No God-Like Characters: Characters must act in accordance with the group dynamic and story. No “GOD” like characters will be accepted into the group for any reason. This rule ensures that other player's characters will be able to flourish and that no player characters experience being “stomped” over by one particular person. It also allows balanced power play allowing synergy and dynamic story development, a level playing field. Please refer to the character “classes” section for reference. Note that there are two distinct categories “playable” and “assigned". All classes under the "assigned" category must first be discussed and approved by an admin. Supernatural characters are certainly allowed and encouraged, however not to the point where it may impede on other players and their concurrent stories and characters.
No Anonymous Characters: Anonymous Characters will be automatically rejected in the application process. If you wish to keep your character(s) anonymous you have the right, but to apply to the group is a privilege. If you wish to keep your character(s) anonymous, you will have to disclose yourself to at least one admin and group owner. This is to maintain the security and safety of the group!
No One-Liners: D.E.A.T.H. is made up of writers who enjoy literature and multi-paragraph responses. It is for this reason that the group requires at least one paragraph per post rather than one sentence. "One-Liners", can limit the creativity and overall flow of the story. Violating this rule will first be addressed by a warning from admin staff, further violations result in up to and including removal from the group.
No OOC Drama: This is a drama free zone. If there are any issues regarding a particular group member or character, we ask that you bring the issue to any group admin. We want to keep the spirit group as fun and stress free! Drama will not be tolerated under any circumstance and may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the group, depending upon the severity and intention.
Respect Player Boundaries And Character Boundaries: First respect that there is a division and separation between a player and their character. Players are NOT their characters. Characters are NOT their players. Please be able to decipher the difference between the two. Discussion of plot lines is heavily encouraged within this group, given the dark and cruel nature of some of the themes available with the group's plot and story arch. Accounting for and respecting individual players comfort zones and triggers is not something that is feasible for the admin staff to keep track of and is your personal responsibility as role players to discuss plot lines and boundaries amongst each other. Roleplay is meant to be collaborative and we want everyone to feel comfortable within the confines of the group.
Always Ideas? Suggestions? Never Always- Follow Site Rules
- 18+ Players
- 18+ Characters
- Respect One Another
- 1+ Paragraph Responses
- Have Fun
- Ask Consent For Sexual Content
- Keep In Mind Channels May Be NSFW.
- Fade To Black In Public (Take it to PM's)
Ideas?- Everyone LOVES Great Ideas!
- Ask An Admin Directly!
- Be Respectful!
- Discuss Ideas With Admins!
- Make Sure It Adds Quality Content!
Suggestions?- Everyone LOVES great suggestions!
- Message An Admin Directly!
- Make sure it is a good suggestion!
- Make sure it makes sense!
- Make Sure It Adds Quality Content!
- Disregard Site Rules
- Players Under 18
- Characters Under 18
- Disrespecting Others
- OOC Drama
- IC Sabotage Of Others' Stories
- Shame Others Publicly
- Sacrifice Your Comfort
Preparing For Stories to Start!
Posted By -Danny- on Oct 12th 2022
In the next couple of weeks it would be good to start getting your characters set up. We will be beginning stories soon and it would be good to have characters ready. I think the first wave of stories will probably revolve in the asylum itself. So have your patients and other characters ready! At...Now Taking Applications
Posted By -Danny- on Sep 22nd 2022
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- Nox_et_Aurum Admin (Founding)
- -Danny- Founder
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DisclaimerAll artwork on this group forum was created by -Danny- for the sole purpose and use of the "D.E.A.T.H." RP group.