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Forums » Main Room » Chaotic little-

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Currently, Raymond was running around the main room, looking for the next person to pull a prank on. It was worth mentioning he refused to wear shoes, despite the fact numerous staff members tried their hardest to get them on him. It was also odd that he was one of the oldest children in the nursery, being 6 years old. He’s been here for as long as anyone could remember, though. Back in the present, he was rambunctiously awaiting his next victim…Or a staff member to put him in his place.

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Honey was walking the room with her arms tucked behind her back, eying each child, making sure they were doing well and didn't need assistance. She occasionally reached down to pick up a toy or two, then headed over to put it away, but overall, she stayed silent.
Raymond chuckled a tad at this, knowing she was the next person he would prank as he balled up the dirt he got from the garden and threw it at her. He then ran a few feet away, but his laughter instantly sold him out.
Honey perked her head up upon the impact of a thick, ball of dirt hit the back of her dress.

She turned around quickly, her eyes wide and alert. Then heard the laughter and instantly knew who threw it. With a frustrated sigh, she tried to get as much dirt off her dress as she could, then quickly trudged over to where Raymond's laughter was coming from. "Raymond!" She called, her voice not mean, but clearly not too happy with him.
Raymond couldn't help but continue laughing, even after he was caught. How could he not? She was sooooo mad at him. "Sorry!" He eventually called out, still laughing and almost crying from it.
Honey sighed loudly and searched for Raymond until she finally found him. "I can't believe you!" She said, her nose-in-air. "Such a naughty, little..." She took a breath to calm down, "Do I have to put you in time-out?" She said calmly, her arms behind her back sternly.
“Noooooo!” He protested, flailing his arms wildly before crossing them. “It was a jokeee!” He exclaimed, pouting.
Honey sighed and shook her head, "This hasn't been your first joke either. Despite me asking you to stop, you've continued." She said. "Once more and I'll send you to sit in the Time-Out corner, understood?" Honey said, making sure he understood.

Or at least, attempting to.
She didn't know if it would work or not.
“Fine.” He grumbled, crossing his arms as he started to walk away.

Before coming back with another mud ball that was in his pocket and throwing it at her, running away afterwards as he giggled the whole way.
Honey sighed in-relief. The boy seemed to understand, at least somewhat-

..Another mud ball hit her dress.
-Oh, no, he didn't.

Honey then quickly chased after him, "Oh no, you com'ere! You've earned yourself time-out corner, mister!" Honey frowned, frustration tucked away in her voice when she spoke.
Raymond giggled the whole way as he ran down the room, eventually stopping to catch his breath once he thought he outran her. He laughed as he did so, which probably gave his position away.