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MadRatBird's RP adventure

Posted by Kim on November 21, 2015, 12:44pm

How has RP changed your life? Perhaps it helped you gain confidence, become a better writer, learn new things about yourself, maybe even led you to a special someone? During Epic Week (April), we asked members to write essays explaining the effects that being involved in RP has had on their lives and why it was important that it was RP and not some other hobby. The responses were fascinating, moving, and often inspiring.

Here is the fourth and final essay in that series!

MadRatBird's RP Adventure

by MadRatBird

It's no secret that I've had to rely on creativity growing up to keep myself content and happy. Ever since I could hold a pencil, I was drawing. As soon as I learned to write words, I wrote stories. This continued up until I was about 13, when I began to text-roleplay on Furcadia.

For me, I've always been really shy. I know, it sounds pretty cliche, but I've had a lot of crappy hardships I've experienced, even at thirteen, that left me damaged and unable to socialize very easily at all. People scared me - legitimately terrified me - because how was I supposed to know if they would be abusive to me or not? I was picked on at school, afraid to voice opinions even to my close family, and overall just a big skittish pushover. I guess I haven't changed too much from that, but still. The stressors in my life were getting to me at that time, and the moment I popped onto Furcadia, I learned that maybe there was an escape.

I see a lot of people think escapism like this is unhealthy, but for me, it helped me out in many ways. I don't have an impressive vocabulary, but roleplaying has helped me put thought in words, research them when I didn't know what they were, learn how to express emotion through text... it taught me a lot. More than what I learned as a writer, I learned what it's like to have friends. There are odd people out there just like me who enjoy weird music and the paranormal and scary stories. I love art, more than anything really, but writing with people gave me a means to communicate.

Anytime I felt depressed or angry, I could escape to fictional worlds where none of that existed anymore. It was therapy for me, and it always will be. If I was recovering from flashbacks and I needed someone to talk to or help me stay distracted, there was always someone there. If I needed advice, I could count on my friends I played with. If I needed to express an idea for a plot I had in a dream, I could count on my roleplaying buddies to bring it to life. There are countless little things about the hobby that add up to make me happy. I'm not sure I'd have turned out to be the person I am today if not for rping, mainly because I would have so little to help me relieve my stress or help me forget. I wouldn't be as creative. Or artistic (because a lot of my practice came from drawing original characters).

I hope maybe one day I can help someone the way my friends have helped me, because this is just phenomenal. This is a community I belong to, and one I won't let go of so easily.

Essentially, roleplaying has kept me content with myself, and allowed me to express parts of myself I wasn't sure existed. I expanded on my creativity, became a bit more social, and have found some form of therapy that helps. I've made real friends, fallen in love, and learned to love myself through this hobby.



November 22, 2015

You're a beautiful soul, Bird.
I want you to know that you've been a something and a someone to me since I've met you.
You're hilarious and fun, exciting and an absolute delight to roleplay with, to shoot shit with and to draw dumb and goofy things with.

You have helped someone--me.
And you continue to do it too.
Whatever time we can spend together, is cherished.
Whatever we're doing, or talking about, or musing over--it's gold.
And always will be.


November 21, 2015

@MFManda! That's happened to me, too, sort of. The hobby caused strain in relationships even though I'd only wish to do it when my partner was busy with her games with friends. It felt a little unfair, and RPR/forumstuff gave me a way to do that in a less time-consuming way.

@68_Dare and Aethling! <3 <3

@Libertine! BUB <3 <3 And that RP is technically still going aw yee 8} Ilu though. The Ren Faire was super fun, and I'm super glad to have met you, too! And thank you so much ;o; You're sweet

You're all so sweet <3


November 21, 2015

If it weren't for RPR, I would have never met this epic homey. Our longest RP is over 3,600 posts long, we've gone on a real world (ren fair) adventure together, and Bird continues to make me smile on a daily basis. I hope your confidence continues to grow bub, you're a wonderful person that deserves to appreciate yourself as much as others do.


November 21, 2015



November 21, 2015

I feel the same way!

Many people have accused furcadia,(as well as roleplay, creating fantasy worlds.....) as being an unhealthy addiction. It has cost me relationships because I would not quit. I would leave, then sneak on, and get found out.
  • I've made friends here that I have held and have given me advice since before I hit puberty. Some of these friends have given me advice, and come from different cultures and areas and helped me gain alternative views to the world, and issues in my life. Some very deep depressions, and confused teenage and young adult years have been alleviated with the help of my 'imaginary' friends.
  • It has answered questions and helped me explore options I can't get IRL or is very difficult to understand concerning my sexual orientation and even sexual identity, as well as certain things I have liked in roleplay that translate to real life. (Half of the people that have broken up with me over this game should seriously be THANKING it)
  • It has inspired me in both art and imagination. It has kept me drawing and creating and breathing life into paper with graphite, and weaving intricate and exciting tales that have ferried my son and niece into vivid dream worlds.

    I've heard the same things MadRatBird. I've felt the same world. Keep creating. I'm also a fan of your works <3 Anything that keeps that imagination flowing is great in my book.


November 21, 2015

Petal. <3