Posted by Kim on February 7, 2019, 8:55am

These roses double as greeting cards -- plucking the petals from a white rose will reveal a mediation on the nature of love or innocence, but consume the rose.
Plus -- they're absolutely perfect for beautifying a user profile!
Remember last year when we were offering blue roses and we said it'd be years before they were available again? And the year before that, when it was purple roses? We weren't kidding! And these white roses are the same -- this is the only week they'll be available for YEARS, so don't miss out!

There are five chocolates per box, and who knows what kind they'll be? This chocolate tastes like epicness, this one tastes like more characters, this one contains poetry and this one... Well, that one just has ganache in the center. Give your valentine a surprising treat this year, and see what they bite into!
If you get a box of chocolates, be sure to leave a comment letting us know what you got!

Oh heck. Gotta love pretty flowers...
I don't have the money for these things, but I hope all y'all great people have lovely... Celebration-of-the-Middle-of-February Day™.

@StaticNightmares - You will get a quote about the topic it says. but consume the rose.
I'm a little confused. I just got gifted a white rose (thanks SexySultryBabe), but what happens when you pluck? I know it says a 'mediation of innocence or love' but I dont know what that means...
Just bought a box and got
-2 days of epicness
-2 more days of epicness
-A black rose
-This quote:
-And 4 more days of epicness
-2 days of epicness
-2 more days of epicness
-A black rose
-This quote:
"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
--William Blake
--William Blake
-And 4 more days of epicness

Very creative ideas.
This is tempting...and it was even before I read this, because somebody got me *Forrest Gump voice* a box of chocolates. And somebody else got me a rose. Yep, it's very tempting but I dunno. I need to plant a money tree in my back yard. We'll see!
I got 1 poetry a red rose and a total of 16 days of epicness (6+6+4). 
Also I almost cried when I saw I missed purple flowers
I cannot wait for them to return

Also I almost cried when I saw I missed purple flowers

;^; I can't afford it because I get my paycheck next week... help meh.
Broke af and probably will be forever
broke person here but great thought
I would love to do this with the people in my group, but I don't know if I have the money to do so.
I got the chocolates and ended up with a black rose, a total of 11 days of epicness (6+5), a character slot, and a Woody Harrelson quote.
February 8, 2019