Posted by Kim on January 1, 2022, 9:00am

Nobody claim 2022 as "your year." We're all going to walk in real slow. Be good. Be quiet. Be cautious and respectful. Don't touch anything.
Or something similar to that -- there's a couple versions floating around.
And after the roller coaster years we've been having, I GET IT.
...I do have some goals though.

Last year, I experimented with ways to make maps and avatars work for us. This year, I'm going to try and implement them for really reals.
Before 2023 rolls in, I want to make it possible for you to design a map for your RP, and you and your RP partners can position your characters' avatars on it in real time as you play. Sometimes, spacial positioning Really Matters. Sometimes, it's just super fun. This is one of those big ambitious goals that is big and fast enough I'm a bit scared by it.
I can't promise I'll achieve it on this timeline. But I can promise I will try my hardest. There may be a bake sale event this year to help me carve out enough time to tackle it exclusively, without the constant interruption of clients.
In addition to that, I've set myself a side-theme of privacy, security and comfort, and hope to pump out some updates related to that as well.

What over-arching theme(s) are you setting yourself for 2022?
Being able to design a map and place avatars would be FANTASTIC! I wish you all the best luck with that! Even if it does not materialize in the expected timeline, I will happily wait for it.
I've found out that I spend the majority of my time in my room, alone, so I might try focusing on spend time with the people around me, even if I'm very introverted.
And as for the site, I would like to see if I can expand my vocabulary to make my replies ✨awesome✨
And as for the site, I would like to see if I can expand my vocabulary to make my replies ✨awesome✨
Find one more partner who can write gay characters compassionately, realistically and without objectifying the ever-loving hell out of them.
I don't give myself good odds.
I don't give myself good odds.
well 2021 was comparatively great for me
As usual my goal for this year is just modelling objectives. I want to complete at least one scene for air, ground, space, and sea each, make a globe, and model a fantasy character. Wouldn't protest having a render to use for character pictures finally, either...
getting a new computer which should help me improve my rendering capability, to help me make more complex scenes. And since I just started getting into substance painter I should have much nicer textures for my things. Still, alot to do...
As usual my goal for this year is just modelling objectives. I want to complete at least one scene for air, ground, space, and sea each, make a globe, and model a fantasy character. Wouldn't protest having a render to use for character pictures finally, either...
getting a new computer which should help me improve my rendering capability, to help me make more complex scenes. And since I just started getting into substance painter I should have much nicer textures for my things. Still, alot to do...
I just hope to make this year better than last year. Last year had its downsides. I also want to reconnect to RPR in full and be more social like I was when I first joined the site.
Just generally working toward getting my life into some kind of better, more sustainable order. I'm aiming to rip out the floorboards and work directly on the foundation, metaphorically speaking.
Well at least try and start to learn how to drive let’s say that pretty overdue…. And well maybe work on my characters profiles way more so it’s better looking also! And I love the idea of a map Kim!
I'm going to try to make backstories for all of my characters, try to write more things for RPs (which will most likely fail, but hey I'm trying), and finally I'm going to try and make edits for my characters.
My goal is literally to better myself. And whatever that could possibly mean is any vast assortment of things that will make me feel like I am happy with who I am.
I want to get this new job, I want to secure a future for me and my little family, I want to be in a mentally stable place again, I want to reconnect with friends, and confront and overcome the demons of my past. And, of course, I want to write to my heart's content.
I am far-reaching and all of these may be a bit much, but I am on a path of change already. I hope it will be everything I have worked so hard toward.
Happy New Years. Let us welcome 2022 as an opportunity for change. 🎉
I want to get this new job, I want to secure a future for me and my little family, I want to be in a mentally stable place again, I want to reconnect with friends, and confront and overcome the demons of my past. And, of course, I want to write to my heart's content.
I am far-reaching and all of these may be a bit much, but I am on a path of change already. I hope it will be everything I have worked so hard toward.
Happy New Years. Let us welcome 2022 as an opportunity for change. 🎉
Finish half of my novel at the least, and pass advanced algebra so I can get into pre-calculus and college calculus so I can finish my associates finally and move on to my bachelors, pretty much thats all for me
My plans/themes for 2022 are moving my body more consistently and getting a few stories published! As well as more frequent RP replies.
^-^ I'm very excited about your plans Kim!
^-^ I'm very excited about your plans Kim!
I'm pretty well with Thatnerdychick. I have the same plans.
January 4, 2022