It's almost time for March's office hours! If you want to track me down and speak with me in real time about any RPR-related questions, concerns, ideas, or whatever else, you'll be guaranteed some "face time" today and tomorrow.
If you want to track me down and speak with me in real time about any RPR-related questions, concerns, ideas, or whatever else, you'll be guaranteed some "face time" next weekend.
If you prefer to reflect on how absurd it is that we celebrate the beheading of St. Valentine by giving each other sappy cards and candies, then the black rose may be for you.
This week, the RPR challenges you to arrange a "meet cute" scene between two characters that have never met one another before. The results don't have to be romantic, but they do have to be funny, dramatic or so off-the-wall that it's the kind of thing people will talk about for years to come.