***Note this group is based off the dream in the Furcadia client. Our dream is located NE of Peristane's Auction in FurN.
- No OOC hate speech or bigotry.
- IC slurs must be made up and not be based on slurs from real life.
- Paragraph roleplay is appreciated, but certainly not required!
- We welcome beginners to RP and understand English isn't everyone's first language. Please be respectful to those trying their best.
- Do not be a creep. No one owes you a response, explanation, nor RP in general. No means no. Consent can be revoked at any time and for any reason.
- No God-moding unless previously agreed upon.
- Utilize dice rolls when applicable if you'd like. (Say "roll 1d20" in client to do so)
- Players and characters must be 18+ years of age, those circumventing the age restriction will receive a permanent ban.
- Attempting to circumvent a ban will result in a report to Furcadia mods and RPR mods if applicable.
- The *lounge is generally considered an OOC area, where as the rest of the Dream is IC. Loosely followed if nobody is there.
Report issues or problem players to Murphichi, Momovix or Sylas|Asmodaios in Furc, or msg me here. (Screen shots are helpful.) I'll keep your name/details anonymous, but even if it's relatively minor I'd like to keep track of those making people uncomfortable.
- Dream created and coded by Boe and Momovix (me), owned and operated by Momovix. (AKA Murphichi and Sylas|Asmodaios IC)
- All patches belong to their respective creators, I did zero patchwork and claim none. (If you recognize any I'd love to know so I may credit and link them.)
- Furcadia and the Dragonlands continuity are copyrighted to Catnip Studios. I'm not affiliated with Furc outside of being a player.
- Banner by jibidivu
- Group specitag by Lochlann|Scuirine at Furcadia
- All writings (here and in the Dream) are written by yours truly.