Maralie is 1/2 characters I am using in this group. She is the magnificent height of 5'3". Her body weight and age are something a lady never revels. But between all of us she weight a whopping 116 lbs and she just so happens to be 396 years old but looks 16. Scary part is was that she was a witch first so now she wields an unbelievable amount of magic. She can shape shift into a Raven, plus she has talents she knows nothing about. She was turned while leaving the theater with her parents. They managed to escape unharmed while she dies in the streets. After that she trust no one and never did return home. Maralie watched her family grew old and eventually died. After the death of her last sibling Maralie started collecting knowledge; studying in schools around the world.
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As plain as humans are, they are capable of wielding magic, too. Watch out! -
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