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Stupid Answers #3: About life, the universe, and everything

Posted by Kim on October 1, 2011, 3:18pm

Questions about life, the universe, and everything

If olive oil's made by grinding olives, what's the capital of Norway? What is olive oil wasn't made by grinding olives, what would be the capital of Norway then? What's a capital? Why am I asking this again?
Asked by SeraphicStar

Oslo is the capital of Norway, except in the alternate universe where olive oil is made by putting ground olives back together like humpty dumpty. Then the capital of Norway is Olso. Subtle difference.

A capital is a big letter, or a special place, unless it is followed by the word idea, and then it is something very British.

For example:
Capital idea, my good sir! *pops monocle*

Now that's British if I ever saw it.

I believe you are asking these questions because you like to watch me dance. *jazz hands*

Green or purple?
Asked by darth_angelus

Green. Unless it's purple.

Asked by Heimdall

Because I said so!

What's ask a stupid question day about?
Asked by Quillweave

Ask a stupid question day was invented by teachers who wanted to get students to participate more in the class room. They were worried that bright young minds were being wasted, and not expressing their curiosity for fear of looking silly. So they created a day where everyone was encouraged to ask all the questions they wanted, even if the questions might be kind of stupid.

Where is my mind?
Asked by Dragonfire

I would check the gutter. If it isn't there, try outer space. I'm always losing mine there.

Why are there so many Chinese?!?!
Asked by From Devin on Facebook

I'm not a historian, but I once heard an interesting theory on this topic. Chinese traditional medicine was historically more effective than most European methods such as blood letting and trepanning (where a priest drills a hole in your skull to your brain to let the demons escape. As you might imagine, most patients died.)

As a result, the Chinese were more resistant to mass outbreaks of plague. The entire population of Europe was halved three times from major outbreaks of the plague, and that's not even counting minor outbreaks and lesser plagues that killed, say, a quarter of the people rather than half.

If all that is true, then it stands to reason the population of China had more of a head start in the population game. But is it true? I don't know! This is probably a question that requires a lot of time in the library.

Can you smell the rainbow?
Asked by Keiwami

Only with my eyes.

Who is John Galt?
Asked by Minkja

Oh oh oh. Is he an idea?

if you were riding on the ocean and the wheel fell off your jetski, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse?
Asked by Iokua

It depends on the type of pancake. Obviously a silver dollar pancake is going to require more, especially because I will be eating most of my building materials.

What's the number for 911?
Asked by Meli

I understand that in the European Union, it's 1 1 2.

What is the meaning of life?
Asked by Meli

What, you want me to ruin the surprise??

If drinking and driving is illegal, why do they have parking lots for bars?
Asked by Meli

Not everyone goes to a bar to drink! I usually go to dance. Or to drive drunk people home.

Why do you drive on a park way and park in a drive way?
Asked by Meli

Because no one really planned English. It just sort of happened all over the place.

Can you go the wrong way on a freeway?
Asked by Meli

See above about English not really making sense. ;)

If a woodchuck could chuck, could it chuck Chuck Norris?
Asked by Meli

Blasphemy! No one can chuck Chuck Norris!

Why do only some farts smell?
Asked by Meli

The main component of flatulence is actually nitrogen, which doesn't have any smell at all. In fact, it's part of fresh air.

However, your diet and the mixture of bacteria living in your digestive tract can contribute other elements such as methane or sulfur, both of which stink like the dickens. So non-stinky farts are ones that are mostly composed of nitrogen, while smelly ones have higher ratios of other elements in them.

Why is there brail at a drive-up ATM?
Asked by CelestinaGrey

I'm pretty sure banks only manufacture one ATM, and then just kinda install it everywhere. It is a wee bit alarming to imagine, though.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Asked by Wizard

Oh no! Wizard! Your time magic has gone awry! Your words are being rearranged by a swirling time vortex! Who will save communication now? D:

Why does my shoulder hurt?
Asked by Dylan

It's all that weight lifting you've been doing.

And yes, I would like two tickets to the gun show.

What is the ultimate question to life, the universe and everything, to which the answer is 42?
Asked by darth_angelus

Unfortunately, 42 is just a computer error code resulting from the fact that the question and the answer cannot be known in the same universe at the same time.

You don't want to destroy this universe, do you?

Never mind, everybody pretend I didn't just ask a Sith Lord that question.

Thanks for all your awesome stupid questions, everyone. I look forward to more next year!

Of course, you can always ask me any question about the RPR, no matter how obvious you suspect the answer is, and I will do my very best to answer.



October 3, 2011

haha My brother's had this shirt for years.. Here.


October 2, 2011

Lmfao this is a gem.
thanks for all your wonderful answers. ;D


October 2, 2011

Cookies can be deceiving. That is all I will say on the matter ;)


October 2, 2011

heh, I'm glad I waited till this morning to read this it made me giggle :D hehe


October 2, 2011

This... this made me laugh so much xD.


October 1, 2011

Haha! That be mah Lance! But wouldn't they not want to have cake as the cake is a lie. o.o


October 1, 2011

I think we may need to relay this question to Darth and see what he has to say for himself, Lance. ;)


October 1, 2011

Wait! Tis not yet midnight my time! Therefore I have one more randomly stupid question!

*clears throat*

If 42 is actually a computer error code thus preventing the question and it's answer from being known in the same universe, and the sith harbor the desire to destroy the universe and the Jedi, which is clearly an evil intention, then why do recruitment ads state that people should 'Come to the dark side. We have cookies' when cookies are clearly an item of compelling goodness and lawful intent which clearly goes against the sith's teachings?


October 1, 2011

This made my day. And my week. And probably my life.


October 1, 2011

OH my lawd Kim. You seriously made me laugh out loud to the answer you gave my question.



October 1, 2011

It seems my plans have been discovered...