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Time to Start Finalizing Your Collaborative OCs

Posted by Kim on August 19, 2024, 9:00am

Okay, all the suggestions are in -- it's over to you, Collaborative OC idea requesters.

Starting today, it's your job to go through all of the ideas that were posted for you and create a character using as many of the offered ideas as you like, and that make sense together.

Build an RPR profile for that character, and be sure to include credits somewhere on the character's profile for every idea you pulled from the brainstorming topic. You will have two weeks to finish building the character from the community's ideas. Once you're done, remember to post a link to your new character profile in the topic where you had asked for ideas.

The last day to get your character profile all finished is September 8th :)



September 8, 2024

I did create a character and I did collaborate with someone on it, but my forum post never got added to the official list on the original announcement. So I wanted to make sure you saw it.


September 4, 2024

Considering I just joined back after a long long hiatus I don’t think I have anything feedback or otherwise 🤣


August 20, 2024

I wonder if it's alright to use the ideas that we were given, but tweak the original character idea we gave at the beginning of this event?


August 20, 2024

I know, I was simply exaggerating. I didn't get much input however and not enough to really flesh out the character


August 20, 2024

I gave you input?? You.. just didn't really like it. ^^; /nm

Also, I didn't get much input on mine either, but I appreciate the time and work people put into what few posts I did get!! <3


August 20, 2024

Sadly I didn't get any input on mine, not even anything for her character and barely anything for her appearance, so I will not be making her a profile and I am abandoning the project for her vocals.


August 19, 2024

What do I do if I'm suddenly too sick to do this 8( I plan on it eventually I'm just unwell