Posted by Kim on April 8, 2024, 12:00pm
It's time to start getting hype! Epic Week is just 18 days away!For those of you doing math and squinting, you're right -- this year, Epic Week will kick off on April 26th (instead of the 24th as has been usual in the past.) This means Epic Week will get to begin on a Friday, letting more folks participate in the kick-off over the weekend.
What is Epic Week? Epic Week is the site's birthday celebration, featuring contests, prizes, games, and a site-wide plot where everyone can be the hero! It typically lasts 7 to 10 days, depending on how fast you all solve the puzzles and defeat the monsters. Learn more about Epic Week here, or check out the lore wiki for overviews of all the past Epic Week games and plots!
Post tags: Epic Week 2024
this ROCKS!!!!
I'm so ready!!
I'm so ready!!
I've been away for a while but heck yeah I'll be here for Epic Week! So excited!
The first server in space I'm so proud
My first epic week! I hope I can be part of it if life doesn't get busy.
excited to see what unfolds, i have my space popcorn ready 🍿🍿🍿
excited to see what unfolds, i have my space popcorn ready 🍿🍿🍿
Space. The Final Frontier.
Throughout history, human kind has looked to the stars and wondered, "Just what is out there". What lies beyond our solar system, or even beyond our galaxy? Are there other forms of sentient life out there, even if they aren't in a form that we can comprehend? It is this and other questions that the Odyssey-1, the first manned mission to leave the solar system, will uncover.
Throughout history, human kind has looked to the stars and wondered, "Just what is out there". What lies beyond our solar system, or even beyond our galaxy? Are there other forms of sentient life out there, even if they aren't in a form that we can comprehend? It is this and other questions that the Odyssey-1, the first manned mission to leave the solar system, will uncover.
Kim and Server look soooo cute in their space-suits!
I've just watched the last season of 'For All Mankind' so am all hyped for space! This is going to be so fun! I'm bouncing up and down in my desk chair!
I managed to snag a ride on the Helios Phoenix 1 and am already up mining the space junk!
I've just watched the last season of 'For All Mankind' so am all hyped for space! This is going to be so fun! I'm bouncing up and down in my desk chair!
I managed to snag a ride on the Helios Phoenix 1 and am already up mining the space junk!
Server ;___;
I would literally DIE to have a print of this for my wall???
We bouta commence a RPG game with this one!
Oooh, space junk! Cake! Astronaut stuff!! I'm getting hype!
Ooooh man, I have GOT to set aside for this! I genuinely hope to be able to contribute even more this year.
That actually works a little better for me since my mom and I will be leaving around the 24th. I'll still be out and miss a big chunk, but that also means it will run longer so I can still get in on some of the action.
omg server looks so cuteee!! I'm excited
April 17, 2024