Posted by Kim on August 24, 2011, 12:42pm
On August 24 of 79 A.D., Mount Vesuvius erupted. The mountain's top split open, spewing superheated steam, ash and stone thousands of feet into the sky. The sea was sucked away from the shore by an earthquake, revealing the hulks of wrecked ships for miles, fish writhing on the abruptly dry land. In the neighboring city of Pompeii, the eruption came so suddenly that people were entombed in ash and would be discovered centuries later as perfect "statues" -- once living human beings frozen for all time playing cards, eating dinner, cowering in the streets from the wrath of the volcano.It was an event so dramatic that it is forever enshrined in legend, even after the Romans themselves could no longer find the lost city of Pompeii. For generations, it has captured the imaginations of Prophets, historians, writers, and indeed, those of the nerdly persuasion the world over.
Today we honor this curious piece of history with two new templates: Burnt Offerings and Phreatic Eruption

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I've always loved this bit of history. Well, 'loved' is maybe the wrong word. Anyway, it's awesome to see it mentioned here, and the two new templates are won-der-ful!
*joins what seems like everyone else in absolutely loving Burnt Offerings*

Oh wow, these look awesome!
And odd, I thought this was pertaining to something I'd have no knowledge in.
But sweet, Mt. Vesuvius and Pompeii! I like the recognition!
And odd, I thought this was pertaining to something I'd have no knowledge in.

Everyone guessed Windows 95! I was fascinated by that trend.
And here I was thinking it'd be something about Windows 95 or the Gutenberg bible being completed. 
Burnt Offerings looks pretty spiffy, though.

Burnt Offerings looks pretty spiffy, though.
I've set Lord Darth Angelus to have Phreatic Eruption, it looks quite suitable for a Sith Lord, I need to resize the picture of him though, it's a little big for the template.
Burnt offerings is definitely one of my favorites on the site so far. I look forward to expanding the color selection.
Pompeii is one of my mom's obsessions, and I can see why. It's incredible.
Pompeii is one of my mom's obsessions, and I can see why. It's incredible.
OoOOoooOOOoooo. I do like Burnt Offerings.
August 25, 2011