We're switching over to a whole new email system. This is not just meant to address the issues that Microsoft email users were having -- it should make email much better for all members!
If you want to track me down and speak with me in real time about any RPR-related questions, concerns, ideas, or whatever else, you'll be guaranteed some "face time" next weekend.
If you are a part of an online community, group or game with more than three members and it isn't a toxic pit of drama and name calling (or mostly isn't), it's probably that way because there are moderators in that community working their butts off to keep the atmosphere welcoming.
As promised: Our site rules and forum rules have been updated, and the Looking For RP board has been successfully split into two versions -- All Ages and Adult Only.
If you want to track me down and speak with me in real time about any RPR-related questions, concerns, ideas, or whatever else, you'll be guaranteed some "face time" in the next two days.
If you want to track me down and speak with me in real time about any RPR-related questions, concerns, ideas, or whatever else, you'll be guaranteed some "face time" next weekend.