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There's still time to share the Excellence

Posted by Kim on December 13, 2014, 10:18am

I am so grateful for the amount of love and warmth that is in this community -- not to mention all the talent, all the attention to detail, the supportiveness and the, well... the sense of community!

In the last five days, 647 kudos have been sent, and 104 candy cane badges have been earned.

Don't worry, you have until Sunday (tomorrow!) evening to keep earning candy cane badges, if you haven't yet had your fill!

candycane.png Every five kudos you write will earn you a special candy cane accolade to display proudly on your profile, available only another 40(ish) hours!

Remember, to be eligible, a kudos needs to contain a clear "why" explaining what makes your friend so special. Don't just say "He's awesome!", tell the world what makes your friend so awesome. Click here for complete kudos guidelines.

Happy Festival of Being Excellent To Each Other, everyone. <3