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This is the thread for all Trial/ judgement threads.

This trial occurs in a simple place, a meager yet fitting setting. Nearly all here is darkness with precious few exceptions. There is at the forefront of two simple yet orante podiums a throne of grandeur. Each of the podiums face the grand throne upon which sit none of the then the famed Cardinal, whom sat regaly in silence for the time being. In the podium of the accused stood the Sinner known as Set who since his retrieval had regained his composure and calm. Behind the accusers podium stood the Sinner known as Kaileera standing ready to state her charges against Set for his transgressions in concerns to The Forsaken Rose Kingdom. Between them facing The Cardinal with his head bowed in reverence stood the Evencar Fides, serving as moderator. The Cardinal gave a singular nod of his head signifying the beginning of the proceedings, at which point Fides turned to Kaileema and lifted his left arm. “Kalimma, venit ad nostrum officium, quod tibi gravamina, cum Peccator Set. Status vestri gravamina, ut nos posset audire eos, et factum est iudicium.(Kalimma, it has come to our attentions that you have grievances with the Sinner Set. state your grievances so that we might hear them and pass judgement)
Kaileera stood tall and proud at the ornate podium of the accuser, yet she was a strange and unusual sight, even for a Sinner. Her vantablack frame stood a mere nine feet tall, and her form seemed denser than that of the average kinn. She was not made flesh, for that would have been an affront of sacrilege in the presence of any kinn, let alone, those as high ranking as the Cardinal and Fides, but she was denser, holding her manifestation and souls closer and tighter to herself for her own reasons. She was also marred with deep grey and white scarring around her two main eyes. The third eye in the center of her forehead closed for the time being. However, the oddities of her chosen form did not end there, as four, rather than two, arms protruded from her body. Her form followed that of her goddess manifestation, which was a truer form than the human shell she had once been stuffed into. Like any kinn, rows of tangled horns graced the crown of her head, hers in three distinct sets. She nodded her head as Fides bid her speak and settled herself at the podium. She spoke in perfect Latin (pardon the lack thereof as im currently mobile) "We do have grievance with the behaviors of the Sinner known as Set in regards to the episode with the Empire of the Forsaken Rose. Many Kinn laws were broken by he that is Set and I shall detail them now" she said. "First and foremost Set obliterated tennent 8 of Kinn law, do not harm small children. Not once, not a dozen times, but millions of times over as he not only harmed them, but rent their souls from their bodies as they did nothing more than try to evacuate the Empire. A total of 4.8 million souls were rent from the bodies of non combatant evacuees that day. More than a third of those were small children. Which leads into the charge of violation of tennent 5, do not take that which does not belong to you. None of the citizens of the Empire were worshipers of Set, in fact less than 10 percent of them were worshipers of any sort with most of those as worshipers of my own deitic manifestation. I acknowledge that all dark creatures belong to the All Father" she said with due reverence as she bowed her head. "But they did not belong to Set, he was not even the first Kinn on the scene and if any had the right to reap the Empire, it was Fides himself. After rending these 4.8 million souls, plus 200,000 guards, a total of 5 million victims, Set then took possession of them and subsequently gifted them to the Evincar's manifestation. They were then soulforged into a Kinn Rosary and remain in such a state, to my current knowledge. The Rosary itself was lost during the ensuing battle between Fides and myself." She paused here as she gathered her thoughts, clearly wanting to say so much more but refraining from doing so. "On a more minor note, Tennents 1 and 3 were also abused by the Sinner Set with his show of ghastly manners, rude comments and gestures and unwarranted advice throughout the whole ordeal. If the Cardinal so desires, we can produce an illusory vision (logs) of the event in question as proof and evidence of these criminal acts, otherwise this concludes our accusations" Kaileera would bow her head to the Cardinal and the Evencar and take a step back from her podium.

Fides gave nod, and strangely enough a full bow to Kaileera after she had stated her grievances, normally it would never do such a thing to any aside from The Cardinal, the reason the Evincar offered a bow to her was that it was a requirement of him in this role of mediator during the trial, a tradition of sorts. Having heard her words the Evincar then turned to The Cardinal and keeping his head bowed as he spoke”Sumptus de accusatoris sunt; Contra primum lex, abusivis opiniones et observationes. Contra tertia lex, peccatum, ad ostendendum quantum ad regnorum princeps. Contra quintum lege, accipiens quod non pertinent ad unum sui. Contra octavo legem, ac mali ad filios. Accusatus stat praecepit violans non unum, sed quattuor leges, in singulari occasione...a maxime pessima causam. In accusatoris offert argumentum has violationes per modum condimentum argumentum debent esse voluit, aut putavit requiritur.”(The charges of the accuser are; Violation of the first tennant, unwarranted opinions and advice. Violation of the third tennant, failure to show respect to a realms ruler. Violation of the fifth tennant, taking that which does not belong to one’s self. Violation of the eighth tenninth, bringing harm to children. The Accused stands charged of violating not one, but four tenants, in a singular occasion...a most grievous offence. The accuser offers proof of these violations by way of visual proof should they be wished or deemed required.)

The manifestation of The cardinal heard the official accusations from Fides, and to what degree the offences were made against Kaileera from her own self. He seemed to inhale deeply sitting back in the chair, he remained audibly silent for the time being, though for those with more keen insight his body language had spoken much. After a brief moment of contemplation of the charges and the proof offered he seemed exhaled slowly and lifted his left hand slightly off the armrest of the thorne on which he sat, rolling his wrist and offering his palm as he gave a singular nod. An indication to continue, thus far her accusations had been accepted at face value.

FIdes bowed lower to The Cardinal, before turning and standing before offering Set a bow before addressing him.”Atum Sutkeh Su-Nucis, te stet accusatus, quominus primo, tertio, quinto, et octavo leges. Haec non sunt simplices sumptus, praeterea statis accusatus multiplex violationes, in singulari occasione. Iudex habet audivit petat et electi accipere eos, et argumentum obtulit, ut dictum est. Nos nunc audire te responsum his accusationibus, tu negare eos? Aut tu suscipe curam eis? Volumus audire verba tua nunc, da nobis testimonium tuum aut negando his accusationibus et ratio, quia talis negatio, vel offerre nobis reasonings enim comitance talis delicta.”(Atum Sutkeh Su-Nut, you stand accused of violation of the first, the third, the fifth, and the eighth tenants. These are no simple charges, furthermore you stand accused of multiple violations, on a singular occasion. The judge has heard the claims and chosen to accept them and the proof offered as stated. We will now hear you answer these accusations, do you deny them? Or do you accept responsibility for them? We would hear your words now, give to us your testimony either denying these accusations and you reasoning for such denial, or offer to us the reasonings for comitance such offences.) once he had finished speaking he lifted his left hand showing his palm indicating Set was now to speak.
Set would stand before the Cardinal one once it was now his place to address the accusations presented. He dropped his Ankh, and Was-Scepter in front of the throne in which Cardian sat.He dipped his head down in custom before Cardinal, Fides, and finally Kali; Before opening his own mouth to speak."Anaki Atem-Set-Sutekh, Kuana-q'wfp, Kishanar coth Ma'at vasu'm kinasho?" He turned his head toward Kali feeling it best to address her accusations first.
"Kisu nath m'qu div sheyra maqr dos vernu keraga maz so-tek niguras piamo naath Sina maak ne-tai apep seelo gara ma tai mai seyar co mek tera su'n sobek na'ru pi'at tum'ar?" Set stares at the presence of Kali, he saw her worth more respect than he did then for she had become one with the kinn. "Sunaq anaki bera son vera kay kee Ba-ka-Shem-na-bek umek sakina? Qun sak naru been feru? [Did you not relinquish your people of bodies and give to the ethereal their souls? you robbed them of bodies and gave to me their souls.][ line 388 kali's ooc explaination; Sets reactions paragraphs 461;469] Set would turn his head to the side and spit upon the ground as if cursing something or someone. "Anaki grum kisar mevu tyna catek suran pokir Fides nu son," From his spit a winged begin would begin to take form her body stood at 15 feet tall and had the unmistakable likeness of Abaddon. Upon her forehead however glowed the silver brand placed thereupon her during Set's judgment of her actions in the likeness of an ankh."Q'nar suk q't Ma'at suk narum" [Address to us the court what you have commanded] Part of the damage Set had done to Abaddon robbed her of the ability to ever speak again in the language of the kinn and so she addresses the courts in little more than the monkey chatters of the mortals. “the vampire is weak she can be reasoned with, dispatch the Evincar from his cage by any needed means, I shall deal with the one before us.” [paragraph starting L.138 log2]*"v'Anikai naku us'aki nar. q'rat suk nara piq nibor shaya nek be" [And by any means I acted. Tell to us for what you claimed the civilians/people/children were.]“You claim this place as yours, these people as yours, these creatures as yours….the vanity and ignorance of such a claim speaks to your perceptions of truth. You say these things are yours yet look, you scurry to defend them from the likes us in such a vain fashion. Offering up now a scattered panicked mass of hysteria. Your feeble attempts just that, and then you dare call these things your own? One must be able to protect that which they possess. And yet here you stand now, in the midst of your presumptions nature reaping that which you have sown. Was it all that you had hoped… has your vanity, your greed…, your gluttony….have any of these served you well in your dealings with us, do those claims have any degree of truth? Perhaps to the ignorant, you reign…and yet it is not to you whom they give their faith or prayers, they do not worship the likes of either of you. You sit in thrones not your own, again your presumptions a source of damnable hubris. You have said these people have nothing to offer, this is in error…..they are dark, they are sinful, they are ours. You are dark, you are sinful… are ours. To believe anything short of this is folly. We are the voice of darkness, and as such we speak for it, now if you will notice darkness contains all that there is…a place most of you call space…in ignorance, failing to realize that you all rest within the bosom of that which is all. You have the audacity in your form and in your presumption, your hubris, to give any sort of command to the likes of us? You imagine the powers which you can command are capable of any dominion over our voice? You imagine in your presumptions you have more dominion then that of we? In our mercy we have allowed you a number of trespasses….but no more. Should you once more act against us…fail to use your words…or attempt to lie to us…and we will know such things, we shall set the entirety of the others upon you offering no quarter, all that is supposedly yours will be plowed under, your claims will be proven false by the monument we build from your sins. Now again we declare to you, we are here for that which is ours…and should you insist we are willing to take that which you will not give. Though we highly advise the prior….now then….what say the two of you, chose your words wisely lest they be your last….” [line 344 log 2] In a mear moment Set went from being calm to being excessively outraged. The manner of how this puppet he had created of the Visser's Dominant souls spoke out against Kali before him warranted him to lift his left hand and strike her shattering her brittle form back into the umbra of which it manifested such disrespect during a trial was inexcusable as she it had spoken more than it needed to on the event.. "Anaki suma kiq'ta no me ru Kali raq'uu nim sun Kai Anak" Set took another deeper breath before continuing, "Q'nashi cu'mora anaku peor shen gomek tier besu shty'e kun saar Kali nam peru sh'mer kenor Ma'at sun Kai" [My Advice I admit to providing, had she joined then surely her peoples souls she would have claimed. There were no lies for now Kali Stands before us as Kinn]"Anuka me'at sun kara ficu naar barasu tieth sun kai Fides bun sa qar no"
[My means justified the cause for Fides fell victim to a deal and so I collected the souls of the weak to invoke his form to me in a new deal.]"Su'ur Fides nas perus ca'nak verum seqai na-subek?" [Did you not accept those souls as well as the validity of your Visser's actions?]
"Anaki subek Kali nar Fides kh'mysh ma'at sun cara nahsee pbun Abbadon kir'kha suk bish siru nak kam'ar biss nebu naf cor Ma'at neb Ma'at sun Ma'at" "Ana naki Sutekh kenar besu tira con shar Fides nek Fides un sibuk na Fides cun seru da Kali. Sun C'amar fun dera bek seetun merana Abaddon piq no ma Ma'at Suketh sin na Cu-buk nek'ar desu firana bos neki shetar von"[ I accept judgement of trial upon dealing with the Visser of lies in wake of Fides, while he (fides) fulfilled his desire to continue to take from kali, Fides accepted my invocation and spoke not, Accepted her deal for souls, and still pushed for more. The moment he was Freed I stopped my siege upon them until Fides was attacked again, and took upon myself to judge with My Veritas the transgressions ordered upon me and done against Kali.] Set would finish by summarizing his claims simply, "Anaki Subek nar bishun ka' veras ma'at kun tish Fides belov kai mar uvek Fides nikun terakh nar suk Cardinal karya sun ti maruk bai bish tera norek ba'aka'al sun kai merun sebak nasay teru"

Fides stood in silence as he listened to Set recount the event, and answer the charges Kalieera brought against him. Fides head tilted as Set committed a minor breach of protocol, firstly Set had taken in upon himself to answer a question with a question. This was forgiven as it was, Fides felt, a rhetorical question which addressed his defence of his actions. He also turned to face Kalieera and spoke to her directly, as he offered no insult and explained this as his way his way of showing her a respect, again, Fides would not address this breach of protocol at the moment.

Set had chosen an odd and risky defence for his actions concerning the violation of the eighth tennant, choosing to question the title of “children”, arguing they were not innocent and therefore could not be called children in earnest.

He addressed the claims of theft, by again answering with rhetorical questions. Fides was beginning to grow weary of this method. In truth it was not so much the method of the defence, the Evincar himself was a fan of such things, however he continued to address Kalieera, which was a continued breach of protocol. He claimed here that she robbed them of their material bodies, therefore giving them to him willingly, this was a highly contentious point, and yet another risky defencive claim.

Set was correct in guessing the presence of Abbadon would befoul the court, that one had fallen from grace, which profaned the court, though it was more likely that in doing so Set willingly took the blame for such thing, likely to shame the Evincar. There was a sort of fitting undertone to summoning one so disgraced from spittle, Fides did like that touch, though The Cardinal itself gave a displeased murr at the display. Set had commanded Abbadon to recount her orders, which were indeed poorly worded. It could be questioned, her choice of tongue for speaking her answer, monkey chatter was something of another was in a way fitting, but ran afoul nonetheless. She had given the poorly worded order, the phrase -by any means necessary- he had acted within that scope, although in doing so he had acted willfully in ignorance, and in a highly belligerent manner. Such things were to be expected from the likes of a Sinner, Again Abbadon’s ineptitude reflecting poorly upon Fides, enough now so that he did bow his head in shame.

Sets calm demeanor was shattered for a moment after the testimony of Abbadon, delivering to her a most wicked backhand shattering her manifestation for speaking further than he had commanded, which had retroactively reflected poorly upon himself. It did Give Fides some small comfort, as it further showed the bilegence of Abbadon, even bound as she was she acted in an unfitting and unbecoming manner. He had made up to some small degree for the trespass, apologizing, though he apologised to Kalieera directly.

He did admit some fault in the charges, openly admitting to the violation of the first tennant, at which point he had fragmented his response to the violation of theft and said he had taken the souls in accordance with his order to give to the Evincar so that he could free him. And the questioned Fides himself which again was a breach of protocol. He was well within his right to ask the question to attempt and further his point, however he was in fact out of order when he did so, having already spoken his answer for the charge of theft. He had then admitted to have taken the responsibility for taking punitive action from Fides and having punished Abbadon for her incompetence himself, without being given leave to do so. His actions were within reason, and justified however taking the liberty of that action without permission was a trespass against Fides, though such things had not been brought into question here.

Set went on to summarize his reasoning for his violations in full stating that he had only acted on his orders, and gave to Abbadon near immediate retribution for her folly. He also addressed that once Fides had been freed he had stopped, until Fides was attacked, at which point he had resumed his assault claiming his actions as justified, those fatalities were considered as casualties of war to him. In closing asking that the majority of the blame be placed then upon Abbadon.

FIdes took in a deep breath Set having finished his response to Kalieera’s accustaions. It was a mess, with many things which had fouled the -proper protocol- on various occasions. Fides blinked slowly letting out a sight as he lifted up his right hand addressing Set before delivering the testimony to The Cardinal. “Set tibi commissum a numerus of tesspasses et nos alloqui haec puncta in ordine prius, ita ut, in posterum, non repetere illis delicta”(Set, you have committed a number of follys and we will address these points of order currently, before proceeding so as you may, in the future, not repeat these offences.) here Fides raised a finger before proceeding to address Set “primo quidem,, vos es non ad interrogata respondere quaestiones. Vos sunt, et ad interrogata respondere, cum dictis, negare eos et statu vos logica, aut defendere, et opera tua et status vestri ratio.”(firstly, you are not to answer questions with questions. You are to answer questions with statements, deny them and state you logic, or to defend your actions and state your logic.) here he paused a moment and raised another finger. “secundo, non ad fragmentum tua auctor, tu ut responsum omnes accusatio in plena cum logica, deinde praesens, vel vocare tuum pertineret testimonium. Ante alloquitur altera accusatio.”(secondly, you are not to fragment your responses, you are to answer all accusation in full with your logic, then present or call forth your relevant witness. Before addressing the next accusation) he again paused before raising a third finger “praeterea, vos autem non oratio tua, accusator directe, sit ostendere, quantum vel non. Hic est alius panis de protocollo.” (furthermore, you are not to address your accuser directly, be it a show of respect or not. This is yet another breach of protocol.)

Fides did not give Set the chance to respond to the chiding, no acknowledgement was required, they were protocol that had been set by authority higher than either of them, he finished telling Set to follow protocol and gave the traditional bow of accepting Sets response before turning to The Cardinal and bowing very lowly. The bow served as a silent apology before he spoke to The Cardinal remaining in a low bow of apology. “In responsione ad accusationes sunt; In quantum ad violationem prima lex, abusivis opiniones et consilio, reus sicut praecepit. Contra tertia lex, peccatum, ad ostendendum quantum ad regnorum princeps. Inenarratum, ergo reus sicut praecepit. Contra quintum lege, accipiens quod non pertinent ad unum sui. Accusatus elit vindicare dominium. Contra octavo legem, ac mali ad filios. Accusatus elit titulo filii.” (The responses to the accusations are; In regards to Violation of the first tennant, unwarranted opinions and advice. Unchallenged, therefore admittance of guilt. Violation of the third tennant, failure to show respect to a realms ruler. Unaddressed, therefor unchallenged, therefore admittance of guilt. Violation of the fifth tennant, taking that which does not belong to one’s self. The accused challenges claim of ownership. Violation of the eighth tenninth, bringing harm to children. The accused challenges title of children.)

As the Evencar addressed The Cardinal he did stir from his state of seeming relative apathy. His form sitting up and leaning forward in the chair, his gaze shifting from Fides, to Set. The Cardinals face, or rather the appearance of a face was beyond perception nothing but a darkness of immaculate purity. Despite this there was a very real and "terrible" shift in “presence” as if as when The Cardinals gaze moved from Fides, to Set the area around him darkened considerably as an unimaginable force and weight bore down upon Set. Set would be well aware of the momentary undivided attention the charge of harming children invoked from The Cardinal. The effect was one that may well have invoked a degree of terror, Sets manifestation unable to move for reasons which might have gone beyond his understanding. The inability to move, or yield to the ambient forces were quite literally “soul crushing” making the situation all the more clear to Set. There was a harsh and long exhale of agitation which sounded quite a bit like a hiss, one of some nightmare creature that even The Evincar had shied away from as the noise escaped the form of The Cardinal. It lasted only a moment, but in those moments the span of an eternity might have seemed to pass. After the hiss the Cardinals gaze fell back to Fides and he as before lifted his left hand, rolling over his hand to show his palm, a signal to proceed.

The Evincar stayed completely bowed, it almost seemed as if it were cowering as he turned to face Kalieera once more. He stood and gave her a nod before speaking. “Set admisit, contra primum legis suae voluntatis, reus offerens uninvited opiniones et observationes. Hac stat, nunc resolvitur. Contra tertia lex, peccatum, ut debitam reverentiam, ut titulo, non impugnari. ergo an aditus culpa. Hac stat, nunc resolvitur. Set offert provocare ad violatio quinto legis, provocat ais dominium super quod ipse tulit. Set offert provocare ad violatio octavo lege, amet tua definitione filii. Nos nunc audire responsum.” (Set has admitted violation of the first tennant of his own volition, guilty of offering uninvited opinions and advice. This issue stands now resolved. The violation of the third tennant, failure to show due respect to title, was not challenged. therefore an admittance of guilt. This issue stands now resolved. Set offers challenge to violation of the fifth tennant, he challenges your claim of ownership over that which he took. Set offers challenge to the violation of the eighth tennant, challenging your definition children. We will now hear your response.)
Kali stood silent and still as the exchange occurred between the other three, and Set gave his testimony. But as she stood there, she had to grip the sides of the podium, her four hands slowly squeezing the umbric material it was made of and causing indentations from her very strength.

The more Set spoke, the angrier she got, though to her credit, her anger and rage were kept under tight control. Anger and Violence were her mortal sins, and as a Kinn she seemed more prone to lose her temper quickly at stupid things. It was something she was working on, something she knew would bring shame to not only herself, but her maker, Fides. And that, she would not allow. She would not shame the one that made her, no matter how angry she got at Set.

But, here stood a former God, one of truth and judgement, mincing words to try and weasel out of his own guilty actions. The irony and audacity of it made her sick with anger, and it was taking all of her surmountable will to keep from lashing out at him and just . . . . beating some form of sense or truth from him. And that wasn’t all . . with each word, Set seemed to break more rules, protocols of the court. Was he openly mocking this proceeding of justice? Was he throwing insult at truth? But . . it wasn’t her place, not here, not now, not in front of the Evencar and Cardinal. And so she dominated her own anger and desire to do violence, and gripped the rails of the podium even harder. The rails that would forever bear her marks as her claws dug deep into the umbric material.

She nearly lost it when the Cardinal’s own ire was turned towards Set. Her anger already boiling over and barely controlled. She had to close her eyes as she felt the Cardinal’s anger, though not directed at her, and a small shiver ran through her manifestation. Combined with the denial of children in her Empire . . she had to focus on something, anything to stay calm. Her Mantra . . she could focus on her Mantra . .
“Ego sum, et nox sicut caelum, infinitum lacus aeternae Tenebrae . . . tenebrae, quae est purus, et mundus est, et verum . . . Ego sum, et nox sicut caelum, infinitum lacus aeternae Tenebrae . . . tenebrae, quae est purus, et mundus est, et verum . . .”
(I am as the Night Sky, a never ending pool of eternal darkness . . darkness which is pure and clean and true . . I am as the Night Sky, a endless pool of eternal darkness . . darkness which is pure and clean and true . . )
She repeated the Mantra within her mind, and throughout her manifestation for several moments as Fides addressed her, silent to all but herself until finally she found that still pool of darkness within herself and calm spread throughout her.

She had heard every word that was spoken, she had not moved nor given in to her anger, and as she found that pool of calmness once more, her blackened eyes would open once more, this time, all three of them. The only physical sign that anything at all had happened were her claws still dug into the arms of the podium, the slight shiver than had rippled through her manifestation, and a momentary hesitation before she spoke at Fides’ bidding.

Her eyes blinked slowly and she gently released the rails of the podium. She nodded and bowed to both Fides and the Cardinal . . she couldn’t bring herself to bow to Set, he had lost too much respect in her eyes. She stood up straight and took that step back into the front of the podium and spoke.

“Accusatus stat coram nobis, faciens ludibrium hoc curia et his rebus, conantem mince est verba et confundamus exitus veritatis est culpa. Offerimus nostris betters probationem et argumentum, quo accusatus est misdeeds in hac materia. Primum offero indicium praesentiae filii intra Imperii populi.”
(The Accused stands before us, making a mockery of this court and these proceedings, attempting to mince it’s words and confuse the issue of the truth of it’s guilt. We offer to our betters proof and evidence of the accused’s misdeeds in this matter. First I offer proof of the presence of children within the Empire’s populace)

She held up her two main arms, her hands cupped together at face level. She blew across her palms and illusory imagery appeared like a hologram in her hands, her own memories on display for the court. The first images were of her and Raven meeting Fides at the gate of the Empire when he first arrived, both women fully pregnant. The question of a vampire’s pregnancy was answered in the very image itself, Kali’s magic as a Goddess of creation and destruction flowed constantly over the vampiric woman, making her mortal for the length of her pregnancy. The next images were something that had occurred out of public view, and she was careful to censor the images as both women gave birth, so as not to offend those present, or to offend them as minimally as possible. Further imagery was shown of the evacuees, women carrying infants and toddlers, and several guards carrying the rulers sets of twins, other children were seen running with their parents, children of all ages and creeds. Demons, Devils, Dragons, a few vampire children though those were not ‘children’ per say.

“Isti sunt filii de Imperio, hi infantis filii de me et co-princeps Corvus, tantum dierum tempore suorum mortes, hi infans et parvis liberis eorum quos nos praecepit, cum protegens. Isti sunt filii de Imperio.”
(These were the children of the Empire, these were the infant children of myself and my co-ruler Raven, only days old at the time of their deaths, these were the infant and small children of those whom we were charged with protecting. These were the children of the Empire) She said, her voice solid but struggling not to show her own emotions. Anger and grief broiling into rage which she tamped down once more.
“Si infans tantum diebus senex est non puer, quid ergo est? In Kinn considerare qui sub aetate 15 annorum esse filii, in simulacri ego obtulit mea condimentum memoria clare ostendit, quod filii erant quidem praesens in populi de evacuees, praesens in stagnum, et victimas, non in Accusatione placuit metet. Clare ostendens contra Octavo tenens de Kinn legem”
(If an infant only days old is not a child, then what is? The Kinn consider those under an age of 15 years to be children, the imagery I offered of my own visual memory clearly shows that children were indeed present within the populace of evacuees, present within the pool of victims the Accused decided to reap. Clearly showing violation of the Eighth tenant of Kinn law.)

Kali’s hands rested once more on the rails of the podium, her fingers rapping softly on the umbra forged furniture. She needed a moment, frustrated that she was to argue semantics over who ‘owned’ a soul. One could almost read the concentration on her face, her three eyes narrowed and focused as she took that moment to plan out her words carefully. This would a pitfall if she mis stepped or misworded something, already Set had tried to take issue with her choice of words in calling her people innocent, again trying to muddle the affair and avoid punishment for his actions. Her hands balled into fists as she concentrated on controlling her temper and think through the anger. She reviewed the words of her accusations regarding the fifth Tennent, taking that which did not belong to him. A small smirk flicked at the corners of her ventablack lips as she realized his folly in his previous statement and her counter formed quickly in her mind.

“Primo quidem, et principaliter, numquam se dominium animae Imperii, nec quod essent innocentes, nos petatur, nisi quod nos praecepit, cum eorum praesidio. Accusatus esset arguitur quod in singulis dominium animae, quae furatus die, sed hoc est a moot punctum. Utrum haec animarum, quae ad me vel ad alium in rebus non, punctum, quod res haec est, quod animae non sunt in Accusatione et tamen accepit eos, ut, si fecerunt. Accusatus est etiam conatur arguitur quod animae non sunt innocentes, dum nos autem non hoc dicunt, sed est etiam alia moot punctum. Innocens aut non misdeeds, hi victimas non erant mutuo occurrant cum Kinn et sunt simpliciter evacuating vicinia, faciens eos innocens aliquod malum facere in hac praesertim materia.”

(First and foremost, we never claimed ownership of the souls of the Empire, nor that they were innocent, we claimed only that we were charged with their protection. The Accused would argue the details of the ownership of the souls which he stole that day, but this is a moot point. Whether these souls belonged to myself or to another matters not, the point that matters is that these souls did not belong to the Accused and yet he took them as if they did. The Accused also tries to argue that the souls were not innocent, while we did not make this claim, it is also another moot point. Innocent or not of misdeeds, these victims were not interacting with the Kinn and were simply evacuating the vicinity, making them innocent of any wrong doing in this particular matter. )

All the while she spoke, she opened her hands once more, showing the illusory images of Set pulling the creatures of the lake to transform them into his attacking turpes, images of these creatures attacking the evacuating townspeople and guards, none of whom were paying any mind to the Kinn at all, these were clearly victims of circumstance.

Kaileera paused for a moment here, her fingers rapping on the umbric podium again once she dismissed the imagery of the attack, making a soft drumming sound. The pause was short and needed for her to focus her thoughts. She could feel her rage trying to push more words from her lips, comments and insults she so desperately wanted to throw at Set. Another shiver rippled through her manifestation as she willed her rage to silence. She raised her eyes up to the Evencar and Cardinal as she spoke again, her voice barely controlled, but controlled none the less.

“Volumus loqui ulterius ad diluere affirmatio necessaria actio et clamium agendi soley sub ordines, si licet, et desideratur a Iustitia”

(We would speak further to refute the claim of necessary action and the claim of acting soley under orders, if it be permitted and desired by the Justice)
Fides took note that as Set gave his challenges to the charges Kali was notably angered, it was a credit to her that she managed to maintain her calm. An outburst at this point, while it may well have been understandable would not be forgiven, not in this place, not at this time. Luckily that would not come to be an issue, and she was able to reign in her fury, by taking it out on the podium.

It did take her a brief moment to regain her composure, FIdes head tilted as her third eye opened now before responding to Fides. She gave the traditional bows, this time neglecting to do so to Set, it was not an obligation though, and as she spoke the reasons became evident. She openly remarked addressing as FIdes had moments prior his breach of protocol, as well as his actions in what Fides considered as less then stable ground for Set to base his defence on. Her offerings of proof were by way of visual means, bringing to life her own memories, which were true to form an unadulterated. She had even taken the liberty of displaying the birth, taking care to do so in a tasteful way. There were more offerings as well, proving further there were indeed a great many children among the populace which was in the process of evacuating. It was a strange thing, the way it crossed Fides, sort of like watching the offsprings of bugs, disgusting repugnant creatures to him...and yet, the point remained, the important and very sharp point, these were indeed children, it pierced cleanly through the reasoning of Set. true, that not with the appearance of children were children, but still, there were children, and a great many of them which were clearly less than adolescents, some of which were even infants, which caused a notable stir in the darkness. Not one that could be seen or heard, but certainly one that was felt, and even for creatures as “Dark” and “evil” as the likes of the kinn took on an obvious ominous foreboding, the sort that could chill you to your very core. As she spoke there was grief and rage, enough that her voice was beginning to falter as she spoke offering clear definition of what had just been seen.

Once more she took a moment to regain her composure, taking careful contemplation over her next words. As she found her point a smirk crossed her lips, she had found her angle of attack now regarding the claim over the souls. She forewent whom actually owned them, a rather risky approach but one that stabbed directly for the heart of the matter, they were not Set’s. She spoke to the “innocence” of the reaped, which was perhaps a poor point given the perceptions of Kinn, there was a point there to be sure but one which would not gain any great purchase in their minds. This was likely a soft insinuation that Kinn are supposed to conduct themselves in such a way as they are not to harm lesser creatures perhaps? He had attacked a massive population, as well as legitimate beasts from the watters of the lake. though again that blame would fall on the Visser Abbadon whmm had fallen from grace, her choice of words being made all the more apparent to have been in infinitely poor taste. only a small portion of the weight of this fell on Set. His fault was in following a felonious order, which he had already sought some recompense in the current fate of Abbadon. The charge of harming the lesser creatures in the lake was not one that had been brought to bear initially, being raised now in passing likely for reasons to further establish that Set was perhaps less inclined to obey the laws than he should be.

In closing Kali had offered up that she too if wished could dissect the nuances and point out just how much liberty Set had taken with the poor choice of words of Abbadon. FIdes having heard her response and bowed, turning next to the Cardinal. Here though before Fides could bow or speak The Cardinal stood, lifting his left hand and showing his palm to the Evincar. Every action he took now reverberated within every soul in this place, though the would not act on any of the motions each it made gave a desire for them to move in unison. This brough Fides to an immediate halt and complete silence as he took a knee and bowed his head as opposed to offering only a bow.

It was an exceedingly rare occurrence that the Cardinal was seen let alone spoke aloud, even its words among Kinn were a thing that was sacred. His voice commanded an astounding presence, one which had an effect that was something containing befuddling power. His words made tremble the entirety of the soul pools of all present, a thing both truly terrifying and awe inspiring. His words alone now felt as if they threatened to rattle apart any semblance of cohesion within the soul pool of Set, impressive and beyond counting as it was. There was an obvious contempt and loathing. “Tu reus multis erroribus. Scio hoc esse verum… Nosti hoc esse verum. Offerimus tibi duo dona ante nos portare ex tua sententia. sui poenam,et novissima verba. Nunc agere, et in bona fide, ego dabo vobis pretioso parum tempus pro his “(You are guilty of a number of transgressions. I know this to be true…. You know this to be true. We offer to you two graces before we carry out your sentence. You are permitted self flagellation, and last words. Act now and in good faith, we give you precious little time to do these things.
Set remained quiet during the accusations of guilt further supplicated by the Evincar's words. Remained silent during the progression of the trial as the one called Kali yet again contradicted herself upon the proving of the innocence of the supposed children from which her foolish actions led to seizure by Set's hand. He continued to remain silent as she conjured forth memories as evidence of his actions, such a medium was sure to be based on the perspective of Kali. It seemed clear to Set that Fides was quick to search for a means to end Set, as the accusation brought forth against Fides did run true, and as Such Set would be made into a rather perfect Scapegoat. the words were heeded not of declarations guilt via being not addressed, for in truth all tenants accused of relevance were addressed. The only lasting accusation that Set admitted guilt was that of giving his advice unwarranted. For in truth when summoned to fight the pleasantries of respect toward an adversary is hung. All that was relevant in such a scenario was the honor-bound system of warfare one in which Set had partially sullied in his receiving of the masses in which were cast out into the ethereal plane.
Set listened in silence to what it was that Fides had to say for this truly was not the time nor place to disregard based on bias. Fides was correct in finding him in contempt of ignoring the court's process of address. Such a disregard for etiquette was a fault of Set's pride. It pleased Set to realize the Cardinal one truly expressed no bias regarding the court's proceedings and as such, it seemed the Cardinal dismissed a great portion of what Fides declared to be guilt against Set. Set continued to remain in silence for words of the Cardinal. Once the verdict was prepared to be given and Set was allowed final words they would become prepared. Set at first continued his silence as to think heavily upon what was to be said before voicing them. The presence of the Cardinal's will was immense and large enough to rattle the resolve for the majority if not the entirety of Set's soul-pool, yet his own soul stood strong. Fear was not something easily achieved through any incarnation or form of the Lord of the Nile. How weak-willed the resolve of his soul-pool was would have made caused a fit of laughter under different circumstances. Due to the quivering of the immense pool Set's form would appear to phase out only to re-materialize solely upon the manifestation of the dominant soul alone. Set released them all from his current manifest as such wavering might prove disrespectful and damaging during any further voicing established. Set moved forth to this address the courts once more before enacting a form of punishment that was deemed fitting.
"Anaki n'qur sut qra ma'qp kyatr tuk pera sun dyru faru mw'aq sunt'tai, Kuana-q'wfp, Kishanar coth; Q'nashi cu'mora anaku, h'marq q'ntai shy'ata cumayu nerakh Fides cun anaki fe'sar pa'eq tun Fides kinaro sub ty'ra, Cusar miq'ayn anaki sumek tuath sin subek n'qun p'ru shai daath mik conar car'yt shin mo qu'tek nar besun ha caru anaki besun Com'ir Apep sun tew'mq ba'shiri." ( I stand judged and accept guilt for the following; Offering my advice without being asked, and Consuming the souls of various animals while Attacks were made against Fides and myself for which we; Fides and we hungrily consumed. However I/we shall not call into question that those animals consumed were youthly, nor will we appeal that demons/devils/vampires/dragons* are lower than animals before us. As it is such I will Serve judgment upon myself before I receive that which you deem.)
Set would not wait for a response as he was already properly granted the opportunity to enact judgment upon himself presently. Set would reach his hands up to the front of his face only to grab at his upper and lower jaw. In a sharp jerking motion, he rips his hands away thus fissuring the likeness of his head from itself. As his jaw laid slack and the top half of his head was ripped backward a truly strange sight would be seen. It was as if the anthropomorphic head that displayed Set's likeness was similar to a headdress. Long locks of red hair presently exploded from the fissure exposing with them a silver eye and a crimson eye. Upon the center of his forehead, a single golden eye glowed defying the darkness amassed by the presence of Umbra, though in the near-endless sea of darkness it was less than a dying star flickering its last light. Set reaches up and digs his fingers into his skull into his forehead goring forth the glowing golden eye. Liquid similar to water begins to flow from the gaping wound on his skull in place of the blood others might have flowing through them. It had a shadowy dark tint its mystical properties seemed to exist even with the conversion of being a Kinn.
Sullying not the Courts with his divine actions and profaned blood he grasps the eye firmly into his hand and crushes it into a fine powder. The Golden-eye; the Eye of Horus the elder, so it was held true the compulsion, the presence of the ethereal bodies in which he claimed that such day. Among the 5 million ethereal forms Set collected minus the quarter offered to Fides contained only the souls of the soldiers in which Fides at the time permitted him to keep. and Set spoke not about how it was his claim to their ethereal form yet it was Fides who Willfully and in some regards forcefully rent such souls from the forms in Set's possession, as such was likely already known to both the Cardinal and to Fides. Set holds this hand clutching the fine powder over the inflicted wound upon himself and allows his essence to fully seep within it thoroughly saturating it.
This was not a situation in which Set felt bound by the honor of requesting the usage of the souls he possessed. His reason for such was that in which he called forth was not greater, or even upon the same relation of what Set was. With his right hand, he removed the remains of his former head, the pride of his position marking him as a member of the Enjeri one of the Ennead; the P'se'ḏjit. The use of Magic was not something unknown to the Kinn, and as such Set would call upon the forces of the Heka. A distinct form of magical prowess specifically empowered for the Gods' Of Egypt and those who sired them. Heka Magic is many things, but, above all, it has a close association with speech and the power of the word. In the realm of Egyptian magic, actions did not necessarily speak louder than words they were often one and the same thing. Thought, deed, image, and power are theoretically united in the concept of heka.
"S'nu ba ka heka shu ib jen akh shem khet khaibit sakhem sahu ren Atum Sutekh Su-Nut. Qir Soku" (From the Heka {contained within}; ba, ka, shu, ib, jen, akh, shem, khet, khaibit, sakhem, sahu, ren, swt**, of Set come forth)
As Set would finish speaking such he would blow upon the powdered remains in his left hand scattering them about the court only to have them fall through the umbral form of the court settling upon the battle field from which the Frosaken rose Fight took place.. Each spec of the powder would begin to expand as the words of power announced by the Heka would not dare falter at Set's Commands. It would be a matter of if the court itself would allow such a creation to occur in which might lead forth to more punishment for Set, of which he cared not. It was rather certain regardless of what transpired from his action his punishment would remain. The utilization of the Heka would not be something that could be used free of cost for in actuality by calling upon such a thing presently it would heavily tax Set a total of 3.75 million bodies would siphon from not only portions of his being, but vastly devour the majority of the souls under his disposal. Each and every speck of dust would become cloaked in a shroud of which bore the highest respect of the ancient world from which Set originated.
Even the great pharaohs knew not this respect. It was then that the specks expanded being released from the ethereal realm in which they were trapped so many years prior. They would take the physical appearance of those claimed by Set; those of whom his deadly Turpes consumed as well would form. Due to Fides having taken all of the souls other than those of the soldiers Set had to take extensive protocol and fragment the majority of his soul-pool; no less than 80% of his entire claim to souls would be subjected to this. For it took Set 13 souls to replace each singular soul within the soul-less beings. Those thirteen souls would make up the different soul faculties within each of the bodies before finally uniting to give heed to complete newly created souls or beings. Though these were not the native souls of her people, (minus the 200,000 who's souls Set did return to their bodies at this point) This was the best Set would be able to offer.
Noticeably exhausted from his actions Set would speak again, his voice lacking strength and begin nothing more than a Whisper among the breeze. His form wavered as the strain of loss from his manifestation, from even his Dominant soul itself sufficed what one would consider very closely to dismemberment. all that truly remained anchored in a physical manifest if one could call it such would be his head sitting upon a fog of shadows,
"Su-ma ko-ny mibut by ket s'shru con ananaki umbek te'kun lai-la Cun mer'k da subek Cardinal cun ma'at syna Fides" (I have cut from myself and produced forth that in which remained within my possession of which was taken. I am prepared for what truth/judgement You (cardinal & Fides) have prepared )
(*literally "children of Apep")
(**faculties of being/soul/afterlife)
{46.35 million souls as well as 13,600,000 realms lost from Set's pool converted into 3,550,000 completed souls for the soulless + the return of the 200,000 souls of soldiers to their proper bodies}
Fides stood in silence and watched as Set admitted guilt to a number of the transgressions, though he still voiced a plain and clear objection to a number of the charges. His objections did possess a degree of merit, and had not fallen of deaf ears, though no indication of this had yet been made. There were transgressions which had not been charged, but were plain to The Cardinal, those declarations though would be made later. Set began to go about admonishing himself, by his own hands and will accordingly to his perceptions. Fides watched, with some degree of glee at how the Egyptian god went about his punishment, his disposition fitting the Evincar thought. Set had never been one that Fides had been particularly fond of, finding set a bit resistant, and bull headed in his submission to the father. Now there was likely no real or true way Set could or would ever be able to raise any feeble objection to the will of the one ever again. Still though Fides was, perhaps blissfully unaware, that he too had been found guilty of things as this trial had progressed, and would not go unpunished. The fact of the matter being Fides satisfaction with the degree of punishment invoked against the Sinner would only reflect on the severity of the Evincar's own. The more joy Fides took in Set’s admonishment and deposition the worse a punishment the Evincar earned itself. As if Fides found it fitting that such happen to the Sinner, he only admit, albeit covertly, internally, subconsciously, that what was to happen to him was also just. There was then an incredible sort of irony, in the way in which the Evincar's punishment would be compounded at its satisfaction with Sets now pitiful manifestation, Fides gave it the customary bow and turned its attention to the Cardinal awaiting the affliction of the Cardinals justice.
It was now that the Cardinal would animate itself, placing its palms down roughly on the armrests of its throne and pushing against them as it stood, while letting out what could be easily called an exasperated sigh.
“In punitivum actiones te suscepta sunt, satis pro se admonishment, et tamen accipietis magis, ut per legem meam. Vos praeterea tollatur a nobis, vestri memoriam vestri tempore hic in gloriam nostram, erit fere omnino abstulit. ego revertar ad vos quo egressus es ex, ut vos erant ante nostra gloria tetigit te. animae tibi dedit, maneant, ut datum. aliquam ideam de nobis erit, abstulit a te, nisi una, et vos eritis vetitum redire ad gloriam nostram. vos sunt pulsus et erit memento tantum victoria super quem damnati te.”
(the punitive actions you have taken are sufficient for self admonishment, and yet you will receive more, as per my law. you furthermore must be removed from the us, your memory of your time here in our glory, it will be almost completely removed. I will return to you where you came from, as you were before our glory touched you. the soul you gave, remain as given. any idea of the us will be removed from you, except for one, and you shall be forbidden to return to our glory. you are driven and will remember only the victory over which condemned you.)
There was a moment of Silence, apprehension perhaps as the Cardinal turned his attention to the Evincar Fides. Pointing acusitorily at Fides (which is to be perceived as incredibly rude) Cardinal began to admonish the Evencar.
“vos...scire nostra modis, nostris legibus. Et ut scias, qui eius defectus est etiam tua. Fuit eius munus sequi iubet,ordines erant tua dare. Hoc est, quod pecces. Vestri defectum. ut una cum auctoritate tua culpa est magis grave. Ut hoc deus erit reversus ad suum locum, ita erit vobis Evincar. Vos data forma, ad praedicandum et ad plumbum. Te defecerunt, hoc est inconveniens. tibi non nobis, te defecerunt pater noster, et defecerunt Set.
(you...know our ways, our laws. you have to know that his failure is also yours. It was his role to follow orders, orders were yours to give. This is your fault. Your failure. As one with authority your guilt is more heavy. This god will be returned to its place, so will you Evincar. You were given form, to preach and to lead. You have failed, this is unacceptable. You have failed us, you have failed our father, and you have failed Set.)
Cardinal would turn his head to look into Sets eyes speaking to him
“bibendum penitus hoc in conspectu, pro eo est, omnes vos erit memento nostri gloria, et in tua iustitia.”
(Drink deeply of this sight, for it is all you shall remember of our glory, and your justice.
Here he turned his gaze once more to FIdes, whom appeared to be shocked, though resigned to his fate, he would not question the will of the father, such was complete folly, as much as Fides would like to escape guilt, he could not.
“ Ego recipere ab omnibus vobis dedi, antequam illi qui defecerunt. eritis faber in instrumenta tui successor, in perpetuum serviant, et nunquam iterum dicam, vel actus propriae voluntatis. quod privilegium amittitur ad te in aeternum.”
(I take back from you all I have given, before they who you have failed. you shall be forged into the tools of your successor, forever to serve, and never again to speak or act of your own will. that privilege is lost to you forever.)
As the Cardinals words came to a close the features of Fides took on a highly notable and rapidly consuming ashen quality. The process complete in mere seconds, all that was Fides was now ash. The essence of the Evincar Fides returned to the dominion of the cardinal as his effigy now scattered to the winds, all traces of him passing rapidly from perception as if no more than dust in the wind.
With a simple nod of his head what remained of Set would fade from view into the darkness returned to its proper time and place, with only the singular memory of the deposing and fading of fides, the imagery and memory invoking a supreme satisfaction in Set forever more.

Moderators: Kage (played by ZeekHarbinger)