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Moderator Appreciation Day 2024

Posted by Kim on July 2, 2024, 9:00am

Every year I get another reason to appreciate this amazing team of moderators. Over the past months I've been struggling with finding a diagnosis for some kind of sleep disorder that has wildly disrupted my life. And even on days where I had no choice but to sleep for 19 hours - I knew this sweet site was being watched over.

That there was a whole team of people who truly cared --

reaching out to chat with users whose recent profile updates sounded like they were struggling.

Who were following up on red flags that lead to the unmasking of transphobes and showing them the door.

Who are reviewing hundreds of images a day for content that needs a warning.

Who keep the site from being overrun by spam bots daily.

Even when I can't exactly sleep well at night, I sleep confidently knowing that there are folks who care about this community the way that I do, watching out for both big and small details.
It's July 2nd, and on the RP Repository, that means Moderator Appreciation Day!
This is a day where we celebrate for all moderators, everywhere. Yes, it's a salute to our extremely hard working site moderators, but I'm certain there are plenty of other moderators in your life, too - moderators of RPR groups. Moderators of Facebook Groups. Moderators of Discords. Moderators of forums. Moderators of LiveJournal groups? Please, take a moment to send a thank you note to the various moderators in your life. They're probably all doing VASTLY more than you know about in order to keep your online experience from being overrun by bots, trolls, and other sea monsters that inhabit the deeps of the internet.

Please join me today in thanking our moderation team, and then go out into your online world and thank every other moderator you can think of too!

Post tags: Moderator Appreciation Day



July 2, 2024

I certainly appreciate the safety I've been granted, the freedom of being able to explore and meander without worry because I have a team of individuals who have my back. I'm very privileged in this regard, so my hat is completely off to you, mods. Without you we wouldn't be able to enjoy the freedoms we have, the ability to be ourselves without discrimination, without persecution.

We are truly grateful for the safekeeping, the gatekeeping, the protection, the fun events, the interactions, the presence you bring to us all, and everything in between. Thank you a thousand times over! We are indebted to your services! <3


July 2, 2024

In realms where tales and fantasies intertwine,
Where worlds are crafted from the depths of mind,
There dwell the guardians, steadfast and true,
Whose noble duty shapes the stories anew.

Behold the moderators, with hearts aglow,
They walk the corridors where dreams ebb and flow.
Guides through the mists where characters roam,
Their presence a beacon, a safe, welcoming home.

With a touch of magic in each keystroke they wield,
They weave harmony where chaos once reeled.
Welcoming newcomers with warmth and grace,
In every thread, creating a friendly space.

Yet when shadows loom, and troubles arise,
They stand as sentinels with watchful eyes.
Swiftly they quell the tumult and strife,
Restoring peace to the tapestry of life.

Patience their virtue, in abundance they share,
Navigating conflicts with wisdom and care.
For every discord, a resolution they find,
Balancing justice with a gentle, firm mind.

Oh, moderators, champions unseen,
In the kingdom of pixels, you reign supreme.
Heroes of the digital realm you'll be,
For safeguarding our haven, we thank thee.

From spam bots vanquished to troublemakers tamed,
Through laughter and tears, your legacy framed.
To the moderators of this role-playing domain,
Your dedication and kindness forever remain.

So raise a cheer, let gratitude resound,
For the moderators who keep harmony bound.
In this community, you shine bright and true,
Thank you, awesome mods, for all that you do.


July 2, 2024


Thanks Mods!


July 2, 2024

Thank you mods!!


July 2, 2024

Thank you mod team for everything, y'all are just the bee's knees. πŸ₯°


July 2, 2024

Thank you, mods. I still tell folks about how this site has some of the kindest, most well-reasoned mods out there and have assured friends I tell about RPR that they don't need to be afraid of y'all. <3


July 2, 2024


Yeah the mods are incredible.

I watched someone get checked in such a short time after showing very dull colors on the website, I've had them communicate with me when my characters or words weren't the most acceptable (I like to use lots of curse words, I"m sorry, lol) And every interaction in general chat, or PMs, or anywhere on this site is so respectful and kind.

This team, specifically, needs daily appreciation, but...

I'll just take time to really say it today, thanks for keeping one of my favorite places running smoothly ALWAYS.


July 2, 2024

Thank you to the fantastic mods team for helping to maintain the safe and smooth operation of this excellent community!

I love to see it! <3