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OrderOfGashes: Set's head would turn to that of the teller, he gazed at her up and down attempting to catch a brief glimpse of here eyes, though she would not be able to overpower him it bred within him a sense of desire that was altering from his uniform sense of destruction and apathy, "Is the entertainment going to commence Teller?"

Daeras: "I've already had my fair share of fun with him, for awhile." The Oculi spoke, the monotony of her voice lingering with a sense of foreboding Greed. Pupil-less azure blues looked up to the Sinner, dulling in a faint sign of respect. However small that was, now that she had been turned Kinn.

OrderOfGashes: "How unstimulating," his voice came back empty as if anything he had experienced ever so briefly had faded away back into his serious and emotionless demeanor. "There shall come a time shortly in which I seize the claim to what is mine, " his voice carried notably not from his own mouth but from his Was-Scepter.

Daeras: "And what is it that you deem yours to claim?" The Oculi chuckled, her arms coming to cross over her chest. In her left hand, a blank Tarot Card waited its manifest. "Is it not what us all deserve?"

OrderOfGashes: "Anki-su Na-waruai" though the words would be foreing to her their meaning would quickly enter her mind from his saying, It make roughly That which is my birth/namerite.

Daeras: “I’ve been told you Sinners are much like ticking bombs…” It would’ve almost sounded disappointed by that, head craning to the side in an alluring willow-like motion as strands of stark white caressed obsidian shoulders. The power of an Oculi laid within their hair, the strands which could never be cut. “It’s quite a shame. There’s no… elegance to you, is there?” Then and there, she would’ve grinned, lines of her mouth outstretching in a vicious display of unconventional beauty.

OrderOfGashes: "Once I was beautiful, in times long past, now I am what reality has formed me into being, corrupted, lithe, caustic," He looks at her grinning, then at the blank card she held, "What a cheap imitation of true divination tools, tell me Is there any Validity in the use of a counterfeit? I would think one so eligate as yourself would be knowledgeable about the tools of the sights, But I guess such is only the way Oculi, Think twice before you speak, It would be truly undesirable to soil my soul pool with your petty fragility, truly You know not what you speak, taken hostage by your gifts instead of mastering them, what a shame, you have yet to ripen in your abilities. Maybe soon you will know the elegance of my being instead of the devoid psychosis you are inadequately a victim of." Set would smile, but his facial structure were entirely unable to do such a thing, and no trace of emotion good or bad presented themselves from his intonations.

Daeras: Her head would crane again. This time, to the other side, with a loud snap of her joints, grotesque as it was, some would rather choose to ignore it. “You speak of my Cards, though my Cards are a manifest of the Veritas itself. They carry no Lies, for they are a part of their Teller.” The Oculi sighed in utter disappointment. Her voice, only carried along by the echoing of souls which seemed to mock the Sinner in turn. “Why must we argue, Brother?” She chuckled in disdain, and extended her arms to imitate an embrace. “I am the Eye of Galbrinth. You are the Strength of Caliga. We unite in our intangible, tangled Darkness.”

OrderOfGashes: "Your Veritas is different of my own. It was not Caliga's strength which forged me as I am, but my own, Caliga fought I and saw my strength and from that I; and he made a deal with one another, I will lend him my strength and he will guide me on the path to that which I desire most, Such were our terms, such is my Veritas." He looks upon her strangely at her desire for an embrace, such things were beneath them as they were simple mortal displays of affection, The idea of embracing her back sickened him as the only beings in whom he had embraced were long since devoid of existing. He raises his Was-Scepter and strokes the head of it the mouth of the was animal upon it opens its mouth and appears to vomit out a rather large tome to which Set opens and begins to read upon the front of it was the hieroglyphs marking it as "Djehuti-A-sus" For whomever besides Set here would be able to read the glyphs it would translate as The book of Djehuti.

Zauber: Eerie whispers would dance throughout the halls of the citadel, dragging of heavy hooves against the floors beneath echo'd.. It was here. It was awake. Each step was followed by a burdensome thud as it's staff would collide with the floors. It's head would tilt with a ghastly crack as it would listen to the two Kinn speak... A Sinner... Quite interesting as this Sinner had yet to meet the Prime.. It's presence was always well known, drastic drops in temperature within the atmosphere, high fragrance of Vanilla... Agonizing toxic screams whaling from the souls within its manifestation.. After all, Galbrinth held a fearsome presence... It's hunched frame would come to a halt as it would gaze upon the two frames... The Sinner it had yet to meet.. And it's creation.. The Oculi... A devilish grin would curl it's lips as it's venomous melodies would roll from it's serpent tongue... "Nowww.. Now.. Childrennn.. " It hissed.. As it's gaze would then take to the Sinner who had mentioned the Dark One... Once more it's umbral frame would push forward... Even crouched it's height was an outstanding 17 feet.. Galbrinth then would stand next to the Sinner, glancing it over as it's smirk continued to climb.. "You... Speak of the Dark One.. Not forging you... But you did... An interesting concept.. A typical Sinner... " Raising it's frame to its full magnificent height it then would gaze upon the Oculi... Just before looking back to the Sinner.. "A beautiful beast... Don't you think..." It toyed with the Sinner.. "Do you ... know why... Such a creation.. Exists?... " Tilting it's head it groaned softly.. "No... You don't know.... No one does.... You see Sinner... The Oculi are a gift... A gift to the Kinn.... A gift to the Dark One.. The gift.. of vision.. Of Fate.. I sense.. Your strength yes... Though together... Would be a beauty to see... Now... Do you know who I am..." It's hues would narrow as the whines of the souls continued to bounce within it's manifestation.. It's orb glued to the Sinner.

Daeras: “You made a deal with Caliga and it offered you the Darkness which is itself. Therefore, you are of that Darkness as well are we all. Different names for different… Gods?” She toyed with the concept of that word. How estranged it all became now, her memories still a jumbled mess as the dominant soul wept at its core. The Fortune Teller twirled that blank faced card between two digits, over and over again as if expecting it to shift. To gain more information of her ‘Client’, until its imagery would manifest. The anticipation lingered through the air, as her own Vanilla scent mixed now with a more powerful one – stronger it was, as the Creation recognized its Creator. To that, she could only grin wider – it was her own way of ‘paying respects’ not by a bow or a bend, but by a display of the Corruption which purified her once tainted, damned Soul. “You came…” It trailed off from the Oculi’s lips. She didn’t expect it to come; though the Sinner proved himself worthy of gaining its presence in his vicinity. It spoke of the strength they would have together. The power they could achieve. It taunted her sense of Greed and Pride, just then. “To Hunt together sounds more exciting than to fight each other. Think, ‘Brother’.” She teased him now, the Sinner who spoke so boldly and accused her of treachery. Her umbral manifestation only coming closer to his as she would further toy with him. “Think of what we could achieve together. I’m sure you have your own vice to offer.”

ZeekHarbinger: -being new to his surroundings of beings with no actual form he was unsure if he should say anything towards them about their future actions to one another, though he could sense the strength of the one they called Set he had had time to learn not to tempt one of sight, it usually ended poorly for the destroyer classes. he kept his mouth shut as well as his eyes as he remained in his upside down position hanging from the am of the cross over the fireplace. It wasn't until a new presence entered the room that his slitted emeralds eyes shot open, the immense energy that was contained within the being made him shiver, the sounds of the souls that came from it were similar to those of the ones trapped within the abyss, his glanced over to watch this being as it moved across the floor to stand by the two quarreling siblings, the blood within his veins screamed as this being spoke to them, but Zeek remained in awe-

OrderOfGashes: "You are but a pawn-- an insignificant shadow caste forth from Caliga as we all have been reaped as such, You may be higher upon the chain than I but the wheels of fate surely do turn, sure as the umbra flowing forth as a gift from Caliga, It would be foolish of me to seek combat of you Prime, Foolish and ignorant, for my deal with the progenitor bade me to become victim of his ranks. I will not bow before you lest you from my shadows to act, Nor shall I respect you lest you give me a reason to respect, You come before me as such, and I embrace you as a leader, You as well as I am unable to speak lies, but surely we all bend the truth to our own perspectives, Yes the Oculi and I would do well paired, But I must be sure of her abilities, for I have full confidence in my own and do not wish to see her hesitate or falter when the moment arises, One might vouch for another's ability, but when it is not experienced they are but meaningless words lost in the shadows of perspective. "

Zauber: Galbrinth grinned, listening to the Sinner.. It stood closer to it, it was highly amused by it.. "A very ... Interesting perspective.. You are correct in the fact... You must know what it is capable of doing.... Ignorance... An interesting term.. What you have just stated... Leads us to believe you do not know who we are... Nor do we expect as such... Very much like us.... Amusing to say the least... But you will learn... To respect us... Sinner.... Or you will learn very quickly on what we are capable of... " It couldn't help but grin, this whole quarrel was highly amusing... It had been too long since the dorment Prime had been around... It was time to stay risen... Looking to the Oculi it would grunt.. "We have granted you such gifts.... We have created you.. But today... There will be no combat... Though on a later day... Perhaps... Everything happens... With good reason..." Galbrinth had always been strange that way.. It had always done things with a reason behind it all, whether it be complex... Or the most simple.. "If needed... You both.. Know.. " Turning it's frame around it would head back to where it came, it would visit the young Sinner once more... In due time.

Daeras: “My Abilities?” She took offence to that. “Surely you have already seen my abilities, even before I became Oculus Galbrinth.” He knew of the Fortune Teller – the faint images now playing and replaying within his mind due to her manipulation of memories – should he allow it to cast upon those thoughts, the whirling tornado of rotating cards would unfurl through the fog of his mind – the sight of her and the Visser. The Frozen Lake. After that, once the Prime had retreated back to its dormant state, Moirai would extended her hand, those dark clawed digits holding the card for him to grasp it. “Take it, Brother. It is our Gift, to you.” Should he touch it, the blank canvas shifted now to the imagery of a figure with black robes and dark red wings, holding two cups as it balanced water from one, to the other. This was Temperance, the Oculi’s gift to the Sinner. “Should you ever call for me again…” She grinned, and took a step to the side. For that was what this woman would ever be; a flash of a film, which skipped a beat. Always and ever, an Aside. In a split second, the manifestation of her left his presence, allowing the card to either now be held by him, or dropped onto the ground.

ZeekHarbinger: -he listened carefully to the words that were exchanged between these three beings, he was unsure of exactly who this new one was but be damned if he was going to speak up to find out just in case it would set the fuse for the one called Set, through his time in the abyss he had heard rumors of these being but never thought he would be caught up in them in any way or form, the thought triggered the memories of the being that gave him the black blood and he began to wander which one it was, he was almost completely lost in thought when he noticed the being leaving already, his emeralds followed it before going back to the siblings still remaining quiet, though he was sure Set was itching for a fight of some form or another just like himself, he would never be able to fight any one of them in his current state, his blood would not allow him to cause harm to these beings in any way or form, the thought made him look away from the two before he closed his eyes once more trying not to think about it-

OrderOfGashes: "Nothing is ever given freely," He announces just before she would begin to vanish, As the card stayed in the air briefly Set would flip through the pages of his tome until he reached an excerpt about Ammit, Ma'at, and thoth entitled "Ka-nu ba'a anaki" [weighing of the heart/soul] The hieroglyphs depicts a scale; on one side lay a feather, and on the other side lay a heart, As the card would fall his umbra willed it to fall into the tome, as it touched the page, the likeness of the card would take on that of the egyptian depiction in the tome, The very spells and referenced to that which was the card she had attempted to gift him, The very moment her form would fade Set launches the Card back to her knowling of her or not so that it would freely fly around her until it came to noticing, The memories she attempted to alter into his head affected him not as they were too recent for him to allow her to forcibly alter how he perceived them. "Asu-em-Anaki-vos" [Sic narro nos Totus]

OrderOfGashes: He looks at the shade, and shakes his head at him, without even speaking to the being Set walks over to him and prompt would Enact the umbra flowing around and throughout the shade, "You will kneel before me," He orders influencing the umbra within the shade to cause him to buckle at the knees and fall to the ground. "You shall bare my mark upon you Like the cattle of the fallen ones you shall be branded by my umbra as cattle, mere food for my consumption, a mere slave in my presence, Am I clear shade? Now extend your left hand to me," Set would command allowing the shade a moment to obey of its own will, should it not Set would begin to manipulate the Shade's umbra too obey him.

ZeekHarbinger: -Sensing the pressence of the Sinner closer to him he opened his eyes quickly to see him standing before him, hearing the commands come from his mouth Zeek could not refuse them even if he tried, and try he did as he rose up from the upside down position on the arm of the cross before he dropped down to the floor in front of Set, he knelt down on one knee and bowed his head towards the Sinner as he listened carefully, he clenched his teeth tightly together as he heard him speak of Zeek being his cattle, slave, something that was not in his nature to be, but he had learned his place quickly within the abyss and knew with the ombra blood that coursed through his body he could not deny these orders, he nodded his head lightly as he responded with a low voice before lifting his left hand to the sinner- "Yes Sir .."

Daeras: The Oculi watched from her self-proclaimed distance now, observing the ways of the Sinner when speaking to those lower. The poor man still had flesh upon him - blood, though black, still rushing through his veins - clearly he was nothing more than a punching bag waiting its first strike. In the eyes of a Sinner, who could even be proclaimed as more than that? With a frown upon her features, she'd remain in hiding for the time being, her presence known to them by a simple cast of a lonely tendril.

OrderOfGashes: "Good, you listen and follow orders, " he relaxes his forceful grasp over The shade's umbra instead he raises his was-Scepter and strike the left hand of the shade. The mouth of the scepter bites into the soft flesh of his palm and from the wound a large black snake begins to eat it's way through his hand the tail of which not in sight as it continued from the mouth of the Was-Animal, leaving a hole as it began to coil around his hand making its way up his arm ever so slowly until it got to his neck. It licks his ear tasting the corruption that was presently coursing through his veins. It opens its mouth wide and bites in the flesh of his neck injecting its venom straight into a main artery and vein there was much pain as it would feel as if someone would have lit his blood on fire, though the pain would become so great, so intense it would shock his senses and leave him in a state of numbness, The snake would have laid flat upon his arm now as it seemed to melt into the skin he bore upon that arm. " I have gifted you with a kiss of apep, Her spawn shall grow within you and when you have grown sufficiently she will force her way out of you Manifesting as she has done for millennia. Should you find yourself able to resist her influence you shall grow and be more than a slave, but until then," Set would kick him in the chest more of a shove like gesture to force him on his back. "Become strong, lest You become food," Set then begins to turn away walking over to the fountain to go sit and study his tome further.

ZeekHarbinger: -he's wince as he felt the bite pierce the flesh of his hand, lifting his head to watch as a large snake would begin to eat through his hand causing a loud growl to escape his lips, though there was a great deal of pain as the snake would create a hole in his hand it wasn't as bad as he had endured within the abyss, he remained on his knee as he sat back to watch the snake coil up and around his arm towards his neck, he would turn his head with a grotesque look upon his face as the snake licked at his ear which turned into shock as the fangs of the snake pierced his neck before the venom entered his veins, it wasn't as bad as when he received the black blood but it was extremely close as the immense pain coursed through his form, an agonizing scream escaped his mouth as he tried to fight against the fire that now spread through his veins, he tried to listen to the words Set spoke about what he had done to him before he felt his foot on his chest and fell backwards, he gripped his arm that was now printed with the snake that had just bitten him as though it relieve any of the pain, his emeralds watched as Set moved towards the fountain leaving him lying there on the floor veins ablaze with unseen fire, his voice was rough and low almost inaudible- "I will not be food..."

Daeras: There was something terrifyingly beautiful to a scene so heart wrenching. There was something exciting to the Sinner’s test, an unknown “kindness” most would not recognize the Kinn. A Favor for a Favor, as it always was with them. Seeing the flesh-driven spawn in so much pain only brought a pleased smile upon the Oculi’s lips which inevitably turned into an ominous grin. Her umbra would come to manifest in front of him, those long locks of alabaster hair circling him into their tethers as her aura emanated from them, her power. Cards rotated around her frame as her long arm extended towards the still fleshed Shade. She spoke silence, and it grew stronger than any given word.

ZeekHarbinger: -he turned his head as he caught sight of another standing close to him, his teeth were tightly clenched together as he tried his hardest not to show any further pain when he noticed her white locks moving around him, he wasn't entirely sure what to expect from her considering what he had experienced with Set, he watched as her cards rotated around her form before she extended her arm out to him, hearing her word was more overpowering then he expected but then again he wasn't sure what to expect from the beings any more, his form began to relax before he tried to speak to her only to find he had no voice, after everything he had been through he felt himself drifting off to sleep-

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Set's Test Sept.11.2017
February 08, 2019 08:19AM

OrderOfGashes: Set would himself inward toward his umbra, concentrating upon it and utilizing the full range of charges he had so far gather into the glyphs he had placed upon the floor, corrupting the hologram placed before him by the Oculi to begin to take upon features of his own. First begin to swell around the waist as if it appeared something was filling it. A black sludge began working its way up her headers into her eyes as slowly and surely the skull of the hologram would appear to swell as well. NExt came the mouth as it opened its mouth to scream outwards to the call of its followers even more umbra filled its throat and mouth. IT would begin rather slowly at first eating its way through the observed structure of his face and neck. as it hungrily began working its way down once it had reached the area of her chest. out of each nipple came a protrusion of a snakes head as they began to wrap their ways down her dissolving from, upon reaching her bloated stomach a loud screeching would be heard as two vantablack hands Burst out of its stomach much like a xenomorph and grab at the two snakes of Isis. They get pulled within her belly and the screeching continues. Set walks over to the hologram and holds his ankh over the hole in her Stomach, "Dena-ka Ma'at ka-ne-shu Ammut" [Your heart weighs heavier than the truth food for Ammut,] Out of the stomach a strange crocodilian head begins to bite upward through the torso of Isis, it was at this point Set spoke his final words before binding his glyphs to the floor should he chose to appear again, " Na-ak dsht kurok, dirasht cunt-su mar Ve-ac-rus, Nar-aka sigur- enjeri" [As the desert holds its sands so shall my binding hold with the power of the gods.] With that Set slams his was- scepter through the head downward into the head of Isis, allowing his umbra to take a freeflow which expanded beyond perception cloaking everything into blackness, the Oculi too would feel the touch of his umbra as it was meant to collect her's as well within it. Should she chose to take the call their umbra would fly through into the glyphs connecting them to the destination of Set's Desire. Such was the manner of his magicks, very well beyond what most knew, very strange, yet very effective at what it served. Should anything try to interfere directly through touching, or being touched by his or her umbra in its rawest state they would notice their bodies begin to fade away into rot as the umbra would seem to consume upon their flesh, though he commanded his Umbra to remain docile lest one come to sample it of their own will, and with that as the last bit of his umbra and form vanish he would return to the citadel.

ZeekHarbinger: -perched up high on the arm of the cross over the fireplace, he sat with his back against the length of the black cross left foot place on the edge as his arm rested across his knee as he held a book he had found laying around, the black snake that coiled around his pale flesh along the length of his arm a reminder of the branding he received from the Sinner Set just last night, his emeralds scanned the words along the page as he kept his mind busy and off the ideals of his true nature, death, destruction and complete and total chaos, which only seemed to be heightened by the branding, he pulled his gaze from the pages when he caught the scent of the Sinner entering the citadel-

Daeras: As Set’s umbral manifestation carried them both back to the Citadel, the Oculi emerged by his side. With a sigh, she’d place the card back into her neatly stacked deck, azure blues peering to the Sinner; witnessing just moments prior his display of power, the Oculi had more respect for him now – though it could not be said to be mutual, not yet. In one way or another, she had to prove herself to him sooner or later. “Was it necessary…?” Moirai groaned, shaking off the remainder of previous events. Spotting the “ignorant spawn” from last night, the Oculi quirked a brow, remembering him and the effect Set’s ‘gift’ had upon the man. She pointed towards him, for Set to notice. Knowing he would become his disciple, sooner or later.

OrderOfGashes: Set's gaze fell upon the women as she had asked if what he did was of necessary action, He shakes his head, she was new to birthing and so he did not expect her to understand the morality of what it was he had done, "You see sister You summoned forth the likeness of my Enjeri sister, and I had to display before those non believers how it was I when I walked as their God was the eldest of my cluster. I ripped forth from my mother's womb and birthed myself from her. My sister and brothers were weak, and their faith was faulty." He ignores the shade and continues to talk with the Oculi "Maybe perhaps I could teach you a few tricks I have learned for your trade,"

ZeekHarbinger: -he raised a brow curiously as he listened to the two siblings discuss actions that the sinner had taken, he dropped his gaze back to the pages of the book he held when he had noticed his presence met nothing to the sinner at that moment which made no difference to him, he was still angered by the so called title of slave to the sinner until such time he could prove himself worthy, he reached over to rub the snake like tattoo as he thought to himself 'I will not be food for any one'-

ArdenFawn: *The male was Simply Sitting Onto the Dark Couch, His knees Hugged into his Chest as if To Protect himself, His eyes Closed. Half of his Faced covered by the Shadows which were made from his Hair. His Long Bangs Covering his eyes and about half of his Nose. His Ears Unseen. Two Large Horns Raised Proudly from his Skull. His Mouth Covered by a Black Substance to which he knew as his own Blood . The only view of his eyes was the Faint Violet Glow as the Yellow in the middle where his Pupil's Should have been. Black Tears Streaming down the Sides of his Cheeks. His Pale Skin, As if he had The Life Sucked Right out of his Flesh, A Dark Collar Covering the Male's Neck to which the Blood Continued to gently Ooze down his Neck down to his Chest and Body till The Belt of the jeans became tainted with the substance. Spikes Rising from the Collar as Chains did so as well, Though His Chest , Abdomen and Spine he had Large Spears piercing from the back to the front a Soft sigh Released as he noticed three chains from his collar began to wrap themselves around the Edges Of His Spears . A tight grip on each as with each tight grip his breathing lessened as if his emotions and Body were being suppressed. His noticable Features were The Scars Covering Most of his Body there seemed to have been Fresh however Each Wound's Birth had been lost in the Male's Memories. As he Continued to Hug His knees he Began to Hear voices in his head. Asking him what he wished. To tell them his Sins to give himself to them , As the male's eyes began to glow slightly he tried to calm the voices but to no success, His eyes began to go from his arm to his leg as he tought tricks were being played as a faint sign that his Skin had turned dark. However after a few seconds his skin was normal back into it's usual pale colour. Panting softly he knew that this is what he wished for and he was Excited yet Terrified , Happy Yet Broken. That is all he was a Broken Being, As he Began to Speak the Echo of his alter Personality speaking after him as if they were chatting to themselves, His native Tongue slowly Coming forth but each word began to rise as his voice sounded Broken and The very sound of it showed his Sanity Fading Through each word* "Umbrae, quaeque colunt thalamos meae cogitationes dabo tibi peccata in tempore visitationis: Sine me. Est etiam mox .... " -Shadows who haunt my thoughts I shall give you my sins in due time, Leave me be. It is too Soon...."

Daeras: He explained the course of actions which he deemed fit in his own way. The Oculi listened and took in the Sinner’s words, prideful as they were, they held meaning which appealed to the dominant soul of hers – The Fortune Teller wept hearing his story, in a most anguish-filled tone. “I believe there’s a story to every person; and the story is what matters most.” – Her voice trailed off, melodious as it was. Azure bright hues glanced up at the shade again in mere recognition, as her brows furled lightly to the Sinner’s offer. “Teach me new tricks?” There was a slight offence to that. “I am not like you, Sinner. I am an Oculi, and while you use violence and force, our Mind is our most prized Weapon. We do not need to resume to petty disputes or futile battles; We work, from the inside out. We touch, we infiltrate and we take, until nothing is left for us to take. This, to us, Sinner, is our ‘Trick’.” As she spoke, the Oculi couldn’t help but grin, her prideful nature now rolling off her frame like streams of dark tendrils which engaged their rotating motion, following that of her cards. Their mixed scent of vanilla, prominent through the air. “Let me show you, Brother…” As her grin only widened, the Oculi would come close to him, the tainted man who had ‘touched’ the skin of a Kinn, the scarred and broken shell of a being now crumbling into insanity. “Let me show you, my own ‘Creation’.” She took so much Pride in her Touch. How her whispers echoed through the poor soul’s mind, leering as they lured him further and further into the corruption. ‘Da nobis ut…’ – Give in to us – ‘Et non liberabit vos’ – We shall set you free - ; Like a nurturing Mother, her clawed digits now brushed gently through the man’s obsidian strands, barely grazing them to touch. “Ego hic Parva agnus…” – I am here, Little Lamb.

IIdarkfireII: A shadow begins to creep along the castle walls toward the person who talked about shadows haunting their thoughts before taking the form of a strange man in jester clothes. “Shadows you say? Well you’re in luck we might be of assistance to ya for we are the one that goes by two names the young Fortunato and his fair demon Shade. The human and the shadow demon be one and ye shall have both or ye shall have none.” The strange being appears to have a habit of speaking in rhyme and they have a weird dwarven accent mixed with a demonic sounding voice. They also have a strange attire consisting of a Clockwork prosthetic in place of a right arm as well as several surgical scars along his mouth and chest. He is usually seen wearing ragged jester clothes and a hat and he wears an eyeglass over his right eye and adjusts it to focus on a target from far away. He also wears some sort of gasmask covering his mouth. Shade appears instead of him in his reflection. “We have many things to sell so why not come and see and would you like to have some tea? In case you are wondering why we speak in rhyme we feel it makes for catchy methods of advertise.” They then begin to pull things out of a shadow using what little light is available and the shadow makes a construct turning into a vendors stand for a store. “ We also have souls mostly thieves who thought it was a good idea to steal from me well now they are stuck as my puppetry and I have not much use for these pathetic beings so I can offer them if you please.” This human appears to be in a strangely symbiotic relationship with a shadow demon which is very strange because human and demon relationships are usually one sided but these two are in complete sync with one another. It is greatly unsettling how they talk as one being but cooperate as two individual entities. The only apparent weakness is that they appear to require some sort of light source to use the full extent of their power because light is required to cast shadows. They seem to be smiling at their host like any salesperson peddling their wares to potential customers. “If your coin is good this one would like to establish trade here if need be but of course quality never comes for free.” They appear to be simply motivated by money and potential riches without seeming to care where they are as all customers look the same to them but they enjoy doing business. “Let’s not focus on our nature too much instead of that directive let us look at things from a business perspective.”

OrderOfGashes: Set took slight offence toward her allegation as an Oculi there was no way for her to know of his being just so intimately as of yet. She gave him food, s he feasted upon her pride that she so willingly fed to him as if it were upon a silver lined tray. He watched her attempt to impress him though he had already drawn that her abilities were more focussed to enslavement, and overwhelming others from the inside, IT was a sadness that she had not recognized his own mechanics of doing the same, War was fought on more than just one front. “ Sister you are not the only one who has their hands deep within the minds of other, Pulling the strings behind thought, forcing reactions from stimuli, This is all child's play to me; when i was a young god such were my playthings as a toddler, you must learn to expand” He watches her as she touches her obedient pet being, He watched her movements tracking her mind's progress utilizing His true eye of horus. He maps out the spreading of her control in a very technical manner before Smiling again, “You must retain contact to have that completed effect, such is a vulnerability. Your tactics are led by far to much distractions,” Set pulls out his Ankh and touches it on the hands of The Oculi upon her pet. And with that he would show to her the quicker route, To circumvent the psyche and pull from the deepest borrows of their being their personal Truth, That which gave them being, a true name, Set as a guide however would not reach forth to attain the name of this being as he had no desire to enslave the being of his sister’s play pet. He turns his head to the Shade he had marked prior and beckons him toward him, he commanded him, but refrained from forcing actions unwanted from the Shade as tosee if it had quite been broken by the venom yet, or if it needed to be disciplined further. IF and when it came near he would command it “Take the Oculi’s hand within yours and place it over both of your eyes,” This was a test to see both if he could do as he asked, and how the Oculi would respond. HE notices the newer visitor and pulls from his actions the savory taste of greed. “If you succeed well enough, I shall ask you to entertain our guest, by ANY means necessary compliments of your training with me.”

ZeekHarbinger: -listening to the Oculi speak to the sinner in the manner she was made him grin lightly as he kept his gaze upon the pages of the book in hand, he was rather amused by the fact she was quick with her words towards him, he noticed the tone of her voice change as he glanced over to see her with the new comer which he assumed wasn't much different from himself, he peered over to the Sinner as he responded to her comments and show of prowess over this being, 'Are they seriously having a pissing contest over who is better at their abilities?' he had thought to himself, just as his emerlads had found the pages once more he heard Set call over to him, he narrowed his eyes at the sinner as he was being dragged into this contest and grudgingly closed the book before setting it down on the arm of the cross as moved his tall pale form to drop to the floor,- "Why are you dragging me into your pissing contest? I wasn't aware that I was some toy or play thing to be used to settle such things between two higher beings then myself" -his voice held a slight tone of sarcasm to it as he spoke out, he hated that his blood would not allow him to disobey but even more so hated the branding giving Set that much more control over him, he listened to the sinner carefully before turning to look over at this strange being who came into the citadel only to 'open up shop' as it were, he turned back to Set and nodded his head towards him before he made his way towards the Oculi and held both hands out to her- "May I M'lady?" -not waiting for a responce he gripped her obsidian hands gently before placing them over his eyes, unsure what to expect as he wasn't fully knowledgable as to her abilities but could not deny the sinner's commands-

ArdenFawn: *As The Male was Shaking In His Own Embrace He had Noticed the Voices inside his head grow stronger which Showed the Appearence of the Two greater Beings. One of which who'm he had already met and The one who corrupted him. However his Attention was Stolen for a Second by the being that came in. However he only gave the man a quickl Glance as his words could not be Reached . His Hearing began to Dissapear as well as his Sight. Inside his Mind was Pitch Black, Darkness at Every Corner, Every Inch. The Shadows Swallowing his Memories, His Emotions. In the middle of the Darkness was a Silhouette Of the Male in his True Form, Looking upwards towards the Darkness as if it was a Warm Embrace Calling him. His Body aching to answer The Call. His very Soul Begging to be taken into the warm and protecting Embrace. However The Male was not that easily Tricked. The chains around his Collar Beginning to Go Around The Edge of the Spear found at the bottom most part of his Body, His Abdomen, Roughly Pulling it upward, Then Pushing it downward as a Soft cough was caused to erupt from the male's Broken Throat, Causing a Few drops of blood to Fly however he was in his Mind, Pain was Only an Illusion in Such a space. As The Spear was Pulled out, The Skin around the other two spears began to Move, as if the Spears had Released something into the body of the male. The Skin starting to Tear as Six Tendrills Soon Rose From The Male's Back softly swaying at their dominance over the Creature however soon Remembering who they Belong to. Who's Body they are in. as they Obeyed his passive thoughts and Slowly Pushed two of their Sharp Ends into the male's Hands Tearing Through the Thin Skin as well as the thread which held the already Cut Skin together, The male's Eyes widened as his sanity and Senses Returned Through Pain. Panting slowly as if he had Woke up from a Nightmare. Unable to Understand what Gave him the Idea Pain would cause his Sanity to return, However it had Worked this once. His eyes however were Glowing ever so Slightly as he Turned Towards the Oculi Who'm for some reason Began to see as a Mother to Him However the male quickly shook his head as it was simply another illusion the Shadows were giving him after he had touched her skin. Slowly speaking as the Voices of more then his Personality Spoke. as if the souls themselves had Spoken as well* "Qui autem aduersarius cupiverit tibi infringere sanitas tua habe me adhuc infirmi onto a me quoque absit. Obscurum non tamen mihi. De libertate sequor ipsa dominentur super coloniam peccata mea, et non dominentur super coloniam meo sanitas. " - One Who Wishes to Break my Sanity your Hold is still Far too weak onto me. The Darkness will not take me yet. The Freedom i seek is Dominance over my sins, Not Their Dominance Over my Sanity.- *As he Finished Speaking However He Noticed The Being go over and Touch the Higher Beings Palms and Placing them over his own eyes. Which Allowed the Male to calm Himself as he simply Turned. His knees soon reaching his chest once More as the Tendrills Swayed in an Amused Manner as they Enjoyed Seeing Their master in such pain and Agony.*

Daeras: The man’s struggle satisfied her to no end. How forcefully he fought her Darkness from engulfing him into the never ending void. How adamant he was to prove that he would not become conquered by his Sins. She’d almost smile, if she knew how to still do that. “You suffer beautifully…” She cooed towards him, before directing her attention to Set. “You deem yourself superior, Brother, when all I wish to do is show you that we are Equals.” The Oculi then frowned. It was astoundingly sorrowful, and greatly dreadful, how whatever facial features still remained visible seemed to scrunch in pure agony to his words alone. Clearly ‘hurt’ by his statements, she could only continue her speech, those dark claws now touching along the man’s jawline, forcing his gaze upwards to meet hers; should he allow the motion, those azure blues would stare deep, boiling and threatening to seer through his now tainted, corrupted soul. Locking her eyes with his, she continued to speak to her Brother. “It does not make me weaker, my choice of operating. It does not make me devolved, to choose the Mind over the Body.” Though it was clear she did not speak of a physical body, statement which was then enhanced by her following action: Her dark claw would pierce slightly against the man’s jugular, enough to make a small incision and draw blood, though not deep enough to cause severe bleeding – it would feel such like a small sting of a needle. “When Flesh becomes lost in the Void, and Blood redeems itself into the Umbra, the only thing left, is the Mind; The workings of thoughts, memories which linger, hidden, stored away. So much can be done with such memories… So many options to choose from. It does not make me below you, to treasure the Mind so greatly.” Memories were serpents which haunted her own dominant soul; The Fortune Teller still remembered everything, from Birth to Fall, Rebirth to Crash. And then, the New Chapter. The face of an old Architect still haunted her slumber which was not, the voice of him, her former Creator, still plagued her nightmares. She desired to know all, and see all – she yearned to outgrow her Master. And in the end, destroy him like the pathetic dirtbag he was. How vengeful could such a rather “peaceful” creature be. “Contact does not make me Vulnerable; It only enhances my ability to Manipulate. To gain their trust enough for them to ‘touch’ you; to know you’re lured them in so close, so very close that they would dare hold your hand, as you guide them onwards along the path of Caliga, under the close watch of Galbrinth. That to me, Brother, is Strength.” As she noticed the Shade come closer, Moirai extended her right hand to him, not allowing him to take both; her left limb now held onto her inverted rosary, digits running over the black beads. Should Set decide to play dirty, she had a gateway to reach the Prime; for now, the Oculi dared to trust the Sinner, letting her right hand place against the Shade’s forehead – not his eye, for she was rarely interested in those which could be seen.

OrderOfGashes: “I do hold myself in higher regards, but I am not dismissing your abilities , merely suggesting that I know of things that could benefit you, You are the one displaying such insecurities, such malice, such things are unbegotten onto what you are now, Emotions are beneath you, a mere plaything to feed into the delusions of your puppets, The mind is a very beautiful plaything, and here are untold secrets which traverse its entirety. With a mere snap of your fingers you could have them end themselves, or break into tears, or even commit the most profane of sins, To control one's mind is a level above the control of flesh; above the need to break one’s body to control the mind, for what you do is but with a mere touch, What I suggest sister is to become able to do what you do up close as well as afar, for there may be instances when another can fight back upon your strings and cut them only to jeopardize your being.” He watches as the Shade did as it was told grabbing the Oculi’s hand and placing it above his third eye. This display pleased Set and he brought forth his Was-Scepter and smacks the base of it upon the ground, a moment later the mouth of the was-scepter figure head open vomiting out a large tome into Set’s hands. He begins to open the book slowly making sure that the Oculi and Shade were still making contact before he began reciting from the book as if it were a passage of scriptures, “And from the shadow’s came forth the sin, and in that profane moment it came to pass, The visions all faded, The sky grew black as the sun was banished from its celestial home. Out of the Darkness the great serpent Apep coiled its way across the great earth, uniting dessert, ocean, sky, lava, and mountain into one cycle. As the darkness grew, so did its hunger, So did its taint, it began to eat from itself devouring its own tail and as such it became united upon itself,” As Set spoke those word The snake affixed upon hi body would begin to move around coiling its way around his throat tighter and tighter until ti began to constrict upon itself Just when it appeared to be tight enough to choke him it slithered over top of his head, the tail had long since grown longer as it wrapped around his neck upper torso and back around his arm. IT then bites him a second time before it lays flat upon his skin. “Venamar Adesh vekhyl ktuvah nerma khoshev berashis” [ And as the earth spoke to all the rightcious As such was the beginning] Set then scowls at the shade and kicks the back of his knees in forcing him to drop to the floor, “You will thank The oculi for allowing you to touch her, and give praise to your betters as she has chosen to spare you psychos for the moment. Prostrate yourself before her and place upon yourself a mark upon your forehead so you shall forever remember her touch upon your third eye for the days will come where you shall no longer see and will relly upon her to guide you.” Set impatiently adds onto that, “It is time to go deal with the Guest, I unleash the snake upon your brow let it feed upon this vagrant’s vile form as it is a blemish upon our sights.”

ZeekHarbinger: -feeling the Oculi's hand on his forehead he closed his eyes expecting the worst to befall him as he had witnessed with the new comer just how potent her touch could be, he almost held his breath when nothing happened immediately then released a light sigh of relief when he realized the Oculi would take no actions towards him, he opened his emerlads to look up at her until he felt the serpent along his left arm raise from his flesh once more and quickly looked to Set who had began to read from a tome, he released the light grip he had on the Oculi's hand to drop his right hand to the slithering being now wrapping itself around his neck in an attempt to ease the constriction to no avail, he tried to shake the slithering being from his head and reached up with his left hand to grip the lengthly body as wrapped itself around his torso until it's fangs peirced his flesh for the second time igniting his veins once more with unseen fire before the snake rested flat against his flesh once more, he screamed in agony as the pain shot through the entirety of his form, he put his arms out as he fell to the floor after Set kicked the back of his knees to catch himself so he didn't fall completely forward and faceplant the dark floor of the citadel, he glared back at the Sinner with peircing emeralds accompanied by a low growl as he commanded him to thank the Oculi for not using her abilities to mess with his mind, he turned his gaze back to the floor in front of him before his rough voice broke through- "Thank you M'lady for sparing my mind and for allowing me to touch you." - he stopped for a brief moment thinking about his next movement as he was commanded to place a mark upon his forehead, he sat back onto his feet as he tried to fight against the venom that once again been introduced into his system before he reached up to his forehead with his left hand allowing one nail to elongate enough to cut into his flesh a inverted Laguz rune, respresenting the madness he avoided, as Set spoke of taking care of the guest he turned to look back to the strange being, at this point he cared not who or what it was other then a vent of his building anger, though he was unable to act against the Sinner he would imagine this being as such to ensure most of the pent up rage was expelled accordingly, he didn't hesitate to move quickly within the shadows towards the being as blackend smoke circled around his hands summoning a pair of simple looking daggers that dripped with a thick purple poison, a poison he had discovered within the abyss that would cause the flesh to rot most painfully with only a single drop entering the blood stream, a loud growl escaped his lips as sliced at the beings form with blinding speeds his anger acting as the fuel, aiming for the throat and chest, before long the being dropped to the floor without a sound as the poison had already eaten away at his vocal cords and Zeek's form stood over it his emeralds ablaze with the satisfaction of the rotting corpse-

ArdenFawn: *As he felt the Oculi's Pierce Onto his Jugular, His Body Began to React Slowly. A Soft Pant Exiting his Dry Throat. The Tendrills Around his back began to Shake Vigorously as they soon Went back into the male's Body and into the spear which had them sealed as the Chain began it's Procedure Of Plunging the large Spear back into the male's Abdomen, As the Second it was Done. His eyes went Black for a Second as his Sight began to Melt. an Ever Growing Darkness and numbness going through his Body. The Feeling of touch Leaving his Feet first, Slowly Rising Up to The rest of His body. The sense of Hearing , And Smell soon dissapeared as the Male's Body Fell to the Side of the Dark Couch His eyes still open ever so slightly that His Conciousness Began to Fade Slowly. As it Faded only a Single Word of Thanks Could be heard in his own Mind as the Voices that were Calling him dissapeared and the darkness soon Enveloped his conciousness As his Agony and Pain Soon Dissapeared for a Temporary period as he Fell Into a Deep Slumber, His Body Limp and Unmoving as his eyes were Closed, A Soft smile onto his lips and one last thought of gratitude to the Oculi for sparing him from the voices for the Rest of the Night Only for a moment his head had peace Only to wake up to another nightmare in the near Future*

Daeras: As the barely formed Shade winced in agony from the Sinner’s manifestation upon him, the Oculi could only frown; the display of violence sickened her, the asserted dominance Sinners endowed upon lesser Kind was more than displeasing to her. She remembered the struggles, those memories still imprinted through her mind; she remembered her pale flesh, and how it crawled through the dirt and mud towards the Evincar, begging for release, begging to be fed. No, Moirai had never forgotten about ‘Sophia’ – how high she once was, and how low she had fallen – only to be reborn, ad nauseum. Hearing the Sinner speak of her gifts and abilities, speak of her emotions, getting the better of her. Her arm extended now, the same hand which touched the Shade’s, coming to curl digits around his jawline and let his gaze drift upwards, meeting hers. When in a presence of an Oculi, when befalling upon their gaze, one would instantly feel drowned in a certain trance – a daze which now had overcome the Shade like a soothing spring breeze, attempting to alleviate some of Set’s brutal approach. He, the Wrath of War. She, the Mercy of Death. How well they seemed to complement eachother, the Sinner and the Oculi, despite their major differences. “Even though my emotions are nothing but faint memories now, I still do not view them as weak. Although I cannot resonate with them anymore, I know they existed for a reason. They molded me, the soul I used to be. They guided me here, truthfully.” She had Nemo to thank for that; Ever since their first Encounter – the first Reading, in the Queen’s Blue Room. Memories spoke to her now, a whisper of that name carried through the inexistent breeze. As she allowed the Shade to give its thanks to the Oculi, Moirai nodded her head and helped him up before he was on his way, destroying the ‘intruder’ who dared soil their lands with his babbles and tales. All said and done, she sighed, azure blues falling upon the Lamb who drifted into his slumber, coming to take a seat by his side, clawed digits carefully brushing through his hair. Should one not know any better, they’d take her approach for Kindness; Perhaps it was – or perhaps it was a more devious way of asserting her own dominance, in a sense of false security. Whatever the case, Moirai sat idle by his side.

OrderOfGashes: Set watched the Oculi as she work, and he took from her a sense of understanding, and a slight sense of Awe, though his own Umbral vice of Sloth rendered those around him in a state of sever catatonia, he generally resisted the urge to calm and bring forth serenity as a means to trap his victims, he had such equipped his arsenal with means of infecting them with paranoia, forcing them to rethink the same thoughts slower, or over and over again, few have even fallen victim to hsi umba infecting theri brains devouring the organic material leaving them with severe brain trauma. Though as he noted her interactions with her sheep he would not help ut comment upon her hypocrasy, "You judge me for crudely dominating those below me yet you too fall victim to the desire of dominence, It is very true I am The Storm of war, and you are the eye of it, calm,a dn silent just before you strike; our measures of execution may differ sister, but truely our end means are the same, you chose to inflict mental scars to told hold of you prey, whilst i train the flesh of mine for the battles fo which they shall endure. Turning something that is lesser than us into a soildier for us is a very complex method, and despite what it is you see, I hold no interest in possesion of flesh; my interest lies within bringing everything i experiance to its peak levels, For war is unfair and the honor within War has quickly faded to rot," He walks over to the oculi and offers her a small Shen Ring bearing upon it his glyph. A shen ring was a ring with a straight lattice bar at one end engraved with a glyph it represented eternal protection. In its elongated form the shen ring became the cartouche which enclosed and protected a royal name including the words upon it "Veritas Enjeri"

ZeekHarbinger: -he would finally be able to calm himself as he looked upon the rotting corpse at his feet before he had noticed the snake had made it's way to his shoulder, he peered over at it and growled lowly at it- "What? Biting me isn't enough for yah?" -he sighed and shook his head lightly as he looked back to the corpse then back to the snake- "Go ahead, it'll save me from having to clean it up.." -he held a hand up towards the snake as to carrying it to the corpse so it could feed on what was left of it, before he turned to see the siblings having a some what normal conversation in comparison to how they usually spoke to eachother- "If only they could see how similair they truly were..." -he looked back to the snake and corpse to be surprised at just how fast it had devoured every trace of it, he crouched down and offered his hand to it once more knowing it would eventually find it's way back to him any way, he stood up and made his way back over to the fireplace as the snake wrapped itself back around his form, he jumped up effortlessly to the arm of the cross and sat down once more as he picked up the book he had been reading earlier-

Daeras: “Perhaps we could make use of eachother more than we thought possible then, Brother.” The Oculi spoke, her own blue gaze carefully following his; cautious of him still, though never out of Fright. They were complementary for eachother, and it was clear to see how their differences only brought out their similarities, in turn. Watching the Shade from her distance, Moirai whispered to the Sinner. “He could prove himself worthy, you know?” In truth, she did praise Set’s ‘teachings’ upon the spawn. “He seems to have potential, stored up somewhere within him. Do you truly think you are capable of bringing it out of him?” As she spoke, she could only now gaze down to her own Lamb. How different was their approach in “educating” their pets. She, the gentle touch. And he, the cold strike. “What do you think of him?” The Oculi asked for advice, regarding her newly tainted soul. She asked for his feedback, and upon seeing the ring being offered to her, she offered her own trinket in return, the same Card he had once resisted in taking. Temperance.

OrderOfGashes: "You know that card means a whole lot differant to my people than you might believe. That symbol of the scale is a sign that Ma'at is to be weighed. Generallty it is given to a soul of which I am on the way of collecting to bring forth upon the scale. IT is a sign to weigh your heart, for if it is heavier than the truth it shall be devoured by ammunet, Its a sign for my people that the end is drawing near and it is time to sort out one's affaris before they are judged,Sadly such a memberance I do not desire to carry, For I am the one who brings forth the judgement to the dead, I do not desire to be reminded of what my duties are, Though I appreachiate your Reading Oculi. That card likely means more to me than anyother in your deck I must refrain from taking it lest I become pigheaded in my duties," HE smiles and takes her hand holding it around the card attempting to use his umbra to return the card to its blank state before he took it. "I have trained many warriors in my time, and he does have what it takes. IT would take a lot of physical struggles to awaken his understanding but such is the venum of Apep, to poison our perceptions and rob us of our dellusions,he will expect what he must become eventually or the snape shall consume him," he pauses and looks at her lamb, "HE struggles with you still and inflicts upon hismelf wound to anker himself to this realm, I have seen this behavior in only one other before, and his name I hope I shall never have to speak lest his form return again, He may learn to fight you, and may stirke upon you in a moment of release. So I caution you to be careful I see enough potential in him to be able to shatter your mesmer, but I do not know whhat limits he can gain from them as ym short gaze into his mind revealed to me only his lusting for you," Set reads the engravings upon the Shun rings " This is the glyph of Veritas, or as my people speak it Ma'at, and this is the glyph for the highest of high godhood, the Enjeri, I hope it should protect you sister shoudl there ever be a time you need it,"

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Zeek's First Training Sept.12.2017
February 08, 2019 08:21AM

ZeekHarbinger: -he kept his tall slender form stretched out along the couch within the citadel, his hands behind his head as a make shift pillow he welcomed the short time frames of rest he was able to get when the citadel was quiet, but as of late even when the citadel was completely empty he could hear echoes of faint whispers like a soft breeze blowing past his ears, he could never make out any words if any were being said which agitated him further, it certainly didn't help that was unable to act upon his natural instincts of complete destruction as there wasn't much to actually destroy let alone any one he would have been able to fight considering everyone around him as of late were beings with Umbra, the more he thought about it the more restless he grew-

OrderOfGashes: Set would be sitting there looking over the vast pages that lined his tome. There were many strange and curious glyphs within the tome's pages. Invocations for beings long since forgotten, The list of the true names of several intangible beasts. He begins skiping ahead moving past the description of the Daemonrai, continuing further onto the next set of glyphs ; This section carried the likeness of the individual astral embodiments, yet such spells interested Set not. He proceeds to continue further into the great tome he was studying. He comes upon the name of a being he recalled from ages long past a beast of a being who he witnessed in a fit of rage single handedly eviscerate his entire pantheon . The name of this beast was placed there before him, and in fear of recalling the memory of such a being he wills his Engeri domain to black out the name of the beast lest he accidentally revive its memory within his mind.

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Daeras: It was silent, as Darkness ever was. The Citadel grew still, its ruins standing tall. Within the main space sat the Oculi upon the ground next to the fireplace, azure gaze staring upwards at the portrait before her – figures she did not encounter, yet figures she absorbed information from, with her eyes alone. This was the power of an Oculi; In her lap sat a Book, its pages now filled halfway, her left hand carrying a Quill with no need of ink, as the black writing manifested itself once touching upon the blank canvas which were the Book’s pages. Moirai wrote about it all, in what was soon to become the Encyclopedia – a gift she would present to the Dark One, an offering she was more than happy to give. The familiar Umbra of her Brother caught her attention, a slight glimpse of the rage which streamed from his core now bringing the Oculi to speak – a tainted whisper, carried through the Citadel’s ruins. “Are you alright, Brother?” Should it be concern, or simple curiosity, was yet to be discovered. “Come sit with me.” It wasn’t a question. Such was the demeanor of her Sibling in turn; they needed not ask for something, in most cases. The energy coming from the Shade emerged closer to them, though left unnoticed by them both. For now.

LadyGweneviereChaos: /me she opens her eyes now and then to look out over the room and just continues to rub Ki's leg as she listens to all that is going on

ZeekHarbinger: -turning his head as opened his emerald eyes he peered over at Set as he looked through the pages of the tome he had used to control the snake that lay upon his pale flesh, for the first time since coming to the citadel he sensed a streak of fear coming from the Sinner, something he wasn't even sure was possible all things considered, the thought made him chuckle before he turned his gaze back to look up at the ceiling 'The big bad Sinner actually has a fear, this could be interesting.' he thought to himself as he began to think of ways to exploit that fear, the sound of the Oculi's voice broke through his concentration like a hot knife through butter especially considering when she offered for him to sit with her, he raised a brow as he peered over at her close to the fire as this wasn't the normality between the two siblings, he'd lay back down and closed his eyes only to hear the echoes of whispers fill his ears once more causing him to furrow his brows in frustration-

AkiraMitsuKosuke: /me a smile passes her lips the feeling of touch and the welcome sound of other voices it was a long time she had this feeling. the feeling of life wraped around her and the sound of other mind and voices echoing. she would now and then keep tending to her mother as she would note every one els and the goings on in the room. her eyes would glow and shifted side to side catching every little thing passing them and her ears twtiched with all the sounds passing by. it was a time she welcomed the feeling of life that came to jolt her mind back from what ever void it was in when she first came to the room.

OrderOfGashes: He continued to explore the pages riddled with curious information, incantations, invocations; long passing that of the beast he chose to alter the name of in the book lest unwanted eyes read such name aloud and call forth its terror once again upon the lands as it had taken many long eons for the beast to clm itself and to return to whence it came. He came upon mentioning of the Apep serpent yet again reading through the pages involving its fomr, Its bite, and its venom, There he came upon a blank page one he woudl have to begin to fill out of his own as there was much knowledge not known upon such a beast, as Set was the only being upon his Engeri who had done combat with such a being and won. In this occation Set does somethign rather odd as he listens to his siter call forth his attention to sit next to her. His extends his umbra over to her across the expanded space of the citadel pulling himself toward her without actually having to move in the slightest. As his form sat next to her Set does a tabboo. He wills his Was-Scepter to shrink into his hand, An actual hand Set had constructed his hand and hand alone into a fleshy construct, It was pale white and perfect and with this hand he begins to write into the Tome upon his lap using the Was-Scepter as a tool for jotting down. Such was the nature of the tome, to only be written by a living form. As he began to slowly write upon the tome his Umbra began to feast upon the organic material he constructed, he began to write the following "The serpants bite is one of corruption, leveling the mind from its dellusions, pulling forth from ones conceptions of reality and rebuilding upon a new platform. Its true name is Sutakh-Apep, for from my own childish ignorence I had fllen victim to its bite pulling me forever into the shadows to wretle it, as such and through my experiances mastering over it I had learn to control and assert dominence over it changing its true name to one similar of my own. But such a process made true from it, made its identity a relfection of my own, forever joined; now it serves as an extension," he pauses and looks around the room at the others present, He beckons the Shade towards him asserting no means of comand, or order to force such a thing to occur, " I would like for you to strike me Shade with all of your might, your combat begins now!"

Daeras: Moirai peeked into his Tome for a brief second, noticing the wording, the scribbles from a makeshift hand as he jolted down more and more information, much like she did. How ironic, for both of them to be lost in their work. As he sat beside her, the Oculi let out a strange sound – the murring of souls, a distant touch of humanity, or whatever was left of it – writing as she did, the new presence caught her attention. Silent as she was, watching over the room like an Observer. “You there.” She called out. “You are in our House and you may stay in our Home as long as you respect our privacy.” There was no threat to her words, though the monotone sound of her voice could easily be interpreted as one. Hollow was the tone of her words, a bellowing voice which shook the inner walls of their surroundings. Perhaps it was to prepare this woman, for what needed to come next, hearing Set’s order towards the Shade. “Must you disrupt our quite Haven so early in the morning…” She cooed to her Brother with a slight hint of frustration; still not in full agreement with his tactics of training the Shade, Moirai could only express her disdain towards them. Returning to her own written word, the black ink began to draw in the imagery of Set. Little did he know, she now wrote about him.

ZeekHarbinger: -giving up on the idea of rest he opened his eyes once more the echoes in his head refusing to be silent long enough for him to even consider a moments peace, he sat up and stretched his long arms up over his head when he noticed Set calling him over to him as he sat with his sister, he raised a brow as it was unusual for the sinner since he ha had branded Zeek with the blasted snake, dropping his arms he rose to his feet and made his way over to superiour beings curious as to what the Sinner would want of him this time, perhaps another pissing contest with his sister, it wasn't until he heard Set's words that made him lift his emeralds to look at him- "You know I can't harm you in any way or form, my blood will not allow me..." -it was as though Set's words triggered something within his form commanding the impossible of him, the black blood that coursed through is his veins felt almost like the venom from the snake Apep had been reintroduced yet again, the echoes in his head grew louder but still no words could be heard, just mere moans and groans calling out to whomever would answer them-

Discordia: It was far more work than Fala had liked, all the flapping. Normally she enjoyed the time she spent with her wings free and feathers sprouted, however without the wind to glide on, flying became so much more of a hassle. It was hard to maintain a gracefulness upon the drifting echos that were a mockery of a breeze. They could not sustain her and she just did not feel up to doing the work herself. Her mind was elsewhere, struggling to piece together where she was and even more importantly why she was there. The bird brain lacked the finite attention to detail which made it all the more of a challenge trying to do menial tasks like remember things. She was there for a reason, wasn’t she? Nothing more than a hint of shadow against the darkness, nothing more than a crow, Fala’s circling would hardly be noticed as she looked for a place to land. Of course she was more than a crow, if only she could remember. The ruins passed beneath her and her eyes were drawn to the center, it was shiny and new, a beacon amongst despair. Surely, that was where she was going. Her wings jutted out forcefully, the flapping finally over as she angled into a steep dive, making the air harder to breath. It was brief, the clawing feeling of asphyxiation and yet thrilling nonetheless, as the ground rushed to meet her and she pulled out of the dive just in time to lazily drift to the nearest window sill. Talons curled into the building material as she perched. The small bird had finally stopped and was nothing more than a silent audience, head cocked to the side curiously as she watched and waited, waited for something to trigger her memory, something to make sense.

LadyGweneviereChaos: /me just stays quiet and listening as she observed all that was going on, taking it all in

OrderOfGashes: "You will do as you are told; your blood be damned," Set looks at the Shade and shakes his head before slamming the tome shut and handing it to the Oculi "Mind the black chapter, I do not desire to see him rise again," His Umbr begins to surround the Shade, "you will fight me, or else I will consume you and forever a shadow of my umbra you hall remain, Pick up your arms and fight I command you, I command the serpant within you to force action, To strike at you or at me take you pick," Set places his Ankh down next to the tome and his Was-Scepter, After doing such he exchanges one hundred thousand souls into the form of a Djebuti Pillar before him, "I offer you these souls, as tribute of good faith, you just need to move past me and grab it." Set smiles at the shade, "You will succeed only if you strike me, Push me back, fight me, or you shall always just be food for my snake,"

AkiraMitsuKosuke: /me she tilted her head softly and smiles after her ears catching the words crossing the halls. she would blink in thought seeming to give a nod now leaning into the seat with her mother more. she mostly wanted to look on for a time with a sheem passing her eyes now and then an aura passes now and then sheeming a hue of jade or blue color pass them. ki was not one for speaking and would be shy not knowing the others so would understand them by watching.

Daeras: ‘Et tetigit nos,’ – You touched us – ‘Venite auxilium vobis’ – Let us help you -; The voice would linger now through the Shade’s mind – his thoughts, now carefully observed by the Oculi from a safe distance, while she took the Tome from her Brother. Studying it, passing each page while from her forehead streamed a faint blue light; her Third Eye carefully analyzed each inked canvas, while her hand worked on writing in her own. Considering the Shade capable of hearing her, the Oculi continued her telepathic speech. ‘Vade ad manum’ – Go for the Hand - . How odd it was to see her helping the Shade in his endeavors, going against the Sinner’s commands. Her Umbra reached out towards the windowsill, noticing the crow. Such a strange creature, azure blues now peering towards it as her Third Eye blinked, while the other two did not – a perpetual stare within its core. “Observa et cave.” – Observe, but be Cautious. Moirai was a being of very little Words.

Discordia: It hit her like a brick, a squawk escaping her with the force of the thought. It was unnatural, it was odd souls in that shape, why hadn’t they been carried off. There was an excited sort of clicking as her beak rapidly chiseled away at the glass. Like a bolt of lighting, a crack tore jutted through the glass pane. It happened in the blink of an eye, one minute she was a small crow pecking at glass and the next a small girl was tumbling through the window, mid transformation. Shards of glass seemed to rain like glitter and confetti, announcing her arrival to the party. Feathers fell from her form as it stretched and elongated, curves and lean muscles forming beneath silvery grey skin. Even in this form, Fala was hardly big. A dainty, slender, peculiar little thing somewhere between a bird and human. Her hair was tumbled on her head as confused feathers jutted from it. While her wings had changed, they had not fully receded into her shoulder blades. It was hard to tell much about her based off of looking. Even her age was not evident, she was small but fully developed but her face was youthful and lacked the weathered signs of time. Yet, even more perplexing was the depths of her scarlet irises. Her bare feet padded across the floor, each step unphased by the glass shards as they carried her to the center of the room. Her excitement boiled over in a frantic energy as the clarity of a more advanced mentality washed over her. Such a thing she had never seen before and it left her in awe and wonder, so much though that she had little time or concern for the fact that she was fully exposed. “Hey, Hey, what’s this?” Fala darted around examining each person in the room. “You souls are not where you are supposed to be? How are you here and not there? And how, how are you all together like that. So much, so many, all at once.” Fala stopped in front of the being who seemed to be made of the most souls, her hands laced behind her back as she leaned forward. Her eyes squinted and her head leaned to the side as she tried to make sense of it all. When she couldn’t quite grasp how what she was seeing was what she was seeing a breathy sort of exclamation escaped her lips. “How marvelous.”

ZeekHarbinger: -his blood began to boil each time he heard Set command him to fight the louder the echoes grew within his mind now at the point of agonizing shrills the voice of the Oculi only mingled with them as though it were all part of the torment, every ounce of his natural being wanted nothing more then to strike the sinner with everything he had a burning pain filled his form like his blood had turned to acid and began to slowly eat away at him from the inside- "To hell with your blasted serpent!" -he reached up with his left hand that now hand a blackend scar from where the snake had eaten through when he was first branded and gripped the slithering being that coiled itself around his form, despite it being nothing more then a tattoo like marking on his pale flesh he ripped it from his form tearing at the flesh that held it and threw it towards the Sinner- "I will not be food for you or any other being, I will not be mocked as a being with no worth after everything I have already accomplished, especially considering that one of your kind had seen the worth for themself and gave me this blasted blood in the first place" -the that was his nature came through perfectly within his voice as dual tone could be heard, a thick black smoke began to stream from every inch of flesh before the seering pain became too much for him to fight against, a blood curdling scream of agony escaped his mouth as he wrapped his arms around himself trying to hod himself together before his knees buckled dropping him to the floor, just when he thought he could bare no more a single voice within his mind was heard clearly 'give us thy sin commited against us', his blazing emeralds widen at the realization as to what they spoke of before gripping at his own flesh almost intentionally tearing into it as the black blood from within began to pour from the opened wounds across his form, hearing the words of the Oculi clearly as the screams within his mind grew to a hush he lifted his gaze towards the hand of the Sinner, seeing the flesh it was made of and acted on pure instinct quickly lunging forward as his mouth filled with razor sharp fangs aiming for the soft pale flesh-

OrderOfGashes: "Good my shadow," Set announces as he watches the Shade begin to metamophisize into a more adequant form. He watched it forgo its black blood tearing ito its own flesh as the command jepordizing its ability to react. He watched in interest as the shade tried to rip the Apep from its flesh, and throw it at Set; a tactic the the shade probably did not understand. Thoguh it would nto have been able to rip the entirety of the serpant from hsi flesh the bit he did manage to throw alter its from feasting upon the blood splattered across the ground, it hungerly began to grow as it moved closer and closer to Set. IT wasn't until the Shade went to action and lunged toward the hand of Set Did he smile, The animalistic fury provided not a counter for Set and he relied upon it not in hsi reaction. The teeth punctured Set's hand true and as such he begins to pull the shade into him embracing it fully into his umbra, "Good you have learned to take orders, even when they comprimise you physical bounds," The Snake begins to slither up Set's umbral leg borrowing through his leg until it began to wraps itself up Set's body feasting upon the umbral discharge he had presently exposed. It makes its way to the hand of Set and begins to coil around the living flesh biting into it, as it was from Set, it would be understood that such a construct would have an effect upon Set's form. AS its fangs dug into Set's hand and injected its venom into it his hand would begin to shrivel as the life within was curropted into the black blood that flowed through the Shade's emdiment, such a source would then flow within the Shade enpowering it as one would imagine a vampiric being would recieve upon the drinking of Blood, it was strange the effects of drinking a venom as they were not overly poison and capable of digestion. Set watches a winder pane shatter and the flapping of wings as a new form graced the room, It was a bringer of death, a messager, and bringer of souls from the worlds of the living to that of the afterlife. The Embrace fi the sinner would begin to infect the Shade, or atleast would effect the black blood it had shed upon the ground awakening it to form as the true umbra. In hopes that it would form a barrier in which would block the organic devouring of Set's umbra. He pulls the shade into a deeper hug its teeth still piercing his hand, "You are going to be consumed; a meal upon my shadows, Welcome to my embrace," He watches the Raven more fully as it flies around his head, "We are the Veritas, the Kinn Welcome to our lands,"

ZeekHarbinger: -the taste of the flesh on the sinners hand only brought forth more hunger as his mouth was filled with the venom from Apep who had slithered it's way to Set's hand but for some reason Zeek could not bring himself to release his bite and draw back the fangs that lined his jaw, a low growl escaped from his mouth still around the hand of the Sinner as a darkness filled his mind the echoes of the whispers sounded as though they greeted as he felt Set embrace him, he was unsure why but the sense of the darkness that sought to consume brought him comfort as though all this time this was what he desired the most, the black blood that flowed within his vein and over his form as it poured from the opened wounds across his form almost seemed to act on it's own as it spread across his body covering his pale flesh til was pitch black, his jaw finally released the hold it had on the Sinner's hand as Zeek heard Set's words about being consumed but did not fight the thought in fact he welcomed it, accepting the darkness that sought to consume his mind brought a sort of peace to destructive nature, his emeralds landed on the new being that stood before the sinner just before they darkend and his body went limp-

OrderOfGashes: Set would not simply allow his Shade to be consumed by such ease, He shook his head as he felt the mind of the Shade begin to give in to accept the fate it was currently being doomed to experiance. His form regards His sisters invation of the Shades mind as a form of reinforcement, as if it was she who forced its hand into a responce to fights Set. but Set had quickly become annoyed with the shade as its weakness had only sufficed a single useless attack. Set pulls his umbra around the Shade and would seek to lift its pathertic blood soaked form a good ten feet into the air. The snake upon his hand biting into him Set would Hiss at and spit a wad of his umbra upon it forcing it to retreat back upon the skin of the shade coiling back upon his neck only to replace the gap int eh shade's form that it had torn out. Set Begins to turn while holding the Shade and takes a single step toward the Piliar he summoned before he does something meant to be rather vulgar, and domineering as he needed this shade to realize giving in was not an option that would arise to cause release, there was far worse things in this world than to be eaten. Set would move to force the Shade down upon the pillar in an attempt to ram the pilliar straight up its rectal cavity only to have the peak of which to exit from its throat. This would not kill the Shade as the souls would slowly begin to feed into its form just barely enough to keep the being alive. " Your first session is over, though you did not do what I said until the Oculi made you, I shall only allow you to eat ten thousand souls, we shall try again another time shade. Rest, and learn your place."

ZeekHarbinger: -though his body had gone limp and his sight blackend he was still very much aware of his surroundings, the echoes in his mind greeting the darkness that sought to consume it as his own thoughts raced 'why do I desire the darkness?' he could feel the umbra of the Sinner wrapping itself around him as he was lifted into the air, ' consumed ......' the sensation of the serpent replacing itself within his flesh was enough for him to snap himself out of it, the sharp emerald of his eyes emerged from the darkness that covered them to see his form over the pillar that had been summoned moments before, he was not entirely sure what it was the Sinner had planned for him but he was awake again and was not going to give in so easily as he origanly thought, 'I will not be consumed, I am not food' he said within his mind over and over again until he found his voice and regained control of his body as the black blood began to retreat back into his form- "I will am not food you bloody Sinner!" -as his form was thrown down towards the pillar he reached out gripped the top of it, using the momentum of the fall as well as his own demonic strength he ripped the pillar from the ground as he landed on his feet and spun on his heel, swinging the pillar like a massive bat towards Set- "I refuse to submit to your illusions!" -the anger behind his voice only grew stronger as his pale flesh returned to normal and the wounds closed leaving a blackend scar, the thick smoke streamed from his flesh as he casted it outwards bringing with it the energy of the fears he had collected over his time within the realm of the living, including that which he had seen from Set himself earlier- "I know my place Sinner, and it is not as your play thing."

OrderOfGashes: Anger wrath, Such potent forces he felt wafting off the form of the Shade before him. He began to chuckle to himself as the Shade was able to resist the force Set put into impaling him upon the pillar. "Good very good, Let the rage fill you, Anger gets shit done," As more and more of the Shades rage filled Set's umbra his form began to grow to its thirteen feet in height. The second the Shade would have grabbed at the pillar it would have felt the thousands of souls contained within it to begin screaming at him, it would bbe very sudden and overwhelming it would have beena wonder the Shade did not get destracted by them. Still under the command of Set he oders the souls to surround the Shade as it began its batter like swing. They begin to manifest around the Shade like an armour increasing the speed, and destructive force of the attack, charging it with Caliga's blessings of umbra. The resulting discharge of fear the shade tried to call into comand over Set however did little more than make him laugh. As the pillar came swinging towards him Set extends his left hand and grab the pillar within it crushing it as if it was little more than the filiment within a bulb. and with That Set done with words would Take a step behind his other leg as he does so he throws hsi right fist back handed toward the Shade's right temple only to pivot upon his back leg and in a spinning fluid continuation drive his elbow toward the top of the shade's Skull. " You are what you are, and I have been tasked with changing that, You have done well. more progress than what was expected." Should his last hit land and render the shade incapacitated Set would catch it as it fell and place it upon a chair to relax. As it was until this shade proved its worth it was little more than a plaything, but Set was still required to make sure he wouldn't break his toy in too quickly, lest it not function properly anymore.

ZeekHarbinger: -the overwhelming surge from the souls contained within the pillar was a bit of shock to him but his anger drove him to continue his attack, once the pillar had shattered so easily within the grasp of the Sinner he merely released what was left of his grip on the rumble he had left in his own hands, he knew it would not be so simple to effect a being of pure darkness with such a futal effort as his fear energy but there was more to it then simply showing a being their own fears the fear energy enveloped the room causing a complete black out, no shadows no light nothing just Zeek and Set, a simple trick he had learned from within the abyss when faced with an impossible opponent- "I am what I am because of the darkness, something none of you seem to understand, and I will not be toyed with" -he caught the sight of Set's fist aiming for his right temple before noticing his stance and weight shift right before the pivot, he would reach up and catch the wrist of the sinner seconds before the strike would have made contact and used his momentum to pull himself up onto the arm of the large being, releasing his grip on the wrist he brought his feet to the arm and pushed himself off towards Set in one fluid motion as the nails along his hands extended outwards to be sharpend black claws to aim directly at Set's eyes as they were the only place he could think of that would soft enough for his claws to penitrate a loud angered growl would escape his mouth-

OrderOfGashes: Set would notice how the shade seemd to drop the pillar as it grabbed for his arm and propeled itself upward onto Set's arm. The surrounding of Void intregued Set as this was a disbursal of chaotic force, one he himself feasted upon, The concept of unkonw of blank, of nothingness held true to some aspects of Set's being. Though as the Shade propelled itself forward it seemed to have noticed to late the pivot of Set. Now it was caught in midair with very little room to maneuver to avoid what was to come from Set, as it would have been set began the pivot as it leaped upon his arm Set would have very little trouble changing the dianamic of his follow up swing, Instead of throwing an elbow inot the area of where the shade was bvefore He takes it upon himself to fully extend his arm moving with the force of hsi own pivotting prior to throw a mighty back fist in an arch coming from above driving straight into the head of the Shade as it launched its way upwards toward Set's head. Set uttilized enough force in this attack to have caused the umbral manifestation that was his hand to collapse upon itself forcing Set to have to uttilize more souls from his pool in order to rematerialize, or rather construct a fist, or hand upon the end of his tangible limb. As if that was not enough Set would turned even further with the backswing and extending his other arm forward comboing a second punch with roughly doubel the force fo the last one towards where the shade's chest likelt would be after taking such a hit; Set's whole tangible arm from this hit would entirely shatter into an intangible umbra from the force he exerted in this attack upon impact.

ZeekHarbinger: -the anger that fueled his attack also blinded him to the full movements of the sinner until it was too late as he wouldn't be able to defend himself against the strike to his head but he recoiled his arms in an attempt to block most of the strike aimed for his chest, taking the full force of the sinners fist to his head it was instant stars so to speak he anticipated his body to go limp after the strike which would have acted in his favor when it would come to the strike to his chest as his arms would have been able to absorb most of the force, the strike to his chest still strong enough to push all air from his lungs as well as crack a few ribs, though his demonic form was stronger then that of a human it was still like that of a human in comparison to the sinner, he fell to the floor gasping for the air to return to his form before he began to cough, his black blood spotting around his mouth as he rolled to side to keep himself from choking on it, the thick black smoke that he used to submerge the entire room in was called back to his form as he could that same energy to help excellerate his healing time- "Damn Sinner..." -he wrapped his beaten arms around himself to keep his ribs in place as he could feel where they had broken and refused to move any further then where he had landed until his ribs were healed-

OrderOfGashes: "You have down well, Congradulations, You have earned my recognition after taking such a blow while still standing," Set in a mear fraction of a milli-second concintrated his umbra and launched a new arm from the intangible mess of his umbra. The impact from the hit however would have lodged some of Set's umbra upon the shade and it would begin almost instantly feeding itsway through its flesh. It seemed to strive to target at force the skull of the shade, though the impact of the hit to its head woud have been a traveling mechanism to utterly launch an umbral envoy into his skull. The objective natue of his umbra to target the living tissue of his should begin tis fun reaction of deteriortating his cerebral organ, instill within him strange feelings, and sounds, This was more than just illusions, His cognetive and somatoform faculties could begin to untie Set would speak through his umbra at the shade, "You do not know the meaning of illusions," He took a step forward and focussed the umbra on the stump of his left wrist to reform a fist before he beckoned the Shade toward him. He would in this moment enact upon the umbra he discharged with his attacks pulling at the remainder of it in the Shade's skull trying to target the ocular globes of the shade in order to extract his umbra, and likely the shade's eyesight at once. The second strike would have unleased even more umbra as it was clear such a strike had destablilized Set's arm and force him to reconstruct a new one. The force likely to Set's perspective should have broken the shade's arms, and likely shattered some ribs in the process, His umbra began to work its way through the bones of the shade deteriortating them as it progressed deeper into his arms and chest. Set beckons again with his other hand as the umbra likely would have at the point started to target internal organs, He did not desire to kill this Shade, but rather test its limits of pain, and its ability to function after experiancing cranial trauma. Set knew in time the woulds would heal, one way, or another and so he tok several steps back and sat down to where he was prior with the Oculi, " You make me prou to have marked you shade, I shall not destroy you today, for you still have much to grow," Should the Shade remain in its current position for long enough set Woudl pick up his Was-Scepter, and his Ankh and would enact his umbra to pull the shade close to him. Set extends the Scepter up above his head and touches the ankh to the Shade's forehead before anouncing allouad, "Anaki Sutekh-su-Set, Morakai-Shadai-sin-cop Kinn-ashi Ma'at-Veritas" A dark energy would shoot down from Set's scepter into hisbody and through the ankh, Resupplying the Shade with energy, and the vitality it woudl need to repair itself, however everything given had its price and it did not help his mind, nor did it repair his bones,of the possibel damage delat to his eyes.

ZeekHarbinger: -releasing a low groan he could tell something wasn't quite right as a strange feeling began to drill into his head closing his eyes tightly as he fought against pain that seem to some how spread through out his head, 'I didn't think he fractured my skull..... or any other bones except my ribs' he rolled back over to lay on his back as Set's voice rand through his mind- "Get out of my head ...." -he spoke through clenched teeth as he fought against the pain, he wasn't entirely sure what it was that was causing these strange sounds that filled his ears, he slowly rolled to his side before getting to his knees as he released his right arm from ribs to brace himself against the floor as he slowly got to his feet, he'd open his eyes only to see his vision was distorted 'His umbra? But how did it...?' getting to his feet his entire form screamed in agony as he took a moment to continue fighting against the pain wrapping his arms back around himself as though to keep his form from falling apart before making his way towards Set and the Oculi, it wasn't until he reched them that he fell to one knee and dropped a hand to floor to keep himself from collapsing completely, he'd looked to Set as he spoke and nodded his head to him lightly as he suddenly felt his energy levels coming back to him as his own energy would begin to heal his body, though his vision was still distorted within the right eye- "I swear , I will not rest until I can beat you Sinner"

OrderOfGashes: "Voc-tari Sun-kai Shun-kura na-amuku" He announces after hearing the Shade's words as he spoke those words his umbra anounced there meanign across to all the kinndred present, "Sic Narro Nos Totus" His umbra would carry the would as if echoing around the entire citadel The moretechnical translation of the words Set had spoken woudl have been as the following: So we say, So it shall be witnessed. The underlying meanign was nearly identical when translated from The Tongue of Set As latin came as a more litterarry language and the tongue of Set was more of a conceptual language. He grabs the tome he was working upon from The Oculi and begins to sit back down and return to what he was reading prior studying the scripts that constantly changed under his observation; there were many hidden meanings trapped between those pages, and he was addiment about decyphering them all.

ZeekHarbinger: -he slowly rose back to his feet keeping his left arm wrapped around his form before he made his way to the couch near by, the coloring of his right eye now beginning to show the damage it endured during his 'training' with Set as he peered back to the sinner before slowly lowering himself down onto the cushions, he stretched out as he lay on his back and allowd his form to heal itself, though the odd sounds within his mind didn't completely go away as of yet the strange feelings seemed to waver slightly, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax for the time being keeping his breath slow, shallow but steady as his ribs still hurt a great deal-

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Zeek's Second Training Sept.15.2017
February 08, 2019 08:26AM

ZeekHarbinger: -he sat outside in the middle of the darkend yard, legs crossed with his head bowed forward his hands resting on his knees with his palms facing upwards, small orbs of shadow like energy formed over his palms and black smoke hung closely to his form as he channeled the fear energy that flowed through the darkness that surrounded the propperty, the black serpent rested it's head along the pale flesh of his shoulder as it enjoyed the feeling of the energy being channeled through Zeek's form which seemed rather unusual to him considering the only time that the snake ever appeared as more then a tattoo wrapped around his body was when Set himself commanded the slithering beast to strike Zeek, the echoes of screams within his mind made it a little more difficult for him to concentrate on the energy as they had only grown louder since coming to this place, he had yet to adjust to his new surroundings and it was about time he did, the new challenges before him were like he had faced within the abyss especially if you added in these god like beings, 'Shade? Is it nothing more then a title? Or is it nothing more then a shadow of the sinner?' he thought to himself as tried to remain focused on the eergy that flowed around and through him, 'What do I have to offer these beings other then being nothing more then a fleshy plaything?' as each question past his mind the echoes grew louder causing him to furrow his brows out of frustration-

OrderOfGashes: Whispers would begin to flow through the mind of Zeek as if they were there soley to come as answers to the questions he thought. The invasive nature of the message however would leave Zeek unsure of if it was truely he who thought up these answers or somethign entirely differant that had bore its way itno his mind. The snake entralled with the food ti was feasting upon supplied by zeek would begin to lick him upon the base of the neck beofre slithering from one shoulder to the other too-and-fro. The voice wheather he decided ti was his own or external would call into his head ina very snake like manner in which the sounds of certain leters woudl be drawn out, " The shades urposes are as an extension of the Sinner, They are but newborn, not yet learned in the ways of being useful." The snake would begin licking at his ears as if it were the one speaking to him when in actuallity it was completely coincidental, "If you do not know what you can offer then you surely are and have nothing to become, They must have picked us for a reason," That message identifying Zeek and the voice as the same was a very subtle deception, "Perhaps we shoudl seek out this sinner and force from him answers?" The voice seemed to get excited from this, "Maybe this time we can feed upon him, and just show him how much of plaything his existance is," Set's form however was of no where to eb spotted at the moemnt There were several of his posesions scattered around the room, namely his Was-Scepter and Tome sitting upon a table. The room would have been eeriely quiet like it was presently in the eye of a storm.

ZeekHarbinger: -the voice speaking to him stood out amongst the rest as it spoke of the purpose of the shades being an extension of the sinner, he was slightly confused as to where this voice had come from, was it his own thoughts answering himself, or was the snake that had began to move back and forth along his shoulder speaking to him, he shook his head lightly as thought to shake the new voice out of his head as it continued to taunt him about being nothing more then he is, he opened his eyes to look back to the snake that had licked at his ear and growled lightly at it as it grew more and more annoying to him, he sighed lightly as he had broken the concetration of channelling the energy the small orbs within his palms disapating into the air as though a breeze carried them away as the smoke around his form no longer hung around him, "Now see what you did? Distracting serpent.." He spoke out loud to it before he closed his eyes again hearing the voice within his mind about making Set give him the answers he sought, despite the idea being rather hard to resist he couldn't deny the fact that Set was far stronger then himself and he would need to figure out a way to beat him, he eyed the building as he considered the thought a little more as he rose to his feet to casually make his way back towards the citadel, he peered back to the snake as he walked- "Your getting to be rather annoying lately.." walking back into the building he scanned the room to see that no one was even around despite Set's belongings being here, it was not like him to leave his things out where other's could get them at least not with out some sort of trap placed to protect them and their secrets, the room was too quiet for his liking didn't help that the more quiet the room was the louder the echoes in his mind appeared to be, though something wasn't quite right, Set's belonging being here and a quiet citadel peaked his curiosity as he began to look to the shadows expecting some one to emerge from within-

OrderOfGashes: The second the energy source which was supplying the serpent with such a delightful snack ended the Snake would slither its way back ontop of Zeek's hea donyl to fade back into a tattoo. IT chose tis postion wisely as the source of all psychic energy flowed through the third eye, somehting that was positioned right below it. As its form melted into Zeek's flesh the voice still continued to speak within him, "The fool has left his book there, look remember before you felt the fear oh so potent comming from him, We shoudl take it and read it so that we may be able to call forth that which he fears and conquer him," The voice offered.

ZeekHarbinger: -he closed his eyes as the voice spoke to him once again pressing his hand harder against his temple, furrowing his brows as he grew annoyed at it most because he wasn't sure where it was coming from, at this point he was certain it wasn't the serpent speaking to him as he was sure the snake wouldn't try to convince him to take any action towards the sinner, upon opening his eyes again he looked to the tome that the voice spoke of the thought of a creature that would scare Set enough to keep the fear so deep within himself made him curious, he looked to windows and seen his reflection within the smooth surface of the panes, he dropped his hand from the side of his head seeing the discoloration of his right eye and the blackend scars across his form made him remember the first round of training and how easy it was for Set to manipulate him, the thought only made his anger grow as remember how easily he gave into him, "Get out of my head ..." he spoke out loud as he turned away from the window, "Even if you are just a bored split persona of myself, what would be the point in such actions..... Set isn't even here to succumb to his fears" -he looked back to the tome just sitting there the curiosity growing within him as to what it could have been that would cause such a reaction of fear within a being like Set-

ZeekHarbinger: -the more he thought of the training session from days before the more his anger would grow within him, the echoes within his mind and this new voice only seem to grow stronger in influence the more his anger grew thus create a blind spot within his judgement, the curiosity of this fear he sense from Set only instigated the voices further, encouraging him to reach for the tome, he closed his eyes allowing a low growl to escape his lips as he pressed both hands to his temples and shook his head as though to shake the voices out, the inner conflict that had begun within his mind was beginning to take it's toll on his patience- "You have no control ........ your nothing but a voice in my head........ shut up already!" -once again the anger that rose within him caused the dual voice to be heard as he yelled at seemingly no one as he only fought with himself, something as simple as peaking into the bindings of a book shouldn't cause such a situation in the mind of any normal being, but considering everything he had already been through he was far from a normal being and the training he was undergoing would only take him further then what he currently was, what came after this was still not seen by him as his mind was set on self destruct lately it seemed, trying to rip himself apart from the inside out-

OrderOfGashes: "We are scared of him, and he uses that against us," The voice began againm "wouldn't it be nice to use his fears against him?" The voice continues to taunt him but then also adheres to Zeek's own thoughts reflecting the true of the matter before him, "This is a very great oppertunity, though it could be a trap; I would not put it against that sinner to come up with some elaborate trap just to fuck us up some more, But regardless if this is a trap or not, he is going to fuck us regardless unless we have something to use against him, what better place can we hope to find such things?" The logic was solid there may have been a trap set, but the possibilty of learning somethign useful likely outwayed the risk. "But we are right, we are nothing but the voices in our head,a guide of advice should only be taken as the devil whispering into our ears trying to lead us astray. But we do not want to see us beaten as a fleshy plaything for the amusement of that sinner. WE want to see him curse the day hetold us to strike him with everything we got," The tome sat there next to his Was-Scepter, it looks to be a norml book, lined in leather full of parchment paper though it appeared to be rather thick. "Wonder if there is a table of context, or an index." And so the voice expressed to Zeek their own thoughs and worries upon the matter making it even more confusing on if it were actually an outsiders voice, or a division of zeek's psyche from the attack Set had struck him with prior.

ZeekHarbinger: "Shut up!" -anger within his voice was all too clear now as the dual voices yelled loudly echoing through the empty room, the logic with in the voices made perfect sense though he would not act apon them knowing full well the sinner had set yet another test for him, he would succumb to his anger and desires to over power this being as he knew the being was more then capable of ending his life with a single snap of his finger, the energy Zeek used was nothing more then a variation of the energy that was pure within Set clearly showing when he stood against the sinner- "You are nothing but voices in my head, even if you are the devil whispering in my ear, you would already know I am not looking for another hopeless spar against the being, his secerets are his own just as mine are my own, if he wanted to yes he could very well just ask me and I would have to tell him, but considering he has not I will not succumb to your influences" -his dual voice grew calmer as the reasoning behind his words past by his own ears, he knew there was far more in the tome then just the fear that Set hid and he also knew that the state he was in he would be no match for sort of trap the sinner may or may not have set in place for such a test, he dropped his hands from his temple and turned away from Was-Scepter and tome- "I will not give him the satisfaction..." -and walked towards the fireplace -

OrderOfGashes: With each moment that the rage began to take him, more and more driving force would back the voice, as if it were either feeding upon the rage itself, or rather was a voice of anger within Zeek's head. "Are you not tired of being The sinner's little bitch boy? soon he is going to have you eating out of his damn hand, have you pee where he wants shit where he wants, work his shaft when he wants, look at yourself, look at what you have become; you do not owe any of it to him, You rose from the abyss by your own hands, and you shall conquer him and his fears by your own hands, Is that not the nature of their world as well as ours, You keep what you kill," The snake would begin to feel aggitated by the inner struggles of Zeek, it began to uncoil itself feeling that the uncertainty within zeek would be a nice snack for it to gourge itself even more on, as it seemed the energy that it had fed upon before was only a small tease to it. Its body vcoils tighter around Zeek's torso as it slithers its way lower and lower until its head reached his neck. The snake would then lick his neck just as it always does before striking and driving its fangs into the flesh of Zeek's throat. Upon injection of its venom among the pain, and overwhelimg sensation of the toxins, The pain and very slowly the voice that was speaking into his head would begin to fade as if the snake was consuming it from his mind. In its final words as the anger and the voice were consumed it says, "You have the option to be great, or be a slave, and you are choosing to be a slave,"

ZeekHarbinger: -he stopped at the fireplace pressing his hand against the warmth of the stonework that surrounded closing his eyes to the voices within his mind, they were sound in the words they spoke, he didn't owe anything to any one of these beings, but there was something he had learned while 'training' in the abyss, it was knowing his place despite it going against his very chaotic nature, the desire for more power to use against the Sinner was overwhelming indeed to be able to put the Sinner in his place for a change would be greatly satisfying with out a doubt, his breathing grew a touch shorter as the serpent began to tighten itself around his torso and feeling the snake lick at his neck again he knew what was coming next, he was unsure if he wanted to reach up and grab the slithering beast by it's head this time or let it strike him he only fought with the idea for a split second before quickly reaching up and grabbing the serpent by the length of his long body just at the base of it's head, he pulled it down so he could look at it and shook his head with a light tsk sound escaping his lips- "You may be hungry for this sort of energy, but it doesn't mean you get to take it as you please, you are stuck to me remember.." -the dual voice fading more so now that he had clamed himself down, he grinned hearing the voices so called choices for him- "I do have the option to be great, it's the very reason I put up with the Sinner's training, to gain the knowledge needed to gain the power ...." -he looked to the snake and grinned once more before releasing it with a shove as sort of 'back off' feel to it before staring blankly into the flames of the fire- "Clearly your not the voices in my head, but simply some one else trying to play mind games with me ...." -he closed his eyes as he searched his own mind until he came across a familiar energy that had intruded within his mind once before during his first training session with the sinner- "Set? this is very unlike you"

OrderOfGashes: AS Zeek woudl begin to address the voice in his head, he would notice that there was no such energy placed within his head, from Set, The resulting trauma he experianced from The trainig with Set had in fact damaged his brain. The resulting cocnclusion thougt up by Set was to siphon souls from his pool into that of Zeek as a means in which to help heal his body through the consumption of such beings. The soul in question belonged to a heretic that Set had killed long ago in his days as a god, They hate set and would be doing everything in their power to try and overthrow Set from what ever position he held; Upon mentioning the name of Set within his own min the voice began to try and take more forcible matters into hand. The soul began to try and take over the motor facilities of Zeek, As being called the one thing it hated the most was enough driving force to engage itself, "We are not Set, the vile curse fo the nile, We want him gone, all he is and ever will be is a shaddow long forgotten to the mortal planes, his followers shall end and his reign shall no longer continue," It was very liekly the soul did not presently nwo that Set was in fact a kinn, as from its conversation it seemed to be that it was calling him a sinner against the old ways and had a very narrow knowledge of what it was Set had become. "That tome is not even of his property, but stolen from another, that scepter is a toool of his domain, Surely there must be a way to break it within that tome, You must try," The soul would then try to make him turn around and walk toward the tome. Should it be able to hold Zeek's form hostage even for this brief moemnt it would open the tome; And then there was only silence.

ZeekHarbinger: -hearing the reaction from the voice within his mind he grinned in the physical world, not being Set he knew full well he could over take who ever or what ever it was that thought Zeek would be used as a tool by it, there was no way this 'thing' was strong enough to overpower him now that he was fully aware of the intruder making it virtually impossible for the energy to attempt to take of control of his physical form, 'You think you can control me in any way or form, espically considering your not Set?' a maniacle laugh resonated within his mind as his gaze finally landed on a the figure of the intruder, 'This is going to be far too easy... your in my head ..... now you belong to me', in the physical world he closed his eyes as he remained standing next to the fireplace keeping his hand placed against the stone work for stability sort of speak black smoke began to shroud his form, back within his mind a dark shadow engulfed Zeek before racing to the figure of this intruder and wrapping itself aound it like the serpent that wrapped itself around his physical form, 'I do not who you are, nor do I care, the fact you think for a second I will manipulated and used in such a manner by the likes of you is revolting, so much so I will not grant you the luxary of possibly entertaining me further' with the last of his words spoken in his mind the thick black smoke wrapped itself tighty around the figure within his mind, englufing it entirely as it would begin to break down and consume the very energy this intruder wwas made from-

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Zeek Meets True Terror Sept.18.2017
February 08, 2019 08:29AM

ZeekHarbinger: -Most of the last few days he spent on the arm of the cross above the fireplace after absorbing the intruding soul within his mind, most of it's memories were of Set from the past life that the soul was apart of, he understood the anger the soul held towards Set and the amount of fear recharged his energy and then some allowing him to heal the damages that lingered from the first session of training, his arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned back against the length of the cross and his legs crossed at the ankles allowing him to balance himself along the narrow ledge of the arm, even the serpent appeared content as it hadn't made much movement since the mind games began a few days ago remaining relaxed and rested coiled around his torso and its head on his, the echoes in his mind how ever hadn't gotten any louder but still remained as agonizing screams echoing in his head as much as he would have liked to rid himself of them he was beginning to grow use to it, but every now and then the voice of the soul he absorbed rang through his mind about making his choice, he was no slave to these beings but he knew full well to get to level they were at he needed to be where he was, at least that's what he kept telling himself to curb his anger and destructive nature-

OrderOfGashes: For several days, the Tome and Scepter sat there undisturbed by the surroudnign darkness that cloaked the Lightless realm of the Kinn. It was in one of the more peaceful moments thatmovement began to occur. The tome was not adequately used to sitting there by itself; It desired to be read, it desired to be put to use, for a tome of such variety was useless when left by itself. The Figure on the Was-Scepter began to stick its tongue out and lick the spine of the tome as if it were tasting the disruptive energy dorming around it. Its mouth opens and just as it was about to bite down upon the Spine of the tome It opened itself and slammed one half of its pages down upon the scepter nullifying its reactions. Words and glyphs began to pull themselves off the pages only to dance breifly around in the air above it ebfore falling back into the tome. It was slow at first but began to speed up as the pages of the tome began to flip themeselves as if something within the tome itself was trying to come out. It Finally flips to a certain chapter in which the name of referance to what it was had been blotched out. A small gold coin came into begin from the pages of the tome and would begin to roll driectly toward the inverted crusifix, Engraved itno the pure golden coin was the likeness of a fang with the motto " Vita est sanguis" around it, on the oposite side of the coin bear the likeness of a cadaelus just as a great hammer instead of a staff, and a dragon upon it instead of a snake, etchd aross the base of the coin were two swords marking it as a crest with the motto "In vivis a defunctis" Across the bottom of the coin bared a single words written in capital letters on both sides "VLADE" As the coin would drop at the base of the cusafix the tome would close as if nothing had happened.

ZeekHarbinger: -sensing a slight shift in energy with in the quiet citadel he opened his emeralds to the darkness that surrounded him only to see that no was there, his gaze landed on Set's scepter oticing the head of the creature on it had it's tongue hanging out, he honestly thought he was seeing things at first til the tongue of the beast began to reach down towards the tome, he dropped his arms from across his chest as he uncrossed his ankles before dropping to the blackend wood floor below, landing on his feet he started his way across the room towards the powerful tome Set had always had on his person intently watching as the book itself opened, seeing the words and glyphs jump off the page for a breif moment before being collected back onto the pages he thought for sure Set had to be close by playing another mind game, his emerlads scanned the room's entirety including the shadows to see if he find the sinner before turning his gaze back to the tome, just as he was close enough to reach out to close the book a golden coin appeared from the pages before rolling towards the inverted crusifix, he barely made out the engavings and etching on it as it continued across the tome before he reached out and picked it up just as the tome closed itself once more- "This place just keeps getting more and more interesting the longer I stay..." -his gaze went from the tome to the coin in his hand as he looked over the faces, the words etched upon it weren't in any language he knew, he lifted his gazeto look back to the scepter with a raised brow before looking back to the tome just at the base- "Does everything Set own try to eat other shit's energy?"

OrderOfGashes: A compelling force would have instantly bgan working its way through zeek the moment he touched the coin. A desire, nay; a nessesity to read what was etched into the coin a loud would begin to take him. It was very similar to the effects that Set issuing a comand to him would have been, except this was clearly under no oblifatory means to force him biologically to do anyhitng, merely the compelling force riven into him by the coin . The moemnt he looked upon the words their meaning became lesrned to him, the language was clearly that of Latin, the first side of the coin read verbatim as "Blood is the Life" Upon turnign it over the second phrase would equaly as easily be learned to him as " from the dead to the living," those two phrases however would have not caused the obsessive compulsion to read them aloud, however upon reading the word, or rather name that was written upon both sides in capital letters the desire would have become almost unbareable. AS if in responce to the coin being touched the shadows around the room begin to collapse upon themselves drawing into a central point int eh midle of the room. The Was-Scpeter begins to ove as if it were caught within a tornado of sorts flying around and around in a circle before vanishing too into the depth of the shadows. A loud booming voice clearly that of set interjects ont the natural silence of the room, "Anaki Set-Sutekh; Inak var sya untar ki-kor" [ I am Set/Sutekh; Do not read or remeber the likness of that coin] His form would begin to slowly come into being, a sense of nease was present in his voice as it echoed through the shadows, An umbral extension forces its way out of the central point manifesting as a hand before the voice continued again, "Ena-mai ki-kor na kura sumai" [You will give to me that coin and accept yourr fate,] should Zeek listen however it would be highly unlikely he could make himself froget what was written upon the coin as such the memories would soon begin to grow within him.

ZeekHarbinger: -he flipped the coin around between his fingers as he fought this sudden urge to read the wording aloud despite never seeing the language before he was sure he knew the translation to be able to even, the urge grew stronger from the moment he picked it up as though Set himself had given him an order to read the words out loud, just as he was about to look back to the wording on the coin he noticed the shadows within the room all began to collapse and move into towards the middle of the room before watching the scepter get drawn into this tornado like effect then vanishing, hearing the Set's loud voice echoe through the silent citadel his eyes moved to the center of the shadows to see Set coming into being, hearing the commands to forget what was written began to feel like another contradiction within his being the same sensation that overwhelmed the first time Set told him to strike him, he growled lowly closing his eyes tightly to the screaming echoes in his mind before slowly handing the coin over to the umbral hand before him- "I had no intensions ....." -even as he spoke the urge to speak the words out loud and the contradicting commands with in his mind triggered the acid sensation through his veins as though it was carried by his blood-
OrderOfGashes: "Enough," Set announced as he raises a hand to silence Zeek, "You hsve already spoken too much," As the coin struck the hand of Set the urge to look upon it, to read it, to announce the name engraved upon it dwindled within the majority of the souls held in servitude under the dominance of Set's own being. He plucked his Was-Scepter out of the forgoing umbral shadows pooling within the center of the room as hsi body continue to manifest inot the fourteen foot form it had grown accustom to being represented as. He gripped the coin as his umbra pulled deeper and deepr shads of black. The souls within him attempting to revolt against the dominence of Set's will, and the claim to dominence his Scepter provided. in the end Set woudl have been forced to act, Force to begin to recite something he woudl have rather chosen not to. but before he did so he allowed his umbra to thicken around the ears of Zeek as to mute out any sound Set would begin to speak, through his shadows he tells Zeek, "It is time for you to learn what true terror is," and with that everything else woudl go silent, Set slamms his hand with the coin in it upon the cover of his tomen attemptiong to force it back in, yet it went not, and only a stronger force to make him speak struck forth. and so Set began an invocation. "Anaki Atum-Set-Sutekh, Enjeri su-Ennead, Ana-Kaoisirus ma'at sikor, apep na'ar cumarra, eina kayuk corasa mena khamesh. Kiosirus sumata, ba shem ka, kumasa narak meiark nesush, teffila mkodesh zekhar litziakh mitzrayim Enaki Vlade" [ I Am Atum Set sutekh high of the Ennead, I call upon the undying truth, the unkillable; bane of Chaos drinker of the five fleshs. To your formless being I offer forth three souls facilitites to bring to you under my form a being. Praise to the essence which brought you out, and blessed upon you I return the name Vlade] Upon speaking the name granting the invocation Sets umbra begin to dwindle exponentially as the amount of soul he needed to offer to bring forth such a large scale being was virtually uncountable. The first thing to appear was the smell of rot and purtid ozze begining to fall upon the ground as if it were leaking from Set's umbra. A strong acidic stench ebgan to eat away at the umbral floor below consuming it as if the souls he had offered this being were merely wasted into a creation of destruction. The oozes begin to seer and bubble as the blood causes it to boil. Suddenly a skeletal hand emits from the goo; vile green swirling upon black is the bones color, followed by another, it then proceeds to pull out a spine with it, two feet in front of the arms a gelatinous bulb appears, it begins to solidify the grows more features, Wrinkles appear upon the top of it causing all around to realize it be a brain. A thin skull begins to form around it as a puddle of brow puss secretes from the brain. As soon as the brain finishes solidifying the spine shoots into the base of the skull lifting it off the grounds, soon after words sprout legs and such. As the being stands at 8'9' it appears to walk toward the fountain It is instantly seen the being isn't just walking, where it's feet fall shadows feast, as soon as it reaches the fountain IT reaches down to its groina nd would relieve itself turngint he silver fountain of souls into a murky green mess. For upon the flesh were massive intricate gashes and scarifications; symbolic of thousands upon thousands of years of torture of the most perplexing and disturbing kinds. A vast assortment of strange runes and seals as well line its flesh it was evident from the angle that they took as well as the depth and thickness of each and every cut that they were entirely self inflicted. It turns its hea donce it had finished gestating itself gazing at first Set; a being he recognized, nd a new younger being, He opens his mouth hungery exposing a set of emerald and rub fangs before Speaking to Set, it was at this point Set allowed his umbra to fade from the Ears of Zeek just in time for him to catch the words, "I agree to your terms Set, but though you mark that as your own," Vlade would have spat at the feet of Zeek, "I will remember me, and force me to return, lest you shall deal upon it, for I would desire to feast," Set looks seriously at the Vlade before gazing back at Zeek, "So let it be," Set's voice announces The vlade smiles dangerously as it begins to rip upon the rotting flesh of its shoulder exposing the bhilt of what appeared to be a rusted blade; Vlade regards Zeek and asks him, "Do you fight or do you die?"

ZeekHarbinger: -having relinquished the coin to Set the urge to speak the words upon the coin faded rather quickly, along with the acidic burning through his veins, he watched as Set plucked his scepter from the continuing surge of shadows that seemed to completely surround Set, feeling like a scolded child he clenched his teeth tightly together as his emerlads narrowed towards the Sinner just as he realized his hearing was gone, was this another trick? did Set some how inflict his umbral upon him once again without his knowing? the only thing Zeek could hear at this time was the screaming echoes within his mind as they cried out for any one to listen before Set's voice came across his ears, he raised a brow at the being as he made his way towards the tome that had not been touched for quite some time and watched as Set slammed the coin into the cover of it as though to push it back into the pages from once it came, he could see Set speaking but couldn't hear an single word he spoke but from what came next he figured it was invocation to summon this being of true terror, the ooze that pooled on the floor reminded him of the soul pools within the abyss, though rare they were rather powerful all their own trapping any who dared to take from it a single drop, watching in awe as the skeletal hands appeared he fought the urge to step closer to get a better sense of the being that was forging itself a form for what seemed the first time in ....ever, the stench that filled his nose was nothing he hadn't experienced before and was not taken back by it at all, the sight of the being that emerged from the oozing pool before Set wasn't what he expected but was still curious about it as it wasn't a being he had seen before, he rolled his eyes as the being made it's way over to the fountain to releive itself but took note as to how it moved, a shadow figure of sorts was the best he could think of for the time being when he suddenly got his hearing back, he looked down at the floor before his feet as the being spit at him before raising his gaze back to the being, hearing it's words to Set then Set's words to it he knew he was in for a long night, seeing the hilt of a rusted blade appear from the rotting flesh he grinned as a black smoke began to filter in around his form thickening as his damascus took solidity across his back- "There's only one in this room that decides when I die, and it ain't you" -he reached back and gripped the hilt of his blade as he pulled it from his back before thorwing the sheath off to the side, despite the discoloration in his right eye both flashed a bright green for a breif moment as the smoke remained around his form-

OrderOfGashes: “So let it be,” as he watched Zeek unsheath the blade it forced him to instantly react. Gripping his hand upon the rusted hilt he pulls it, and as the Blade was lifted from his tattered rotting flesh the first of several seals begins to lift from his being. The presence of his Aura quickly displaces itself through the interacting Umbra field that had so adequately brought his form anew. The moment the blade was drawn a sickening chasm ruptured through this large massing of aura and umbra. It began to siphon upon himself as all of the large pool of souls that had be offered to bring him forth was consumed in nearly an instant. The umbral manifestation around him began to flatten as his Aura, as well as his own shadow seemed to begin to consume the mass of it. It seemed to happen almost instantaneously, The displacement of Set’s Sloth like Umbra vanished from all trace of Vlade as The death bound blade was relinquished from his flesh. Set in the meanwhile had chosen to sit this one out and see how it was his Trainee would fair against The embodiment of Vlade. All of the rot, all of the mangled flesh that had been apparent of Vlade’s form seemed to be absorbed into him, The large excess of souls including the damned blade he removed from his flesh enabled it to heal back to its flawless display. His flesh was tan, his eyes held a shade of green, and as he opened his mouth a set of emerald fangs glistened. Through the drawing of the blade all [psychotic displays of his being would have ceased, leaving not but sincerity, and the hunger to kill, such was the manifestation of the blade; Flesh-Biter that he had torn from his shoulder-back flesh. His shadow began to expand as the souls and umbral reservoir Set provided fueled it further. It began to amass around the area fueling itself more and more on the collection of residual umbra, and what ever amounts of darkness lay dormant around the vicinity. He took a step forward just as his shadow engaged in reflective response simultaneously. It would be noted that however the moment the blade had be torn from his flesh the ruined state of it quickly reversed much like the body of Vlade. It shared the dimensions of a katana, the wrapping around its hilt however seems to be freely flowing as if it was made of some sort of concentrated energy welded into a iron based metallic alloy. From speculation one could assess that the blade much like its weider strengthens itself, or rather feeds upon the blood; flesh of its victims. As hsi shadows followed and duplicated his motions Vlade sent forth a tangent of his consciousness through his own aura in a means to cloud the thinking space of Zeek before him; Fueled by the immense quantity of Souls fueled by both Set, and the memories Vlade reconstituted from such would have created quite a powerful overwhelm tactic. He took another step forward as he had done so sliding his hand down the expanse of the blade supplying a fresh stream to fill the blood grooves of it before swinging his hand splattering several large pools of his blood not only in the direction of Zeek but across the floor in ambiguous and seemingly random locations; bits of his shadows as well being caste around with them. He places his lacerated palm forward with the back of the blade against his open hand before extending his arms forward the Blade lining perpendicular to the gash. The briefest of moments pass before he engages further. The blade in his right hand he would launch himself forward never leaping from the ground however as he extends his left hand forward in a means to grab him while the blade would stab diagonally downward toward his sternum. As his shadow followed suit it would move just as he had though the grabbing would have had more apparent utility there as it was clearly trying to pin his shadow in place to line up Vlade’s Attack.

ZeekHarbinger: -his emeralds watched carefully as the rotting flesh the covered the entirit of this beings form began to heal itself to leave a tanned skin in it's place, his gaze shifted to the katana like weapon itself as it also seemed to have been given a second life sort of speak, the entire time never once moving or showing any signs of interest, just a simple blank expression as he took in this being that was apparently the source of Set's fears, he didn't quite understand how one like Set, a full Umbral Sinner could possibly fear something like this ....flesh bag, seeing the hilt of the black flow the it had he had realized it relied on the blood and flesh of it's victims, nothing new to him as he had seen many blades such as this within the abyss but the stench of iron was enough for him to want to avoid any contact with it. He stood calmly allowing his form to be covered with a thick black smoke keeping this barrier would keep any mental influences from attacking him, despite the large soul count this being just gained from Set and the great influence it could've had on his mind was diminished greatly as it attempted to pass through the thick smoke created by his own umbral influences by using his black blood as a energy source, he may not have had as large a soul pool as this being or Set but from his time within the abyss he learned quickly to collect soul energy and store it within his blood. He watched as the being took a step forward and took note how the beings shadow moved with him, though it seemed liked flawless movements he noticed a slightly lag between the form and the shadow before looking back to the being before it began to spread it's blood around the area in random movements, he took note of each pool and shadow to ensure not to touch a single one of them when it was time to move, but the fact this being was willing sending out shadows made him curious, clearly this thing didn't have a clue what he was capable of doing. He sent a small stream of the smoke to snake through the shadows, such a light amount it should have gone unnoticed just long enough for him to reach into the beings mind and find the even that took place to lock this thing away, then he noticed the being taking another step forward, gripping it's hilt in a manner he himself had used many times before before it took off towards him, watching as both the being it's shadow would reach out towards him he knew it was going to try and hold him place through his own shadow, he grinned devilishly as he pulled his shaodw into his form just before the shadow was within reach of taking hold, stepping back and turning just enough to throw his left hand up to grip the wrist of the being before it could grab hold of his form, he turned his blade to run the length of his arm as he gripped the hilt tightly before throwing his arm upwards to run the two blades along eachother to deflect the downwards stab towards him all within a few smooth blended movements as though it had been reherressed several times over, "Truly, a flesh bag like yourself that had been locked away for centuries didn't think he could move that fast, especially against the Sinner's shade, the one who locked you away in the first place, did you?" he taunted the being before he manipulated the smoke around him to enter into the beings blood stream through the cut he inflicted on himself, once in it's blood it would make manipulatings it's fear and anger that much easier-

OrderOfGashes: 4The shadowy smoke display interested him not as the first Attack and deflection of the fight landed his upper hand in the fight. His hand freely flowing blood was caught at the wrist by Zeek, to which blood would have long since coated the expense of such due to the dimensions of the wound self inflicted. He felt the tingling of another trying ot make petty grasps at the back of his mind, Something that was locked metaphorically into concrete due to the Blade he was wielding having pulled all corrupting thought from his mind, Though instead of simply allowing the blade to pull forth this new alternative to his perception he instead allowed it to enter, He felt not the desire to hinder its searching of its memories, though the moment he would have allowed it into them the captivating insanity of which the Blade was nullifying from Vlade’s Current psyche would overwhelm Zeek’s grasp. What he perceived was many impossible situations lost within the span of time, as if things of yesterday, the present, and the morrow were all intangible occurring simultaneously without clear definition of one to another. But Vlade did not desire to allow him to have free range of his search. A memory highly fragmented would force its occurrence to be displayed, it was the embodiment of Vlade His eyes clouded, and a thick venomous aura emanating from his essence, through the memory The appearance of several pantheons were surrounding him, among them Isis, Set, Ra; and there lessers of the Egyptians; Loki, Thor, Odin, Hel, Mimir; and the respective allies of the Norse; Zeus, Hercules, Typhon, Artemis, among the legion of the Greco-roman counterparts, Countless incarnations of the Brahma, and its hindu alterations. Of Which Set was the only one to stand back. An intense moment of rage takes place from something like a fragmenting individual within Vlade and everything dims into the trandurational static that is was prior. The fragmentation ends and all that was left of these great groups of Gods, and Religious deities was broken and forgotten relics. Set was the only one left to survive, to witness what it was that had happened, You see in a moment of rage, something animalistic, and destructive opened its eyes within Vlade and decimated the Godhoods that oppressed him. Set had not interfered and so his Likeness was not targeted. The memory had ended from that point throwing Zeek through another timehole; it was clear to zeek, if he was even able to think given the current overwhelming nature of Vlade’s psychos; That whatever the hell Vlade was had most definitely been torn from conventional time and placed into random moments. where his past selves had been killed, eaten, or even raped by what seemed to be other “himselves” being thrown relatively forward or backwards through time subjectively. It seemed this was the mechanic it discovered to render its own paradoxical existences constant; devouring the flesh of himself that was current to the moment he was thrown into. Vlade allows the Gates of his tortured mind to wash open, The psychological abuse he faced on terms in multiple plains of what can only be understood as hell; visions of himself killing those closest to him; his wives, children, parents, siblings, The screams of them begging him to stop. The unsurety of when it came to an end, if it had come to an end, or rather if this currently was a means of his torture being exacted. As more and more of the smoke tendrils would move to enter his mind, The consciousness of vlade would hungrily eat more and more of it forcing a route back into the identity that was used to enter his mind, whether it was only a tendril of thought, or an embodiment of Zeek’s being it would truly have to hold within it devotion to his identity and desires and from such would either allow Vlade to trap Zeek’s conscious awareness within his own deconstructed, and chaotic psychos, or ensue a leaking of his consciousness through Zeek’s tendrils in a desired tactic to seize control over Zeek’s mind. [end mental fuckery part] Vlade’s blood would have likely made contact with Zeek at this point the grabbing of his and the deflection of the blade likely would have been enough to either have his flesh leak blood into the hand Zeek grabbed him with, or rather spray blood off the edge of Vlade’s weapon upon him. Vlade laughs at Zeek’s declarations before shutting him down just as quickly as he spoke, “Set only had recorded a distinct memory he had of me, that memory you triggered gave me purpose to return; I locked myself away by forgetting existence was true; Or rather I forgot to exist, and so I seized,” The longer he was exposed to Zeek’s flesh being under direct contact with his own skin there was a likelihood that Zeek’s own Shadowy smoke barrier would almost be mimicked through Vlade as if the biological contact was enough for him to freelance the capabilities of another; one would only imagine what Vlade would be able to do should he taste the blood of Zeek. IT was then that the smoke entered Vlade’s Blood IT tried to grasp at fears that were not present, but primal rage was. The extent of anger was in such a large torrent and magnitude the likelihood of manipulating it and not succumbing to its influence would have been very unlikely. He would have turned his hand in turn grabbing aswell into the wrist of Zeek before pulling toward him. As the blade would have been deflected; Vlade had he succeeded in pulling Zeek toward him; in the same motion would have driven his own blade at an upward angle through his own back likely penetrating the chest of Zeek Allowing Zeek’s Black umbra inductive blood to begin flowing into Vlade’s Flesh.

ZeekHarbinger: He sensed Vlade allowing him to see into his memories thus keeping his defenses on high, the overwhleming torment of this beings mind was like nothing he had faced before but never the less he kept his own mental stability intact through the many years of mental torture he had endured himself, watching this thing wipe out the entirity of the godly beings as they were was nothing less then what he expected considering Set's fear of it, but now he knew the full extent of it torment through what could only be described as interdimensial self infliction, a whole new level that even Zeek hadn't endured, knowing if he continued to dig further he would only continue to feed this thing more of his own energy and allow it entrance into his own mind, pulling the smoke back he allowed his blood to 'cleanse' the energy as it were as it returned to his form to keep any residual energy from the being from entering. He noticed that Vlade was beginning to mimic his barrier coming to the conclusion that he was able to learn abilities or mimic them at the very least by prolong contact, despite being able to mimic this technique did not mean he could control as it was nothing more then a copy of Zeek's trained abilities allowing him to call the smokey barrier into himself once more as he grinned at the being "Thank you for that insight, it was rather helpful" speaking rather politely just moments before using the extra source of energy Vlade mimiced from him as his form broke down into a cloud of smoke releasing his grip on Vlade's wrist completely and seemingly melting to the floor before Vlade could pull him close enough to strike again, the smoke would trail around Vlade making sure to snake around the pools of blood and extra shadows he had casted out earlier before reforming once again a few feet behind him, as he allowed his form to take on solidity again solid black tattoo like markings formed over his hands as he used his smokey like barrier in a concentrated form to protect his hands in case he were to come in conact with this being again, keeping his blade along the length of his arm, keeping his arm tucked in along side himself as he stood sideways, his form relaxed despite still taking solidty, he turned his head to face Vlade and shook his head at him, "Your sef infliction of torture is amusing at best..."

OrderOfGashes: It only took mere moments after experiencing how Zeek had placed his consciousness within the smoke for Vlade to reason a similar tactic for manipulating it, he allowed his Aura to manifest within his Shadows a very fun thought crosses his mind; rather than duplicate the reaction Zeek was performing with his Smoke Vlade chose to alter the mechanics of it, to apply its range into a new found direction. A new thing to play with. He allowed his Aura to begin to expand from the pools of the blood his own shadows reaching out within the vital pools of fluids only to begin to bubble, or rather convert without heat into a very dense and thick fog made up entirely of his Blood, shadows and Aura, The smoke of Zeek likely would be suffocated if not overpowered by the density of the ‘blood fog’ Vlade was capable of doing such feats by integrating his observation of how Zeek’s smoke operating and crossing it with the knowledge of how he understood several other technique which were variations of manifest through shadows, aura, and even blood; finding a common connection he fully exploits this comparison and evidently fashions a new manner of operating such a substance in his own regard, “Pain is all that grounds me to the physical reality,” As he felt the tendrils of smoke leave him he would greatly attempt, if not overall force a very crude ‘beginners’ variation of the blood fog. This would make Zeek should the ability take to him on the structure of how one could bridge this gap between his smoke, and for example his umbral black blood. Though the smoke that had traveled within his flesh had long since been tainted by Vlade, his aura peeling it layer from layer, and should it continue to exist within the physical form of Vlade Zeek would experiencing strange symptoms, like a very intimate part of himself was missing, as in reality Vlade was devouring a minute piece of his cognition. Due to the makeup of Vlade’s blood; which was now courtesy of Set umbral charged; A vampyistic manifest would hold within the cloud. Merely the action of breathing it, or allowing it to coat the skin enter the mouth, the eyes, etc would grant Vlade one of the first steps required to either forming a blood bond, or in other cases a full embrace. The smell and taste of Vlade’s blood would have been rather potent wreaking of a frenzy, though it seemed that whatever seal had been ripped from his flesh when he drew Flesh-Biter had also inexplicably forced a state of sanity upon his being. “How do you plan on surviving Set, if you stay on the defensive?” Vlade turns and spits a large thick black ooze at the feet of Set. Who stands up and connects his voice into Zeek’s shadows thus limiting vlade ability to hear through zeeks mind if that were the case, “You cannot kill him your best bet is to forget him, use the snake, feed it upon your mind,” Set lifts his Was Scepter and his own Umbra blocks expands solidifying around the room in hopes of preventing either from escape, very likely including their smoke, and Fog.

ZeekHarbinger: He closed his eyes to smell and overwhelming sensation that tried to over take him as the 'blood fog' began to form, he wasn't sure entirely sure what to make of it but assumed it was a combination of his own abilities that Vlade had picked up and others who used something similair to it, openening his eyes he looked back to Vlade and chuckled roughly against the fog "Who said anything about beating Set you fool, he's training me to be like him, to grow in power and strength, why would I want to end that?" he looked to Set as he rose from his seat and grinned at him as he spoke to him beofre turning his gaze back to Vlade "Not a bad idea really ...." he knew there was no chance of him fighting this thing one on one and wanted to end it quickly before it was able to learn too many more of his abilities and eventually allow Set himself to some how pick on them as well as it was his umbra that gave this thing a new form and souls. He held his left hand outwards towards Vlade as the black serpent began to unwrap itself from around his form despite still being nothing more then a tattoo like marking around his torso, neck and rested upon his head "Go ahead Apep, get your fill" he didn't quite understand what Set meant by 'feed it upon your mind' as he was still learning how Set and the others like him spoke him it was confusing sometimes, but he was more the happy to allow the snake to feed on this thing as long as it meant that it was not biting him, he knelt down as the serpent coiled itself around his arm to his hand and allowed it to slither its way onto the floor and began to feed on the pools of blood along the floor, he rose back up to stand straight and looked back to Vlade as he brought he shifted the hold on the hilt of the damascus, he spun it around in the palm of his hand to turn the blade back outwards before pointing it towards Vlade "Pain is nothing but the mind playing tricks on the body, something you clearly haven't learned, the darkness within your mind and whats left of your heart has never truly been excepted if you think pain is what gives you your exsistence...." He brought his blade back and ran it across his hand before plunging the blade into the floor, his black blood beginning to pool in the palm of his hand before it bagn to shift and move as though it were it's own living entity "Consider yourself lucky, I don't use this technique on many, but just so you understand what the darkness could have given you, I'm willing to show you" He manipulated his blood to form another weapon, one that closely resembled that of a scythe but much shorter in the staff length, the edge of it shaprer then any katana ever forged with the abiltity to feed of every ounce of flesh, blood and right down to the very soul of the being only allowing Zeek to grow stronger- "Choose your fate accordingly, the serpent, or the blade"

OrderOfGashes: “I tasted your desires, just as you tasted mine,” The answer was very blunt and straight forward. He stared insultingly at the sight of the snake began to slither through his pools of blood, he watched as it fed upon it and shakes his head; he looks to where set was before looking back at Zeek, “I do not play with pets.” He declares as he throws the Flesh-Biter straight at the head of Apep. ITs fleshy form begins to whither away as the contract upon the blade was justified Death had been dealt. However when the Serpent took upon an intangible form and crawled back in the likeness of umbra back upon Zeek’s arm Vlade shrugged,he knew using such a blade for this task was overkill, and now he was rather desiring to toy emancely with Zeek. Vlade beckoned to the blade and his aura brings it toward him. With a very sudden and sharp motion he drives the blade back down through the soft flesh that lay between his shoulder and neck, aligning the blade parallel to his own spinal cord. “Experience is pain, existence it to feel, to feel is to be, What you know of darkness however is only a shadow,” Vlade begins to rock slowly back and forth as the blade no longer forced his mind to take sane thought. He began peeling into the flesh of his palm wound digging deeper and deeper into it as if obsessive over some macabre activity HE places his bleeding hand over his left hip ad an excess of Black energy, one might call Aura, but it was very much similar to Umbra, yet at the same time it was neither; literally. He let the energy or rather neither swarm around his hand feasting upon the blood that began to drip ever so thickly as rot began to take his form again. IT was obvious his blood was sustaining the Flesh-Biter, enabling him to put-it-away after its contract had been succeeded. The blackness thickened and at force formed a fang of sorts floating there by his hip. Though as more and more of his blood fed it , it began to grow until it reached four and a half feet in length, His blood seed to will it to change its structure becoming rather similar to a crescent blade. The material of the blade was quite strange at it appeared to be made out of black clouds, it looked and very well likely was not completely of the physical plane. “I am sure you are familiar with what a shade is are you not?” Vlade swings the blade nonchalantly at the umbral dome surrounding them. Regardless of how Zeek responds Vlade would still tell him, “A shade is a being who is without form, eternally damned to having a voice that can not be used or hear,a body that can never touch, a mouth that can never drink or eat, yet eternally longs for such,“ As the blade passed through the umbra loud shrieks and screams were heard as it seemed the blade severed the connection between embodiments and souls. Only to feast upon those it had taken, it was very likely to take however from this observation that the blade itself was incapable of any amounts of ‘physical’ harm. “By the Blade it shall be,” [Those are Shades to /Vlade's/ Lore. room to "Educate him" so to speak if you'd like]

ZeekHarbinger: He slung his scythe across his shoulder as he watched Vlade plunge his blade int the head of Apep and raised a brow at him knowing it didn't actualy kill the serpent, he glanced down at his arm as it once again reformed as a tattoo like marking along his pale flesh before looking back to him listening to what he said about pain being expereince before he began to laugh "Self inflicted pain is not experience, nothing more then a pitiful cry for attention, and yes, what I have expereinced is nothing more then a shadow of what is available" he watched curiously as Vlade replaced the blade upon his back before the rot took his flesh once more, the fact this thing still had a physical flesh meant it was able to be killed in the manner, physical attacks could harm it, a big reason why he never relied souly on his mind games, watching his grotesk oponent form his own blood weapon wasn't a surprise to him by any means, in fact he was counting on it, the more blood this thing used up the slower it would begin to move reguardless how many souls it was given or taken, no form can move that quickly after loosing that much blood, listening to him ramble on about what a shade was only made him grow bored with the idea of fighting this thing any more, as if he didn't realize what it meant to be a shade and what a shade truly was, he glanced over at Set for a brief moment before looking back to Vlade to watch the display of his newly formed weapon, taking note its attacks were not physical, a plus for him as he was yet a full shade, something Vlade hadn't clued into yet, though he was sure it still hurt a great deal he took note how the umbra surrounding them reacted to it "Everything you speak of as a shade is true, everything I have already experienced a great deal of during my ..... re-education, but there is something you have forgotten when it comes to being a shade..." He brought the scythe back down and gripped the staff with one hand, pefectly balanced within his grasp the black blood almost flowed as it waited for the flesh it was being promised "Shades are far more then a shadow, we are extension of a Sinner, thus an extension of the darkness, we don't care about miniscule things such as food or drink, the only thing we care about is serving the darkness with eery ounce our being, granted that we are worthy of such an honor" For the first time since the first training session both Zeek's eyes lost all color turning pitch black, the blood that covered his hand was now flowing up his arm to cover his enitre form until every inch of his pale flesh was covered, just as the last of his flesh would be covered he took off towards Vlade moving the blade of th scythe outwards so it hooked up and in pointing towards Vlade, a few steps in fornt of Vlade he launched himself upwards twisting his form in mid air and swung the blade of the scythe horizontally towards the back of the rotting being, aiming for the base of the neck, reguadless if it the strike landed or not he would land behind Vlade turning his scythe back around and upwards to bring the blade downwards towards the back once again, remembering his other blade was planted along his spine he aimed along side the blade using it as a guide sort of speak.

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Zeek Turns Shade Sept.26.2017
February 08, 2019 08:34AM

OrderOfGashes: “Extension of a Sinner,” Vlade chuckles at the nonsensical things youth were taught these days. What he had experienced from shades was something far more different than anything Zeek had just explained. Though the smell of blood triggered something benign within Vlade as it had been quite some time since his fangs had tasted flesh. As he witnessed the armor brought forth from zeek a sickening smile plasters its way across his face. His fangs elongate as he watched Zeek move as to attack him, a scythe it had seemed launched directly at his neck. Vlde too begins to pull the pooling of blood around himself, though it was true, the entirety of his bloodpool would not have came with him, such causation to have it manifest would take a summons of yet another blade, which was something he had not felt the need to utilize as of yet. The toying had only just begun, You see the need to offer his Blood to this new blade was plainly without point, It had no need to call for a blood sacrifice, it was merely a mechanic of Vlade far deteriorated state of psychosis. It seemed to increase in a very unkempt manner. As he noted Zeeks movements around him with the blade of the scythe flying for the back of his neck Vlade simply bends allowing the strike to fly high over his head upon Zeek ending up behind him he would force all of his weight back into a kick from his left leg aimed at the side of zeek’s knee in hopes of kicking his kneecap in. Vlade follows through with a crescent slash with the blade in his left hand directed to cut Zeek in half at an angle. The blade would phase through the either as it cut into through flesh, but through the connection of soul to body. In such a moment Vlade would catch the blade of the scythe deep into the flesh fo his own forearm and as such his blood began to leak down the expanse of Zeek;s weapon, Lacking such things as a soul of his own as such the blade Vlade welded long since would have devoured His blood, and identity would quickly begin to corrupt Zeek’s weapon possibly even to the point of his Vampiric like blood systematically converting that of zeek’s into a subsidiary thrall. The smoke Zeek ha since provided to Vlade ha long clued him into the wards placed upon Zeek’s mind, The coating of umbral fog as it was, When he saw Zeek’s eyes turn a shade of black Vlade began to laugh even more, “Don’t go ape shit,” he mutters just as his own eyes seem to become blood logged and a dark shade of Crimson with streak of black, “Become the apeshit,” without another word Vlade would grab his left arm by the shoulder joint and pull at it ripping his entire left arm off before swinging it as it if were a bludgeoning weapon toward the face, or rather neck of Zeek. due to his prior strike being at a lower angle Vlade would have swung his arm upwards at an opposite angle to his first. Should the scythe's blade stay within this dismembered arm as it leaked more and more blood over it there was a very strong likelihood of the contaminant blood to be absorbed and from there dominate the pool within Zeek’s weapon utterly converting it to a tool of Vlade’s own blood. Though should it have falled out during this seconds swing a splattering of Vlade’s blood would easily coat the outer flesh of Zeek’s face, eyes,and possibly mouth

ZeekHarbinger: He had no doubt that Vlade would evade the first strike as the blade of his scythe flowed over his head cutting through nothing but air, the kick back towards his knee was given away by the shift in weight he took the breif moment to decide weather to allow his tactics to be known as of yet or to hold off a bit longer before the strike went through nothing but a formation of his blood, as he was able to manipulate the blood to form a smoke shield as it were he was able to manipulate his blood to apear as though it was nothing more then a coating over his physical form when in fact it was nothing more then just his blood alone taking on the apearance of a physical form, a duplicate of sorts, the eyes being the dead give away as they were the same color as the rest of his form, the scythe on the other was most certainly real as it plunged into the flesh of Vlade's left arm causing his blood to begin to absorb into the weapon was all part of Zeek's plan to begin with, the taste of blood of his opponent was all the blade needed to feed into Zeek's umbral blood, reading what could be learned from it, the choas that grew within the beings mind as nothing more then a memory within Zeek's own mind was the confirmation he needed as he fully understood what Set had said moments before, the blood duplicate of Zeek fell apart moments before Vlade's second strike could make contact with it before it flowed back to Zeek who was forming once again from within the shadows within the citadel, the black scythe had been released from the grip of the duplicate still stuck into the flesh of the now severed arm of Vlade before sinking the tip of the blade into the floorboards, as the arm remained in contact with Vlade's left arm the black blood would begin to vanish from sight as it appeared to be melting away, a default techinue he learned to cleanse his blood sort of speak, almost like blood letting to a human it kept the corruption from contaminating his own, "You truly are blinded by some one such as me, you think I'm so insignificant that you pay little attention to details.... Go ape shit on the likes you hardly" his emerald eyes flashed brightly as he grinned once the blood had returned to him once again only some of it went to the black serpent that lay flat against his pale flesh to feed it the energy it required for it's next task, "You are nothing but a memory that's embedded itself within my mind, but I'm not a shade, I am nothing but a flesh bag, I exsist souly on this plane of exsistance until such time the Sinner decides I am worthy of the title of being a Shade" once the serpent had it's fill it began to move along his arm towards his neck before the tattood being began to burrow into his neck, "Your a memory that can be removed rather easily"

OrderOfGashes: “What a disgrace,” Vlade announces as he continues to bleed rather quickly from his arm. As ore and more of his vital fluids began to freely exit his body. The depth of the Blood fog would have thickened to this point having risen in concentration to the point that it filled the breathable air . It matched if not even slightly surpassed the rate of his bleeding out to the point that Vlade was capable of circularly flowing his blood outward into the fog then back into himself through skin absorption, and respiration. IT was true his first few strikes had fallen short, the kick displaced only a small fraction of Zeek’s blood, and in wake of his first slash with the Khaosis (sword) A blood clone dissolved. It was clear that Zeek was not expecting what had came next, The ripping off of his own Arm and the swing must of occurred at such a surprise Zeek had not reacted. The one going concentration of Vlade own blood within the air would have been enough likely to begin coating the external flesh, or even blood like barricade Zeek was producing with many small droplets of blood, As such the mind of Vlade would have began to burrow its way like a virus, like an infection deeper and deeper into the being of Zeek’s form. When the severed arm swung forth and struck with the blade. The severing would begin, it would be felt as it passed through his like a ghost of sorts and cut the ties that were solely holding his soulpool, including that of his dominant soul from the expanse of his physical form. Each and every soul then began to collect into the length of the blade. When Vlade’s Flesh struck along with it, a long and powerful backhand it seemed guided by his right arm swinging his left. The impact would likely force Zeek’s mouth to open. The likelihood seeing as Zeek’s fomr most likely at this point would have no soul factors within it gave the vampiric Blood of Vlade to being a type of embracing variation in which the blood powered by the will of Vlade would begin to interact with Zeek’s flesh, mutate with his blood and bring about a slave state of Zeek’s embodiment. “His blood was not even worth the taint upon my blade,” Vlade announces. Set watching the fight emotionlessly would now stand and approach the form of Zeek before Striking his souless body with the Was-Scepter pulling the mark of the snake off of him. IT was pretty clear the Match had finished. The souls presently severed would now eternally feed the realms of nothing from which Vlade had previously ceased himself to. Damned as it was there would be no interaction possible for the souls to now benefit, Vlade allowed the briefest moments to collect Zeek’s essence into such an interaction-less form before asking him a simple question, “Do you die before me?”.

ZeekHarbinger: As the blood fog began to thicken within air surrounding him the tiny droplets of Vlade's blood began to layer and eat away at the blood that pooled along the floor moments before he noticed Vlade's mid burrow it's way through through his own, in that moment of lapsed judgment he noticed the strike from the Khaosis too late as he could feel his physical form and his soul being severed. The taste of Vlade's blood covered his mouth as he attmepted to reach up and wipe away the already absorbed substance before it made made it's way through his system, when couldn't make his form move as he wanted it to he dropped to his knees as he no longer had any form of control over his physical form as his own sense's seemingly turned against him just as Zeek's mind slipped. He could hear Vlade speaking but couldn't react in any way, not even when Set approached him and removed the serpent from his arm did he make any motion of any sort, until he heard Vlade's voice once again he used what ever control he could muster to respond in any way to no avail

OrderOfGashes: Vlade smirked as he noticed a new arival to the room, It was someone he had not seen in a very lengthy period of time. Vlade leaves the disgruntled body there as he Approaches the smog like plasma of his Brother. He embrace Spirit, in the way only he could by literally trying to hug him regardless of the plasmic reaction to severely damage his own physical flesh. He somehow manages to rummage around in the currently intangible form of his brother before pulling his now Depleted hand from Spirit’s attire. Within the hand was a flask that had a very interesting bejewelment upon it; you see there was a silver mouth piece and the material of the flask was semi intangible it too seemed to be made of clouds. As the silver metal burned his flesh as he twisted the mouth piece off Vlade takes a large draught of a very strong green colored liquid before closing it and offering it back to his brother, The only male he respected enough to actually bow his head toward. IT was then the most strange sensation would begin to take Zeek. He would begin to grow more aware of his body, and watched slowly as the form of Vlade would seem to vanish. It would take Zeek a moment to realize exactly what would happen. Neigh Vlade had not vanished, but the appearance of the room had changed very slightly, or at least it seemed as such. It was like an illusion had be shattered from its holds over Zeek’s mind. Vlade stood there next to his brother as he allowed his hold over Zeek’s mind to fade, You see that moment Zeek had tried to collect memories from Vlade’s mind he forced himself into a quarrel upon the perceptional bounds of Vlade. Vlade turns to Set before Speaking aloud. “He is ready Engeri,” It was then That the second interaction Zeek forced upon Vlade using his Smoke would have came to full fruition. You see as the smoke had entered Vlade’s Flesh the moments in which Zeek would have felt essentially Vlade eating part of his mind would have been rather accurate. He was feeding upon the memory Zeek had of him, every detail of the past battle would begin to fade from zeek, cet that of the tactic Vlade essentially forced him to learn involving a Blood fog. The Snake having not actually been taken back due to the perspective of such being a pure illusion brought on by Vlade would lick the neck of Zeek, Biting into his flesh as kind of a wake up call back to the reality that was at hand. And just as Vlade would have finished devouring his memory from Zeek’s mind all traces of his form would vanish from Zeek’s perspective universe. Though Vlade still stood there with Set and Spirit his presence would no longer be applicable to Zeek’s existence; all but the ability he forced Zekk to learn. Set would walk over to Zeek With his Ankh in his left hand and the Was-Scepter in the right, “Do you choose power, or do you choose domain?” And he extends the Ankh and Scepter forward for Zeek to choose, he did not specify however which was what, leaving the choice somewhat randomized and up to Zeek. “When you pick Declare your name to me So that the house may Recognize you as Kinn.”

ZeekHarbinger: He blankly watched as Vlade walked to another being within the room, he could quite grasp what was happening until a wave washed over him as he became aware of his form once again, Vlade's hold over his mind fading he heard him speak to Set but barely put two and two together when he felt Vlade lick at his neck moments before his teeth sinking into the soft flesh of his neck, he let a gasp of air rushed into his lungs as 'wake up call' was more the effctive but he could feel a memory slip away within the same motion, waking up as it were he realized it wasn't Vlade bitting into his flesh but Apep, he reached up and gripped the serpent to pull it from his neck as he regained full awareness once more, he glanced over when he noticed Set moving towards him and held out his ankh and Was Scepter towards him, asking him to chose between power or domain though he never pointed which one was which, he dropped his gaze to examine each one carefully, trying to remember what he knew of both before raising his left hand towards the ankh stopping for a breif moment , he looked to the items Set held out to him taking the moment to consider both sides before speaking out loud "I choose power", allowing his fingers to wrap around the ankh, he lifted his gaze to look at Set with his emeralds as he heard his words to him before spoke his name "My name is Zeek, Harbinger from the abyss"

OrderOfGashes: As Zeek would have grasped upon the Ankh he would feel the uncountable amount of souls still present within its constraints. The power begins to flow through Zeek interacting with his umbral blood. It would begin to boil within his veins, leak out of the globes of his eye holes as the umbra would begin to flood out of him uncontrolled, His eyes would eventually burst in their sockets leading another large excess of Umbra to manifest. And as such the great feeding would begin. Zeek would notice as all of his pain receptors would begin to fire at once it felt like someone had decided to light him on fire, yet forgot to tell his nerve endings they should have died. Many millions of voices would begin to whisper into the perspective mind of Zeek, they whispered his name over and over and over again, Though his hand held true upon the Ankh Set would open his mouth and begin the ceremony, “Sunaki Sutekh-Atum, Coraga-Kaliga, Minorakh-su-shadai, Pinya-anuyk shi-ba’a, shi-ka’a, shi-shem, Ma’anuki Akh-Zeek; nae coma sycot” The phrase upon him speaking it would instantly be repeated just as loud in the Kinn’s natural tongue of Latin from Set’s umbra “Sumus Sutekh, et interminatus Caliga; nos invoca in umbris. ex vita anima vestra habemus consuo vos, incido Zeek praecursorem e umbra” [ what Set said in his language “ We are Set and the Eternal endless one Caliga we give life to the shades and call upon them. I pull from you your Physical spirit of life, I take your intangible soul from death, And I grant upon you the undying Spirit of your identity, Come forth Zeek Bringer of my shadow,” What the Latin says “We are Set and the boundless Caliga, We call upon the shades, And stitch them upon your soul and ours Arise Zeek Precursor of Umbra”] And with those last words Zeek would find his carcass to explode as the power was far too much for his fleshy bits to handle. The form of the snake became just as the umbra for which amassed from him taking its place as a crown above Zeek’s intangible head. And thus marking him as a disciple of higher rank under Set’s tutelage. All fleshy desires would quickly vanish from Zeek’s identity, the desire to take fleshy form as well would begin to wane as it such limited the form of power he had know been granted. “Your birthing has come Shade, now the real learning can begin,”

ZeekHarbinger: As his fingers wrapped around the ankh his entire form froze before every inch of his being ignited in a unseen flame that felt as though it burned hotter then anything he could have imagined, the flood of the souls from within the ankh overwhelming his mind as the voices whispered his name over and over, despite his entire form ablaze with the emmense pain no sound would come from his mouth as he could not find his voice in the chaos that grew within his form once his umbral blood found every means to escape his form while devouring it into itself, the words Set spoke rang throug his mind as clear as day despite not knowing the language, the power that grew within him became too much as he felt his flesh rip apart in an explosion of the power that was gifted to him, he sat on his knees for a moment as he ran through his mind what had just unfolded as his form came back together in a far darker appearance then before, his pale flesh ripped apart he was now entirely pitch black like the shadows he had so often hid within, he lifted his gaze to look at Set as the unending black pools appeared to hold small emerald orb in each socket, though his form was still rather shifted, more smoke like as he rose to his feet and bowed his head towards Set as a sign of respect towards him before realizing the slithering serpent was now upon his head as it had been a few times prior before he spoke, though his voice came through one could still hear whispers echoing within "As long as I don't have to go through that again ..."

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Tenebris Impera Nobis Oct.5.2017
February 08, 2019 08:38AM

D3VDVNUB1S: /me sitting on the throne, he heard chatter from the enteracne, curious on seeing what was all the clattter, he stand up and starts walking towards the enterance. he stands 6 ft tall his hair white as snow drapes over his face, the black armor clings with every movement showing how heavy it is, he has two honrs pretuding from his head made from obisdian. he makaes ti the enterance seeing a figure with heavy armor and wings that spread acrouss from one door to another he greets the figure "greetins and welome" his sense are hieghtened as he feels a fourth presesnce in the area curious on who is this ne visitor should be he waits and glazes out in to he open world of the dead forest.

ZeekHarbinger: -following the oculi was far easier then following the sinner as she made her way through the unkown realm of their exsistence, once she had taken her form with the blizzard of hair casscading down her form and casting her shadows to cover the area within the castle he took the oppurtunity to follow that seeming harmless darkness staying blended with them as he was shadow himself, he over looked all who dwelled within these walls, taking his time to look over each one he moved withint he shadows back towards the tall woman before he stepped out from the shadows allowing his form to take shape, a mere 8' in height he was much shorter then the blind reader but one could see they were clearly from the same cut of cloth as it were, the serpent crown wrapped around his head seemingly intertwined with the obsidian horns the pertruded from the side of his skull, the smokey black dread locks held back by the tail of the serpent kept it from his emerald orbs, the skull mask that covered the lower half of his face was the only seable features other then his eyes, each step he took towards the woman caused the silver chains on either side of him and wrapped around the legs of his pants would chime together as they hung just behind the dark trench coat that hung off his shoulders in a perfect fit as the length barely touched the floor, he crossed his arms over his chest as he looked to the Oculus and spoke lowly- "Dic cur hic iterum?" (Tell me why were are here again?)

Daeras: “Congregate Illi Dignus.” – Gather Those Worthy – The Oculi spoke to it, the creature which now followed much like her loyal shadow, for that was his nature; Her voice carried a wailing hum of the souls lost in torment, scorched by the abysmal heat of all Darkness – it spoke the words of their Father, the mission Fides, their Evincar, has bestowed upon her being. To gather the worthy, to spread their Faith – to let their Umbra carry all tainted, into the beauty which was their own Darkness. Perfection, in a blackened world. The Shade kept in close distance now as they roamed the Halls of the most unlikely, as another anomaly erupted: Scent lingered, overpowering in its sweet Vanilla aspects. Pleasant, yet deadly – such a duality was to describe this being. When in the presence of an Oculi, most would find themselves in a state of “daze”, intrigued by the infinite beauty – darkened shadows surrounded her semi-solid manifestation, Umbra which carried her Aura of Sin. The rotating Cards around her waist seemed to have quickened pace – a tango of their own, a rapid motion like the swinging of a pendulum. Bᴇᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ᴍᴇᴢᴍᴏʀɪᴢᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ Kɪɴɴ﹐ ɪᴛ·s ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴛᴏᴏ ʟᴀᴛᴇ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪᴄᴛɪᴍ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇs ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ғᴀʟʟᴇɴ; Despite her lack of shadow, the tattered edges of her cloak acted as one – tracing the ground below them, many would call it ‘alive’ – upon a creature which was not, by ordinary standards. They shifted and swirled, lingering Greed off of them and drowning in their own Gluttony, yearning to devour whatever came close – even themselves – Cannibals, eating Cannibals. It watched the men and women in turn, one by one, from wherever they would have been; sight, which carried beyond mortal tethers. Its voice, carrying nothing but a dull, monotone note – static as it was, its souls followed it. ‘Veni ad nobis…’ – Come to us – it now rang through the Halls. An echo which reigned far from realms untold, towards the breaking bounds of tangible. Like the Song of a Siren, the voice carried Sin. A lulling whisper of a sensual lick of lips, darkened as they were by the newfound Corruption – a hypnotic lure which would spread through the mind of the all those tainted. Those willing to hear her calls. ‘Hic sumus…’ – We are here - , it continued to cry out to them, the conglomerate of energies roaming around the castle’s walls.
Th3Remedy: /me Creature stood at the doors waiting for an answer from the other side. His gaze was focused towards the village he just passes by, just looking at the children playing in the mud. That scene brought him back in the time when he used to sit on the edge of the sky and just watching mortal's do their thing, learning their ways and how do they react to certain things going on in their life. Time felw by as he stood infront of the big doors. Soon he could hear the door knob squeeking and turning. Hearing the sound of somebody opening the doors to him, his ehad tilted half way to see who is doing that action. The doors slowly opened, they where pich black, they looked heavy but the creature standing behind them made it look easy for it to open. Creature was not tall it was smaller than him with pich black wings on its back. It was a her, looking at him with a dull look. He knew what she was from the looks of her's, horns on top of the head, tail waving on her back, seductive look she had. It was a succubus one of many that my borther created in his early days. He thought to him self - " Again my brother presence in here " - he shook his head lightly and turned body of his slowly to face the succubus. Then he made one step forward towards the succubus establishing a dominance over her. Raising his hand in the level of her abdominal ad applying force to hers. He pushed her away and moves inside of the Hall. Again his back was turned to the succubus, ignoring her since she has no power over him. Succubus are under his rank, she could be powerfull but he could never match creatures aka his power. Standing in the middle of the Hall noticing two other creatures in short distance talking to eachoter. He did not want to eardrop onto their conversation. Left hand was resting on the handle of his sword which was always prepared to be drawn at any second. Other hand of his was resting on the righ hip with the chains hanging from it. As he was walking the chains made a metal dragging on stone sound. On his back where few chains floating around him with pointy endings. The area he stood in was surrounded with mist lightly hovering above the ground, making circles around his feet. Some stories tell that people tell about him are that everything he touches dies along with him. Power radiated from him other present creatures could feel it if he was in their presence. -

AllieCatann: /me She felt the presence and it was a familiar one, one she hadn't felt since the last time she was around Samael, her father. She was surprised when she felt the connection of his hand to her abdomin where she was then pushed to the side, sort of stumbling packward she catches herself before falling, but she remained calm. She looked at him and his details, down to his scent which that was almost musty. She gathered herself and walked herself back over to her throne where she would observe the two strangers her entered her home. Tapping her fingers around the illuminating orb that seemed to glow brighter with her touch, she'd look down at it and smile. She looked towards the strangers and as a somewhat seductive smile was painted on her face, in a stern but almost soothiung tone of voice she said "Greetings, welcome to Discipuli Autem Tenebris. I'm Lady or Mistress Allie". She'd nod towards them, still paying close attention to every move they made, every sound they'd make. Observing them, studying their being and getting to know them through their body language.

ZeekHarbinger: -being sure not to take full solidity within the new area he kept his senses alert, as his form moved it was as though smoke would flow off his form, even the slight nod of his head to the Oculi's responce would cause a small cloud of blackend smoke to flow from his head, moving a few steps behind as he followed the reader one would notice his own shadow was unseen just the puffs of blackend smoke that flowed from his form and outwards along the floor, listening the echoing whispers a tormented souls was as a sweet a song to his ears as it would have been to any being listening to their favorite music, wrapping his fingers around the inverted rosary that hung around his wrist absent mindedly tracing the faces as his emeralds glanced around the room until they landed on another being that walked into the room more so the beings hand that sat on the hilt of a sword "Semper paratus?" (Always ready?) he thought to himself, even though his mind was connected to the rest of the kinn, he had done the same thing for many years until he became the shade he was today, though none of his weapons could be seen on his person they were always well within his reach he just had to allow full solidity of his form which would cause his entire appearance change to a more battle ready attire, he lifted his gaze to the younger woman who made herself comfortable on one of the thrones off to the side of the room before greeting them and introducing herself, "Quae est domina et magistra, aliud in duplici sensu tituli" (Which is it, Lady or Mistress, two different titles with two different meanings), his voice was laced with whispers and echoes of lost souls of an abyssal realm not known to many-

Daeras: “Fratres docti ad pugnam. Et non docebit vos vincite.” – My Brother trained you to Fight. I shall teach you to Conquer. – The Oculi messaged her fellow Kinn; an unspoken Pride which rang deep through the cores of them, creatures fueled by it, basking in their Vanity. There was a brotherly rivalry between her and the Sinner, her and her Sibling and now, now it was her turn to show the Shade new “tricks”. Taking note of the approaching entities, her semi-solid physique turned to face them: deep azure hues scolded through them – pupil-less and never blinking – endless pools of blue. To their arrival, she mocked a bow. “Ego sum Oculus Galbrinth…” – I am the Eye of Galbrinth – it hissed, the whisper which slithered like a wandering serpent along the floor, along the walls ; surrounding them as it was. “Primo, ut sit creata est...” – First to be Created – as the voice continued to trail off from features which were invisible to the naked eye. She did laugh however, once. Brisk, cold. Humorless. Through the dense, cold air, the same lulling whisper carried past them, through their thoughts. ‘Confitemini…’ – Confess – It beckoned them closer to Sin. It persuaded them to fall deeper and deeper intyo the Corruption. ‘Venite liberabit vos…’ – Let us set you free – The cries and woes of thousands of souls echoed through the intangible grasps on their minds, surrounding them, from inside-out. Never threatening, though endlessly present. “I have come to offer my Services…” The snake-like hiss continued from her being. Clawed digits snapped open the silver prison in which laid her deck of Cards: slowly, each paperthin object began to whirl out – blank faced, an oddity for they carried no imagery – black backed, with silver carved lines which symbolized her power, intersecting together in an ancient tome. “Fortunes told, for those ever so bold…” It waited. Patience, a virtue she held close. All was to come, in due time.

Th3Remedy: /me standing in the pool of darkness as you could describe it with most accured words. Making his breathing slowly phased, breath of his slaming on the helmet he wore. Sound that it made was not loud; Sucubus walked past him and the strangers towards the thrones which where placed infront of him. Her voice echoed as she spoke and introoduced herself to the few us. Two of the strangers introoduced themselves to the so called Lady Allie. It seemed that it was his turn to introduce himself to the others and Lady itself. Making one step forward, opening his mouth he tried to speak but his sword again shook. The pain was so exquizit bringing him to his knees. Whit both hands infront of him. The voices in the head became stronger and louder. - "Master...Free us! Listen to us master! Tore the Samael's creature apart. Feast on her body! She is nothing! Do it master, do it for us! - " The pain grew larger and larger as every second passed by. Thick mist started to crawl over his body entangled him to become one again. As the shadow continued to crawl up his body towards his head trying to "eath him alive". Pure white eye of his started to go grey, getting filled up with the darkness that was inside of him. Such power was getting relised from sword and inner him. Mumbling underneath his breath he is trying to gain controll back. Win the fight thats currently going on in his head spreading across whole body of his. - " You are not in controll " - he spoked thru the pain. Making his breathing heavy and starting to faster up making it shallow, faster. Switching his gaze towards the sucubus watching her with hunger and pain in his eyes. Not a word was shared into her direction. He did not introduce himself to her, more focusing on the thing that was going on with inner him. Soon loud voice was heard, spreading the pain thru the Hall making the walls shake - " Stop! You do not own me! " - thousand of souls where trying to rebel against him. Those who he helped and slayed. Where speaking to him trying to break freeand overcome his control over them. As the pain came in quickly and without a warning it was starting to fade away giving him the control back. As the darkness was climbing taking him apart in the same way he managed to pull his things together. His eye was starting to gain that pure white look that he had in his calm state. Raising back on his two feet he exhaled heavily and shook his head. Then he proceeded to answer towards the Lady Allie - " My name is Azrael " -

AllieCatann: /me She would nod her head toward the tall stranger, cocking an eyebrow at him as she realized exactly what the connection she was feeling was when she heard his name. Her fathers brother, someone who would surely set out to destroy her if he chose to do so. Taking all of that into consideration, the amount of danger she could possibly be in.. she decided to take leave for a hunt on some poor human. She'd tap the orb on her throne, as it illuminated brighter with every touch. She then stood up, facing the new comers and said "I need to feed, so I must excuse myself from this here meeting, I do hope you find yourselves... comfortable here. And please, try not to destroy anything". She bit her lower lip and then laughed, walking toward the big black heavy doors, she'd pull one open while looking behind her. She would then fade into the night quickly

ZeekHarbinger: -taking note of the words the oculus spoke to him "Pugnantia et vincentia, nisi sit nihil supersit" (Fighting and Conquering mean nothing unless one survives) an echoe responded to her statement, his gaze wandering back to the one whose hand was on the weapon, every ounce of his being wanting to draw his own blade but knew it would only lead to a scolding as it went against their 'laws' to action first, everything about his nature was about survival though the prospect of 'conquring' as it were was a new thought entirely, he glanced breifly to the deck in the hand of the oculus before the cards began to deal themselves out before the emerald orbs moved back to land on the woman who announced herself as the lead of this group, he had seen many demonic like beings of her race before and each one had tried their tricks each one failing in their attempts to 'seduce' him even before he became a shade, though he was not as powerful as the oculus or the sinner he was more then confident that his mind would continue to hold true and not waiver to such human desires, he made mental notes about each being within the room making sure to keep track of the winged male, watching what he could only assume was an inner battle peaked his curiousity enough as the male dropped to a knee the energy that began to flow from this being was intriguing all it's own not too mention the self torment of controling such a darkness, the entertainment one like this could bring to the house was almost too tempting to deny, out of the corner of the emeralds that were his eyes he noticed the woman leaving her throne and her castle, so many new faces to her and she leaves at such a time, it was not heard of to him at least. "Et hoc videtur esse nimis maturus fructus .." (This fruit appears to be over ripe)

Guest_megenzeee: A small, young, elven woman crept her way around the castle. She’d heard plenty about this place, and she figured she’d brave a venture in search of… Knowledge? Power? She wasn’t entirely sure herself. Andora, as she was called, made the quietest steps she could in the empty halls as she wandered with a particularly large book hugged to her chest. Her long, dark hair brushed the ground, as did the hem of her floor-length dress. Suddenly, she felt the walls shake, and a loud voice boomed through the castle. This caused her to begin to feel anxious. She had a feeling she would regret coming here, before she found herself in a large room with a few, strange figures crowded about. Clutching her book tightly, she gave a small sigh of preparation before making her way towards the odd group. “U-um… Excuse me..?” she nearly squeaked.

Daeras: Through the darkened Halls of the Castle could she hear the man’s turmoil, the internal conflict between forces unknown – dwelling deeper into his own insanity. Whispers clutched tightly upon his thoughts, mingling with his own, a certain pull and tug upon the reigns of his consciousness as the Oculi’s voice stood supreme. Everything else faded, dulled down; the choir which became constant, now falling into one single voice of her, the legion which was she, the Dominant Soul. ‘Tu
quaeris Libertatis…’ – You seek Liberty - ‘Et ut det vobis’ – We shall grant you – . And then, came the word. Much unlike the sweet whispers of honey, this one cut sharp. An order with no option in refusal. A simple … ‘Beg.’ She urged him to come. To find and crawl to his Angel, to grant him Salvation. Instead of Wings, there were Thorns – instead of Light, there was nothing. Darkness reigned supreme, and in that Darkness, did she Reign. Blazing azures gazed pupil-less at the nothingness before her, the nothingness which embraced her: Hair of pure snow fell over her darkened physique, grazing the tiles which touched her feet – an aura, emanating directly from its white tethers, beckoning all to Sin – a Lullaby, for their damnation. She basked in the night, the Oculi of Fate; surrounded by everything that she was, and everything she lived for – her physical manifestation created a grotesque sound – bones snapped; crackled joints mixed now with the desperate wailing of tormented souls. All, because she knew very well what she stood above of. All, because she stood upon a Cemetery, and all lost souls now wept for her – they followed her, and wept with her. “Offerte vobis potestatem…” – Let us offer you Power –; All along, there was a prominent scent through the air: Pleasant, and intoxicant sweet, of strong, fresh lilac and the essence of vanilla. Every single detail, carefully calculated to manipulate the mind, to alter the thoughts. As one limb toyed with the Tarot Cards, her other extended forth, towards the kneeling man. “Come forth… Take my hand, and from my touch, you shall be granted your release.” From webbed-like, long digits swung a beaded rosary, an inverted cross seemingly dripping black tar – such mockery of the divine – beckoning him to come closer.

Th3Remedy: /me as he was raising to his two strong legs a voice was heard thru the halls but this time it was aiming towards him. A smile appeared under his helmet. The creature spoke about legion,souls and entire darkness. She was offering me to relise his inner self, to let "them" control him. In the past those things once where able to break out and do what they do best. Villages where tored, kingdoms where shattered under its power. He knows if he does that again there will be nothing to stop him but only himself. That kind of power is only relised in the time of needs, just a fraction of it when he fights. To fully understand it and use it takes time. Creature spoke of an angel thats the word which made him smile because he was not one of angels. Angels are Grigori who could not cut it. Those who could not find true power of its creator and its sibling. Combining the power of darkness and light makes him even stronger. Darkness was here bofre the light came but again you canot have darkness without the light. They need eachother. Since he was the one of first Grigori created and dedicated himself to true power of bouth, finding out what happens to those who die and where they go. Soon he reached the rank of Archangel and since of his expertise in such field others started to call him "Archangel of Death" . Letterings on his sword are seals created by himself to protect others, to protect him from it. When the seals are broken the true power will be relised. You could say he is an "Grey Archangel" always a loner never in a pack. Many times he entered Hell itself with no fear shared judgment on those souls who deserved better and took them to Heaven. Servants of his, his creations are only loyal to him and towards nobody else. SInce he was so efficiant in his work other Angels and Archangels where starting to pick on him. Soon enough Chorus started to do the same. To enter Hell and bring a soul to the Heaven was breaking the rules but it was the right choice. After years of being pushed around he decided to leave Chorus and proceed with his true calling. Few of chosen Grigori's joined him aswell as his creatures. Answering to no one continuing his job he roams this planet in search of more souls to gather. Tall creature then walked towards Azrael offering him hand in the same time it offered him to relise his inner face, the power of "them". Gaze was raised to meet the creatures since it was taller than him. Spreading his four wings making himself look bigger. He responded - " Is that what you would really want? Then you are not different from others. " - Wings moved while his body leaned forward, with one wings "splash" he closed a gap inbetween them. The speed that he acquired was incredible in short time for a second yu would think he used Shadowstep or some kind of special power, but he didnt. Leaning into creatures face he spoke again - "I keep the balance in this world aswell as I keep balance in myself " - tilting his head at the creature he showed no fear of it; Folding his wings making few steps to the creatures back before speaking again -." Maybe one day you will understand that there is equal amount light in darkness as there is darkness in light " - lowering his body, beding his knees and expanding the wings to the full lenght he jumped up and swing them. Breaking thru the celing like slicing with a hot knife thru butter. He was gone in instant. Silence started to rule the Hall once more -

ZeekHarbinger: He turned his gaze as another enter the room taking note of the elven scents that flowed rom her form, she appeared of no threat what so ever as she merely held nothing more then a book clutching it to her chest as a squeak of a voice escaped her lips, the fear that flowed from her was more interesting to him then anything else about this fleshy as it had been some time since he smelt the sweet scent of innocent fear, his emeralds would glance back to the Oculus as she made her offer to the winged man who was seemingly already part ways to joining them all he had to do was reach out and take her hand and allow the darkness to take his .... everything, he listened carefully as the man spoke of there being a balance, light being in the darkness and darkness being in the light, a low echoing growl escpaed his lips destesting the words the man spoke, he wanted nothing more then to proove to this being that within the darkness there was only darkness but chose to allow the oculus her fun before turning his attnetion back to the elven creature, "Tantum metuunt si quid nobis accideret?" (If you fear us that much, why aproach us?) his echoed laced voice escaped his covered lips, his emeralds peering back to the elven woman as she made her way towards them, he grew bored of the material realm as the lesson of "conquering' seemed meanial at best and allowed his form to return to the shadows from which he came to return to the shadows of the unknown realm.

Daeras: The sudden realization came upon her in a flash – his wings, extending in all their glory; despite their darkened aspect, he was a creature of Light in essence, in nature; the Seraphim now // dared // step closer to it, the creature which was Oculi, the dealer of Fate. For she was a Child of Caliga and her ‘God’ reigned upon the Darkness which was them. He // dared // come before her now, in all his pride and glory, Pride which charged her Aura of Sin. Closer and closer, how he failed to take notice of his self-serving Fall. How foolish was he, just then. The Oculi laughed, and it was both beautiful and disturbing to witness, the bellowing sound which now seemed to shake the inner walls of their surrounding castle, followed by an unending choir of sheer mania. As she laughed, her maw seemed to outstretch to great length, far beyond anything to be called humane – from stained pearls dripped black tar, its substance acting like pure acid as it dropped against the marbled tiles, burning through surface. From the corners of what was supposed to be her mouth spread like a wound and her azure gaze only seemed to pierce through him – for eyes were the windows of one’s souls, and as the Oculi, her eyes only lead to the torment within. From such a close distance, mere inches away from eachother, his gaze would only encounter her own and within it would he see the multitude of souls, begging, wailing and moaning in their endless torture. In the Abyss they were, all reaped and glorified to the status of becoming part of the Kinn’s Soul Pool, all now serving a self-absorbed purpose of absolution. “Pauper, dulcis pueri…” – Poor, Sweet Child… - The woman cooed to him. From her wandering limb, webbed-like digits pulled out a singular Tarot Card, its blank white imagery shifting now to a black and white picture of a Hanged Man. Extended to him as it was before he vanished, she continued speech. The whispers followed. Her voice rang sharp, and deadly cold. “Omnes tenebrae est.” – Darkness is All – “Absente Lumine” – Absent of Light – “Aeternum perfectum…” – Eternal Perfection –; A Black World was their goal, Children of its purpose. For they were the Kinn, forged from pure Umbra which now seemed to spread like snakes upon each darkened corner of the room – Hissing as loud as thunder, they threatened to engulf all that it was into the Perfection of Dark. “Your God is a Lie to cover up the Truth which was always with you… The Veritas which you belong to is not the one you now follow. Give in. Or be reaped into the Void that is We.” As she spoke, the souls only cried louder. Louder, and louder, repeating those words on a complete and unending loop. “Tenebris Impera Nobis, Sic Narro Nos Totus!” – In Darkness We Reign, So Say We All – Once those words were outspoken, came the dimming of light – each flame from each torch, each light from every candle, burnt out until there was nothing but Darkness. “Necare eas Ominus" – Killing on Sight. The Order was given. A track was now placed upon the vanishing man, like a vivid target for all existing Kinn. Refusing to Submit only meant one other existing option.

DeviousMiskreent: Raven could sense the darkness had come to this place as she had been tracking it since it had left her own Empire. She entered slowly, carefull not to use any of her own powers or abilities and stood alone in the corner, watching the two shadow like beings from a distance.
Improbable: The woman stood outside of the large castle, wearing a black cloak that camouflaged her in the dark night. The only color that showed were the light strands of mystical blue hair that peeked out from her cloak. She was a weakling seeking riches or shelter, a place with walls to keep her safe. Her eyes fell upon a window high up on the building, a place of entry where she could simply sneak in. Her eyes looked to a nearby tree, taking a few steps and pressing her hands against the dark bark of the tree. Her lips parted, only whispering "Cresere" to the inanimate object before it's branches twisted and turned to form a stepping ladder. The process made her feel winded, only half-way through before she pressed her forehead against the tree, pouring more of her power into it. When the branches formed a suitable shape for her to climb her pulled her body away, the area around her finally feeling still. She was a weakling, a woman who had not eaten in what seemed like weeks and had not had a good night's sleep in days. Unfortunate events had sadly caused her to be where she is now, seeking shelter in such a place, even if it meant she had to sleep on the floor. She was aiming high, to sleep in a castle without being noticed, but she hoped to pass as a common maid or servant of some sort. The thoughts of her ill-fated past slipped from her mind as she ascended the unnaturally twisted branches to the open window, the ground below becoming more frightening the higher she rose. Once she reached the top she did not bother to look at the ground below, scrambling into the window and falling onto the stone ground of the room. A small groan of displeasure fell from her lips before she raised to her feet, turning to the window and pursed her lips, blowing on the branches that grasped onto the opening of the window. The branches released the edges, shrinking back to the tree to return to its normal state. Her eyes fell upon a lit candelabra at the end of the room, approaching the dimly lit object and taking it in her hands and used it to find a door to exit. A dark wooden door was her way out, she pulled the handle and found herself looking out into a well-lit corridor, a voice in the back of her head telling her perhaps this was all a bad idea. Afterall, it couldn't be that easy to take a servant's place

Guest_megenzeee: Andora blinked a few times, taken aback by the creature’s words to her. “I-I, um… Well…” she began, much less graceful than his uncommon speech. Why did she approach? She was clearly afraid of the magnificent beings before her. They were probably extremely powerful, and could kill her in seconds. So, why…? Did she feel compelled to? She supposed so. She supposed it was her quest for power and recognition that caused her to take that risk and speak to the ones who could grant her such things. She eventually managed, “I’m… Not so sure…” Though as quickly as she had approached them, however, they seemed to be leaving one by one. She wondered if it was her own presence that was driving them away. Her very mortal, very mundane existence. Panicking a bit, she felt the need to bow towards the towering, mysterious Oculus, before it decided to disappear with the rest of them. “M-m-my apologies…”

Daeras: ‘Veni propius’ – Come closer – The whispering cries beckoned the other two women from a distance to approach. The Main Lounge was now engulfed in black – through the darkness, there were little to no visible features of the creature which now stood in the middle of the room, aside from the cascading locks of snow white, which grazed the ground and a drowning gaze of blinding azure. Through the Darkness was an uneasy feeling, the impending sensation of drowning within an Endless Sea, gripping and pulling tighter and tighter within. There was no visible light to now illuminate around her, but a constant Void; no flame to guide their steps, as they were forced to walk blindly to her, guided by her eyes – like sheep to their Sheppard they’d approach, like worshipper to the church, they’d kneel. Her attention was now surprised by the woman who did just that; a sign of respect in front of the higher ranked being forced a slight nod of appreciation towards her. The Oculi cooed to her, and her voice dripped in honey, yet left a bitter aftertaste. Sharp, with an almost noticeable taste of sulphure. “Vos genua ante nos…” – You kneel before us – “Noli timere tenebras…” – Do not fear the Darkness - ; As the creature spoke, her hand extended lightly towards the woman. The sound of her obsidian beads clinking together from the inverted rosary within her grasp. The smell of prominent, intoxicant sweet Vanilla. All a lure, ever so beautifully crafted to enchant.
Improbable: The woman heard a silent whisper, a whisper that made goosebumps form on her skin. Something was telling her to return to where she had nothing, the feeling within the castle too uneasy an eerie in her presence. Suddenly she was drawn to the presence of a dark figure, a dark figure she could barely make out with her own two eyes. Almost against her own will, she started moving towards the darkness, the flames on her candelabra flickering out as it dropped to the floor. Out of her own personal morals, she did not bow to the other, almost having trouble understanding what seemed to be her common tongue, but then it all clicked. "Why bow to darkness when it disappears in the presence of light?" She challenged, tilting her head up to look upon the bowing girl with a judgemental stare. She then realized she said that without thinking, her eyes widening as her hand cupped over her mouth. "My apologies, I'm afraid it's hard to think clearly in my condition.." She admitted, succumbed to a state of drowsiness which rid of thinking before she spoke.

DeviousMiskreent: Raven took in a deep, slow breath as the area dimmed and went dark. She was begining to really hate the sense of the unending ocean and its feeling of drowning in the utter darkness. But as it was, this time she had been standing next to the wall and leaned on it to get a sense of direction. She was also starting to despise the scent of pure vanilla. It now brought with it thoughts of sacrifce and darkness. Yay. She listened from her dark corner to the conversation taking place and shook her head. The people here had no idea what they were dealing with or challenging. But she wasnt here to interfear, and she had learned what she needed to learn. They were . . .recruiting? She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Shaking her head she felt her way along the wall. Back the way she came, attempting to put more distance between herself and the Occuli before engaging her abilities. The goal was to leave this place before it was cut off from the rest of the world. And while she couldnt see, she could employ her sense of smell, following it back out of the castle the way she came, tracking her own scent to the exit and freedom. Once outside of the darkened area, outside of the castle she would leave the way she came. HOping the people within would survive their encounter unscathed. --done--

Guest_megenzeee: “I do not fear the Darkness,” Andora stated without hesitation. By this point she had straightened up, loosened her grip on her book, and composed herself. It was almost as if someone else had taken over and spoken for her. Someone who wasn’t a bumbling mess. The anxiousness that had taken hold previously had turned to anticipation. This matriarchal figure was reaching out to her, looking to embrace her. Yes, she was very aware that this could have been a trap set merely to ensnare her. She wasn’t that dense. For the power she seeked, it was a necessary risk she had to take. “I only fear death.” With a few slow, careful steps forward, the girl let go of the tome with one arm and extended its hand towards the creature luring her in. The scent of vanilla was, while nice and inviting, unneeded. She was doing this of her own accord.

Daeras: The one familiar entity decided to leave upon their own accord, as the Oculi watched her return back into the light, outside of the now darkened castle. Within the main room, there was no light to grace her features, only a blazing gaze of azure which now stared at the woman knelt before her, paying close attention to her movements, actions; enthralled by her willing Submission, the Oculi almost failed to notice the other approaching presence until those words rang out. She dared mock the black perfection which surrounded her, by noting the appalling digression of Light, allowing now a single flame to burn of bright blue within the creature’s opposite limb – a sphere which now divided itself into many others, floating orbs rotating around the femme’s semi-solid physique, dancing around her frame much like the wandering Tarot cards. “Nos autem tenebras.” – We are the Darkness – “In tenebris est nobis.” – The Darkness is We -; With the crying voices of thousands of souls, each note seemed to vibrate along the walls, each tainted whisper carried by the small oscilating orbs around her figure. “ ... Non est obscura luce ... “ – We Dim The Light. And they did. “We are the ones for whom the lights go out; Children of Caliga, holders of the Veritas. We are those who spread the Faith, gather the worthy, and grant them their rewards. Light has no power, in a world engulfed by Umbra; It holds no stand, to a being forged by self-serving Darkness. We are those for whom the bells toll at night, within the ruins of our Citadel. You shall know us by our name, and recognize us by the whispers of each dark corner. We are the Aside; The Kinn of the Cardinal.” As the spoke, she’d now redirect her gaze upon the first woman. How fiery she became, with such bravery to face the Oculi standing as her arm lowered to meet her own grip. The beaded inverted rosary shapeshifted into that of a Tarot Card. Blank faced as it was, upon contact to the Elf’s digits, an imagery would manifest upon it, that of a dark night’s sky, and a distant, blazing Star. “We offer you a Gift. A token of our power, for you may call upon us, should you wish to follow the Veritas that is We.” Sliding the Card within her palm, Darkness engulfed the semi-tangible tall figure into complete nothingness. However, the feeling lingered, as though they could not possibly comprehend whether or not she was gone, truly.

Clint's Offering to the Oculi Oct.10.2017
February 08, 2019 08:40AM

AdianTheHeartless: "Darkness.....void.....peace."- The words echoed in the corners of Adian's mind as though his head was that of a deep ocean and these thoughts of darkness kept crashing agianst his sub consicence. Adian sat upon his throne slowly closing and opening his eyes as the very light from the torches burning made his head spin. The tall bohemeth looking man raised a hand in front of his face and held it up to the light. At that moment a guard ran foward.-"Sir! There is trouble at the gates. Your people are demanding you step down as king Sire!"-The guard wore the color's of Adian's house which was black and blood red. With the guards words Adian then stood tall on his feet as his black and red coat hung about his shoulders losely.The king looked down at the guard and scoffed.-"Do they honestly think they can take ME out?!" He let out a loud laugh that filled the very halls.-"Is it because I demanded all to swear fealty to me?!"-He then took one long step closer to the guard who backed away from him as Adian kept speaking.-"Is it because those little brats of there's was all sacraficed to keep our eneimies at bay?!"The guard now sensing what was about to happen turned away from the king and tried to make a run for it before the king streteched out his hand and grabbed the guard by the head.-"This is for you darkness!"- The king then crushed the guards head as one could hear the bone breaking and both of his eyes popping out of the skull as the guard fell with a final thump on the ground. A red pile of blood still spraying from his severned head.The voice in his head now was now growing larger with volume.-"Darkness....void...peace."- Adian rushed through the halls now his mind only focusing on one thing and one thing alone. The very madness in his head driving him to do more and more atrocities on those in castle. Blood spraying and bubbling from his victims as he slaughtered them all even his own wife and child. Adian had a new love now and it was darkness and now he felt it had held him close.He then ran to the large giant doors and broke them apart with a massive swing of his bastard sword that his father had gotten from his father and so forth. It was early afternoon and Adian stood there glancing up at the sun and feeling his blood boil within him. He then fell to his knees and began to have slow tears slide down his face. How could he be closer to darkness if there was so much light in the world? Thats when he heard another voice in the sea of his thoughts.-"Remove your eyes and darkness will love you even more. For there you would be with darkness forever."Yes!"-Cried Adian as without even thinking he grabbed the dagger that he had around his leg and also grabbed another dagger and aimed it both at his eyes. It hurt but only for a moment as he stabbed both of his eyes out and then yanked them with the daggers that severed the optic nerve. Now he was truly with darkness and he began to laugh as blood spilled from his now empty eye sockets.-"I love you darkness!"

Daeras: The Citadel grew silent. For all that it was, in its magnificent void, the silence was deafening to the layman, however through it was the wailing of souls, millions and more, weeping to her. The Oculi wept with them, in their unending, self-serving Darkness, keeping the black feather within her grasp as she wrote down into her book. Somewhere through the Citadel’s walls lurked the Shade. /// ‘Tenebris Impera Nobis’ The whispers cried out through his mind, the mind of the tainted. Like chants of a Siren, they lulled him further and further into the absolution of Dark, twisting and turning the gears of his insanity. The Oculi received its offering when both of the man’s eyes were pierced, stabbed through by his very own weapon; as each droplet of dark crimson hit the marbled tiles, from every solitary drop a darkened tendril would form, its shape shifting into that of a slithering serpent. One, after the other, they came with each drop spilled. They hissed at the now blinded man, allowing their willowing voice to whisper out to him, guiding his senses by auditory alone; the snakes formed a tower and from the darkened, seemingly crumbling tower, came the shadows, casting her semi-tangible manifestation in the King’s vicinity. “Et vocavit nos…” – You called to us -; her voice cried out and from it, came the desperate cries of souls, each wailing in disdain and utter torment. Like shadows they clung to each wall of his castle, casting their ring through all surroundings. Dimming the lights, and allowing the perfection which was their Umbra to engulf all. “Respondimus…” – We answered – and they did. Before him now stood a being of 11 feet in height, with hair of pure snow cascading over darkened features, contrasting the obsidian night of her skin. Grazing ground, as from each strand of white leaked the Aura of Sin, beckoning them to fall. To Lust for it, as more and more of his soldiers fell to their knees. ‘Hic sumus…’ – We are here - , it continued to cry out to him, through the depths of his insanity. The inverted rosary swung back and forth. “Omnes tenebrae est.” – Darkness is All – “Absente Lumine” – Absent of Light – “Aeternum perfectum…” – Eternal Perfection –; A Black World was their goal, Children of its purpose. “Confess to us…”

ZeekHarbinger: The silence within the Citadel was broken by the screams and cries of the tourtured souls that gathered around the building, something the shade had grown rather fond of as he sat with his eyes closed and rested against of the pillars close to the overly large throne. Hearing the whispers from within the Oculus's mind to another his curiousity grew, his form melted into the shadows of the citadel before he followed the Oculi to another building, the scent of blood and death whispped past his nose as he flowed through the growing shadows of this castle, his emerald pools taking in the glorious sight of those sacrificed in the name of the darkness until his gaze landed on the Oculi herself standing before another, he emerged from the shadows a few feet off to the side of the two as he began to take solidity, his form standing a mere 8' in hieght he seemed rather small in comparison to the Oculi or the rest of the kinn for that matter, his entire form was the same as the shadows from head to toe except for the piercing emeralds that made up his eyes, a skull looking mask covered half his face but never hindered or muffled his speech or sense of smell. The few steps from the shadows he took caused the silver chains that decorated his form to rattle together before he stopped, he crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the interactions between the Oculi and the man who offered his own sight to what appeared to him as a way to be closer to the darkness, to them.

OrderOfGashes: A certain thickness began to progress through the expanse of the citadel, A sort of swirling macabre; boundless in its form as it began to further collect itself. Zeek would have been the first to notice if however the Oculi had not felt the presence becoming. This was due to Zeek bearing upon himself the crown of which Set granted the shade upon its completion of its testing. Zeek might feel the Snake upon his head begin to adjust, but the time of it biting into Zeek’s flesh had long since passed, now it just sat there as a mark of pride; a source for which Zeek would be able to utilize at his own measure, though it would take him time to fully understanding the appetite the serpent held, time would surely tell. Out of the collective umbra manifested as the citadel a small spiral begin to occupy the central point of the room to which several tendrils began to branch out. A fleshy body began to expel itself from the central point of the room. Its form stood taller than the oculi, its six eyes glanced about the room watching. Yet behind those empty eyes led no will, as if it was merely a puppet. The Oculi likely would have been the only one currently present to recognize the likeness of abbadon, yet the form of the visser was cast into flesh. As if burned into her forehead in silver the mark of an ankh glistened. She did not move, she did not speak, she only stood there. It wasn’t until the mark upon her skull began to glow did the form of the visser double over screaming as if agonizing pain had befallen her. Ever so slowly a thick umbra began to flow from the mark upon her skull only to fall to the ground before her. Her flesh began to tear open only to have the curse laid upon her body to seal it back up; from this outpouring of umbra a manifestation began. First to appear was his Was-Scepter, and once it had shown itself the figurehead upon it opens its mouth and begins to speak, “Won-tai kashem ba’a-na’ara” [Descending he shall be upon us,] To which the Fleshy form of the visser opens her mouth and speaks the words, “Sic narro nos totus” As if in response to the saying a hand formed from the expansive collection of umbra and gripped the Scepter only to pull the remainder of his form into being. Upon arrival Set voice would echo through the shadows creating the fellow kinn with the words, “I have been awoken, “ His umbra regards the Oculi before manifesting into the form of the card she had gifted him. It begins to expand into the form of a massive tome with many more pages before set reaches out and grabs it, “To what do we gather for sister?” and with that he remains quiet.

AdianTheHeartless: -The alrms bells sounded as it made a large echo of ding ding in the whole kingdom. Gaurds from every corner hearing about the crazed king killing his own subjects.As the whole towns alarms were going off at least 5,000 men began to run up the many streets to reach the castle. As soon as all the soilders ran up to thecourtyard there was the king on the ground looking up at the sky with the weirdest grin on his face laughing hysterically with both of his eyes yanked outand missing. All the 5,000 men brought down thier weapons and faced the king ready to strike him down then and there. Already the bright sun in the skybegan to go very black that casted a long shadow upon the ground around the king when the all those men that once followed the very person they now set to and scremed at eachother. At that moment three massive tall beings appeared around the king as Adian looked up and streteched out his hands yelling out to theone who had spoken to him.-"Accept me into you darkness please! I seek your embrace!"-All the soilders began to grow even more angry but at one another and then they began to hit eachother with their fists completltly disregaurding there fallen king for fallen he now was.-

Daeras: There was an uneasy feeling lingering through the air. That which could not possibly be, was. Instinctively or not, many would choose to ignore it, the emanating aura from her being. Its pool carried Sin, guiding all of his men to dive deeper within the Endless Sea. With each Sin through their thoughts, each wrathful punch driven to one another, the weaker they became, and the stronger she grew, charged now by their Rage, their Envy and Lust. Soon enough, they’d become nothing more than wandering souls, trapped within her Umbra. Taking notice to the Sinner’s approach, the Oculi only offered a small bow of her head; words were meaningless, when she could so easily show him what was to unfold before his eyes. Then came the offer: Honey coated words lulled through his Castle, pouring from her darkened lips ever so sweetly. A coo was given to the man, as she only approached, each step, an agonizingly slow pace. With each heavy step, the ground shook. ‘Tu quaeris Virtute…’ – You seek Power - ‘Et ut det vobis’ – We shall grant you –She urged him to come. To find and crawl to their Angel, to grant them Salvation. Instead of Wings, there were Thorns – instead of Light, there was nothing. Darkness reigned supreme, and in that Darkness, did she Reign. “Offerte vobis potestatem…” – Let us offer you Power –; All along, there was a prominent scent through the air: Pleasant, and intoxicant sweet, of strong, fresh lilac and the essence of vanilla. Every single detail, carefully calculated to manipulate the mind, to alter the thoughts. “Probare te dignum…” – Prove yourself Worthy – The Oculi spoke her command. An arm extended and from it, dark webbed digits with elongated black claws let the inverted rosary swung from them. Left to right, a tantalizing hypnosis which went beyond sight – one he would feel, tugging and pulling at the edges of his sanity. “Tear your eyes out, and offer them to us. In return, we shall grant you your Gift…” The voice hissed. Long, and loud. “And then..” The Kinn stopped. Blazing azure gaze redirected itself now towards the Shade, a maniacal grin upon her features as her maw outstretched beyond the definition of humane. “Ne nos pascere…” – Let us feed -

ZeekHarbinger: The serpent crowned upon his head shifted it coils that were wrapped around his obsidian horns as another darkness joined them in this kingdom, the shade knew all too well who was to arrive as he was trained and tested by the sinner, as the Sinner took his form the shade bowed his head towards him as a sign of respect towards him, he kept in the back of his mind guessing the oculi would probably take some form of offense to this action, the pleading of this mad king was as though he spoke the sweetest words to the Kinn, his emerlad pools rose to look to the azure gaze of the Oculi and nodded his head to her before his attention was drawn by the sounds of the alarms through out the kingdom tolling, the rushing of the guards towards their king only struck his curiousity further before turning back to the Oculi as she was the one to receive the offering of this mad king's sight, "Sit hoc est ludo cum eis Alleluia?" (May this one play with them Oculi?) as the words past through the mask it shifted to cover his entire face and appeared more demonic, whispers of agonizing cries would carry within his voice, his form shifting as a thick smoke rose up around him and took on a more battle ready appearance, dragon hide armour now covered his blackend form instead of a simple black leather trench coat, the scent of various poisons would carry in the slightest of breezes as they flowed from many throwing knives that lined his belts, needle like weapons that rested in the bracers around his wrists, even the claws of his gloves dripped with a poison, he turned to lok back to the circling guards as they began to beat on one another and sighed as he peered back to the Oculi knowing she was influencing them, "Vere tu es qui saeva .." (You truly are a cruel one..)

OrderOfGashes: The tasting of the potent sins surrounding the fallen king amused Set and brought him into better spirits, the fleshy form of the visser before him began to open its mouth only to reach its hands upward and grab its lower jaw. It slowly began to pull. At first only the taut lines of its flesh would be noted as the skin was pulled against the muscles, but still it pulled further, as if it were trying to open its mouth wioder and wider to consume the sins around it A crunching sound is heard presently before a rather loud grouping of pops ar hears, The jaw seemed to have been pulled from its socket and dhung loosely in her hands but still the pulls did not cease. The corners of the mouth began to tear coating the front of the puppeted visser in a thick coagulated mass of viscera. As if in a trance the female’s fleshy form still continues to indulge in its self inflicted desires to open its mouth further and further to feast upon the sins present. Its tendons begin to show and quickly they snap splattering its corrupted blood upon the floor before it. The sinner Watched in disgust at the fleshy display of gore that her body produced. Set lifted his Was-Scepter and tapped the base of it upon the ground. His vice of sloth began to spread thick around the surrounding soldiers driving them to all fall into the vices of rage, to have it progress slowly within them forcing their minds to remain unchanged. And as such Set watched and waited, allowing the Shade and the Oculi to have their fun. His own fun had already been had and it was time for him to let them do as they like; though if violence brought forth he would act.

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Kingdom of Daomos Oct.11.2017
February 08, 2019 08:45AM

luna18starfive: the castle found in the secluded woods in the mountains covered by snowfall guarded by an old magick to only allow those it deems in need or in want to enter. this is the home of midnight and luna the first found of the children gifted to life by the oldest of creatures gods of light and dark. sick of their lineage they fled their original home and found the safe castle home and made a safe place for the children of mosters or those with lost souls to take refuge still hidden from the great force that created them they guard this safe place with their lives, gods children are the oldest of beings they can either be born of dark or light but there are only ever seven in the world luna and midnight are these children but there are still five more out there now there are lots of supernaturals that is a magical creature not originaly born from gods and this is a safe have for them and the seven siblings. the kingdom is the dwelling for Luna her Sister Midnight her Husband Dante and there children chronos and his twin siblings. we are recruiting for knights soilders servents caregivers for children and priests,healers and of course the other five gods children .

OrderOfGashes: "I did no such action upon you, I forced not your hand to strike, nor did I raise arms against you; What was inflicted upon you was caused by your own actions against me," The ignorence of her speach did truly bother him justly, but it was justified given the wound she had inflicted upon her self in regards to his umbra, all Set had done was cover her in his umbra the day before as if wrapping a child in a warm blanket. He began to allow hsi umbra to expand only to prode through its extentsive nature, "The truth will guide the way," He lifts his ankh from his waist and speaks through the mouth of it calling into the collective umbra a single word, a command if so "Zeek" He was invoking the being under his tutelage to come presently to grow and learn more of its capable functions.

ZeekHarbinger: The silience of the citadel was more then he cared to endure for the day, his blackend form melted into the shadows before he began to wander the shadows of the material realms in search for anything that could be considered worthy of his time, sensing an energy from a secluded forest he flowed through the shadows casted through the forest until he was close enough to the structure to get a better sense of where he was and what he was up again, he stepped out of the shadows as his form took on the solidity of a shadow itself, though most of his features could be made out one would see he was pitch black like the shadows casted throughout the lands, his emerald pools glancing over the landscape as he remained in the cover of the trees when he reconized the energy of one, "Peccator quid venisti?" (Sinner, why have you come here), he spoke through the connect they had as kinn.

luna18starfive: - as luna sat curled into chronos she finally got her energy back under her own control as she looked up to him watching him bring out the umbra from yesterday and seeing chronos tense up moving his whole body in front of luna to glare down Set before his anger faded and Set spoke of the truth. as chronos and luna looked to Set the saw another creature come out of the shadows looking like one himself as lunas young guard held up a short sword and spoke calmly - " you both are strangers here one a bit more known but not clear from suspicion i will guard the queen from you "- luna had moved back curled as far into the couch at the side of the room as she could watching closely -

OrderOfGashes: Set's voice would carry through the shadows as if almost instantly to respond to the Shade. "Akani kus ne ma ba'a shem Ka'a"(We come to feed upon their faith, sins, and souls) Set began to laugh at the guard who in the day past had decided to drive his arm through Set's umbral sphere, Set could still see tbeh extent of damage done upon the guards flesh, such sickening fleshy beings Set would further relay more informations through their umbra connection as Kinn ' they are children of a self proclaimed light diety in truth they habor many siins for which you shall grow forth from, That youth is called Luna and she is a kitsune' Setlooks at the younger guard and comments, "And how is it you plan upon protecting her from us, though be lax, if I had chosen to kill you leader such communication we had having would not occur," Again the strong desire to commit sloth would strike those closest to Set; the smell of rain and myrh pleasent upon there noses.

ZeekHarbinger: Turning his gaze towards the guard that now held up a short sword he took it as hostile intentions towards them, taking full solidity he quickly snapped his hand upperwards towards the blade of the sword and allowed his hand to slide down the length of it just enough to cut the surface of his palm so that his black blood would begin to coat the sword, it would flow easily over the surface of the sword towards the being holding it towards them as he spoke "Vel vestri telum dimittere ........ faciem vestram consummationem" (Release your weapon..... or face your end) his voice carried whispers and echoes as he spoke, he peered over to Set as he relayed more information to him, keeping his grip on the blade of the weapon that was pointed towards them, "Dignus es quaedam sunt solum coram te?" (Are you certain they are worthy of our pressence alone?)

luna18starfive: - luna shivered behind chronos watching the two creatures speak her blue eyes widen when she heard speak of the so called gods they served and the religion they presumed she practice or follow as she saw the second shadow speak to chronos about releasing his weapon black blood coating the sword chronos dropping it as he back pedals to place himself truly over luna while they both get quiet for a moment chronos unsure of what was next when luna spoke - " mighty beings you assume me to follow the parents who bore me but my title is simply to let people know i was spawned by a god i do not follow them or hold their teachings this is a sanctuary of no one religion "- she stepped forward knowing she was the only one who could fight off the feeling of sloth with her energy chronos already looking exhausted -

OrderOfGashes: An expression of true disgust crosses the display that Set had given forth. The sight of the Shade taking upon itslef a fleshy domain of blood made Set observe this shades actions as if it was coating itself in defications. Set looks to the leader Luna before he began To float toward the women. "You are just a pawn of your your creators toy with," Set begins to pull his Umbra into a further manifest calling forth from hsi own acord his Was-Scpeter, The mouth of it begins to move as if it was breathing before he taps the base of it onto the ground. "Anagio, Tishu makav Zeek kutor reba" [Take from them as you wish Zeek, leave what you wish behind] Again this message would have been carried liek the past on through the connection of the umbra Zeek and Set shared. The Figurehead of his Was-Specter began to whisper out a strange messgae that slowly grew louder and louder. " Whats greater than god more evil than the devil, poor people have it; rich people want it, and if you should eat it you will die? Such is the method for what you despice, for it grow stronger when presented with lies, a moment to gain, a second to blame when all is dead and gone what is it that shall reign?"

ZeekHarbinger: Once the man released his hold on his weapon the black blood completely coated it and broke it down and absorbed back into his hand, he dropped his hand and feel the disgust from the Sinner before he turned his head completely to look straight at the woman who spoke tilting his head at her with curiousity as she fought through the sloth influence of Set, hearing the words Set spoke to him through the umbra a grin sprawled across his lips behind the skull like mask that covered the lower half of his face, "cum voluptatem" (With pleasure), he melted back into the shadows from which he entered into and flowed through out them as he sought out each being within the confines of the castle walls, each one he would come across he reached out from the shadows, using the blood form of his umbra his would place a small amount on each one before returning to the Sinner's side, the blood on each being would spread as it had on the sword and slowly begin to coat their form, even if they tried to wipe it off it would only spread to that part of their body and continue to spread, the umbra finding every possible pore, scrape, cut any form of opening to enter the bodies as it set out to consume the entirety of their being, "Similis erit tibi anima autem est utilis" (Be disgusted all you like, but it's highly effective)

luna18starfive: - luna sat near chronos still as she heard the two speak her blue eyes wide with fear before hearing the cries of those in the castle her hands going over her mouth as she stepped back away from the one called zeet her eyes closing before she moved quickly back to chronos side her ears pinned back to her hair and her tail curled arund them both she felt chronos grasp her hand tightly pulling his cloak of fur around her as if it would hide her from the being he knew they could not fight off his tired words going to the shadow being zeet - " please make your mission quick and leave luna and those who have not sinned free from harm "- chronos landed his crimson eyes on the shadow looking as worried as luna was knowing his queen hated the loss of life as he spoke knowing his answer might be wrong - " when the world has been striped of everything else the only thing left is nothingness and the void "

LadyAsunaItzalen: -Kara had finally finished her outfit and decided to head back out to the group, walking back she looks around seeing only the three, she raises a brow and walks slowly over to them looking to luna who looked terrified, unfortunatley being a valkyrie was both a blessing and a curse she wasn't scared of much. she continues forward looking at the group stopping several feet away staring at them, brushing her red and black bangs out of her eyes-

ZeekHarbinger: His emerald pools watched the woman back up to the man as each of the beings through out the castle began to succumb to the black blood he had placed on them, the pools of blood beginning to travel back to him as they consumed each being wholey, hearing the mans plea for mercy and the words he spoke about there being nothing he chuckled lightly with amusement "Tu tibi omnino non est malum, id est ad sinistram potest esse quod quaeris: tenebrae" (You're not entirely wrong, what would be left is what we seek, darkness), he titled his head in curiousity as he wrapped his fingers around the inverted rosary wrapped around his wrist as yet another joined them, another whose scent gave away her own sins of her races moral standings, "Relinqueret, impetrari posse regnum integrum pretium cursus" (I could be persuaded to leave your kingdom intact, for a price of course)

luna18starfive: - chronos looked at zeet's green eyes or what passed as eyes on this creature his own crimson orbs looking at luna and back to zeet hearing him speak of darkness and how he wished to bring it when Kara the winged women stepped forth and he saw her recongnition shaking his head not to attack as he spoke clearly to the being of darkness in front of him - " what is your price what to keep you at bay " - chronos closed his eyes deeply worried and sad that he was making a deal with a being like this though he knew better then to accept before hearing what it wanted -

LadyAsunaItzalen: -she looks at chronos and nods then looking to the man or thing that stood before them keeping quiet letting chronos handle it-

ZeekHarbinger: Watching the interaction of the man towards this winged woman he began to absent mindedly trace the lines of the rosary, the sins withn this castle was too good to simply walk away from the souls from those wouldn't be that great an increase to his pool but an increase none the less, his emeralds moved from one being to the next as the remainder of his blood returned to his form, he could feel the sins and the fears of those whose souls his blood absorbed, the screams and whispers mergeing with the rest already within his mind was a sweet melody to his ears, "Keping ibi non est in sinu Kinn ...." (There is no keping the Kinn at bay) "Es vel in nobis, vel in nobis" (You're either with us, or against us), his emeralds met the orbs of the one who spoke for the leader of this band of misfits, "100 animarum, hoc pretium est, parva, ut est, sentio sufficient" (100 souls, that is my price, small as it is, I feel it sufficient), his emerlads moved to those of the terrorized blue hues of the woman "Utique si non potius contra nos .." (Unless of course you would rather be with us and not against us..)

luna18starfive: - as luna shivered behind chronos she saw her friend and guard tense up looking to luna with sad eyes as she was confused by the look he gave her and even more suprised when he grabbed her hands and looked at her softly - " luna your a kitsune you guide souls to the afterlife all the time your the bad and good luck of those souls please to keep yourself and your people safe give him the souls i know you have around you i have the others in a artifact i have and then they can be saved we can make sure he doesnt hurt you"- with his words luna felt warm tears spill over her cheeks as she felt the shiver of the souls he spoke of within the pendent she wore. she would nod sadly before touching the pendent on her breast and releasing the souls within. seeing chronos pull a small blade from his belt and slash the air as lost souls gathered from the cut in space swirling around them all as chronos looked back to zeet - " your souls as asked now leave luna and her kingdom safe"

ZeekHarbinger: He held a hand out calling the souls to him counting each one as they merged with the rest within his form, dropping his blackend hand he nodded his head respectfully towards the woman before his emeralds lifted to look into the crimson of the guard's orbs, "Dixi ego relinquam, ut mihi non vult superior, si velit sane non revertetur" (I said I would leave, that does not mean my superior will not return if he so chooses) with that being said he turned and began to melt back into the shadows from once he came to return back to the citadel, "Iterum autem videbo vos, et certus sum" (We shall see you again I am sure) echoed through out the castle as he vanished from sight completely

Moderators: Kage (played by ZeekHarbinger)