in the United States.

Under this law, it would mean that the RP repository could be shut down if a single person used an icon with a picture of a cartoon character they liked, or posted a screenshot from a game.

Bills like this are an emergency for the internet. If you are a US citizen and you value free speech, please, take a moment to contact your representatives in congress.

You can also sign an online petition, but don't stop there. Nothing is as powerful as calling. It shows this issue is more important to you than a click of the mouse.

Enter your zip code here to find your congressional representatives, and tell them you are against the so called "Protect-IP" and SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) acts.

The good news? We know that we can make a difference. Different versions of this law have already been protested and stopped many times in the past, but big corporations keep reviving it in Congress. Keep telling them no!



November 16, 2011

These acts seems to be written by bitter people with so many bad experiences with the internet that they can't see the good sides of it and wish to ruin it for everyone else. I see no other explanation. It's tragic and unfair, that's all. This bill should not pass. *puts Gandalf in between it and the Congress*


November 16, 2011

How awful, Darth! I hope it's not just ISPs, but everyone with a net connection that is trying to get them overturned.


November 16, 2011

Similar laws were passed in the UK in 2010, they have yet to come into force however and ISPs are working to get them overturned.


November 16, 2011

I just got through calling all my representatives. It didn't take long, and their offices were very polite and helpful.

There are two versions of this bill, PIPA (Protect IP Act) and SOPA (Stop Online Piracy) Act. Tell them you hate both!


November 16, 2011

I signed, but since I'm not in the US I can't do much else. :( I hope people try hard to stop this!


November 16, 2011

I think Tumblr was talking about this. It's just...ugh. Ridiculous. Big Brother much? That's waaaaaay too strict. I'm definitely against it, especially if it puts my beloved RPR in danger! D: