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Forums » IC Topics » Cults of Dragon's Rest

As an island steeped in historical and political struggles throughout it's lifespan, Dragon's Rest has seen many different forms of religion come and go. Below you will find a few of them - though more may pop up over time as new faces bring their own gods to the island.

    The dragons worship this god, who is usually depicted as a dragon or dragon-like man. He is considered the Lord of the Hunt, and has always favored the dragons for their strength and skill in such. Historically, there has been a single Priest of Shieth (which can be a man or a dragon) who tends to the shrine in the underground city and calls upon the god to reveal the best places on the island to hunt. With the abandonment of the city long ago, the shrine has lacked a Priest for many hundreds of years - though the dragons still keep it tidy out of respect for their patron god.

    A favorite among thieves and pirates, this god is considered a trickster, and favors all those who are of a roguish nature. He is depicted as a man, with one side of his face curling into a grin, and the other downcast in a frown. The pirates who landed on the shores of the island over the years left behind two-faced coins in his likeness, which can be dug up at times. They are more of a novelty these days, as no true shrine was ever made on the island for this god.

    Known as the Lady of Luck, or the Maiden of Merriment, she is often depicted as a young woman with her hands full of coins. She is well-loved by merchants hoping to make their fortune on the high seas. The ones who ran aground on the island built a chapel in her honor, though failed to construct any statue of her likeness before the town was abandoned.

    Mother Earth to the elves, she is the goddess of mothers, wives, farmers and healers. In ancient tapestries and illustrations she is usually depicted as a tree growing into the shape of a woman, or else a circlet of vines enclosing the sun. She has no shrine on the island, but given its history there likely was one present at the height of elven influence on the island, some eight hundred years ago.

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