Posted by Kim on May 10, 2016, 11:27am
Do you obsessively check the RPR all day, hoping you haven't missed any RP posts?
Do you find yourself hitting refresh on forums a hundred times a day, or leaving the forum chat open for hours so you'll know right away the next time your favorite RP partner is ready to continue?Yeah, me too. But now you can get instantly notified on your smartphone or desktop about a new message even if RPR isn't open, with the advent of Push Notifications!
Right now, only Android phones or desktop computers using Chrome or Firefox support standard push notifications from websites, but we'll work to expand onto iPhones and other Apple devices as soon as they catch up.
This is relatively new tech and can be a bit finicky to get working, but it's well worth it! If you've been having trouble, we've prepared a simple troubleshooting guide for you:
Please share this link with friends who mention having difficulty getting push notifications working for them -- it might speed up your RPs!
Note: This feature was announced 10 days ago as part of our Epic Week victory, but those who weren't participating in our site-wide plot often missed it. And some of you knew about it but still had some trouble getting it working, so I thought it was worth a dedicated post with a closer look.
May 10, 2016