The first breakthrough of the day came when Dragonfire approached the portal, and whispered the words, "The Fairie Queene" to the unicorn seal. There was a crash of thunder, and the unicorn seal was activated!
As they slumbered, a strange star appeared in the sky above them. It streaked across the night and came crashing down in the woods outside of Repository city. A strange portal grew up out of the ground where it fell.
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Prophets, seers and oracles have been watching the skies in the kingdom of the RP Repository. The signs are now too clear to ignore -- they warn of a shifting in the fabric of reality. A trouble the Repository has never before known is on the horizon.
For some of you, the merriment of Valentine's day rings shrill. You prefer to reflect on how absurd it is that we celebrate the beheading of St. Valentine by giving each other sappy cards and candies.
A meet-cute is a scene in film, television, etc. in which a future romantic couple meets for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing.