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The Devil Forge

(*when a player enters the shop I will make a number of rolls to determine both the caliber and types of creatures readily available for purchase. Upon request i can also roll for readily available ingredients for forged devils. A player may opt to attempt various methods prior to engaging in RP to “influence” the available stock.

IF a session is “on going” (meaning a prior RP is still taking place) the stock available in the store will NOT change if another person enters, lest they are bringing in new creatures or “ingredients” to sell or trade with Hecktor.

Given the devil forge is in a “Fallen” capital city the common exchange rates of currency are subject to “Fallen” preference. This means that the relative value of a currency in other places is irrelevant. A good example of this is gold is nearly valueless here, it is worth less than copper.

Do not underestimate Hecktor, he “looks” human, he is not.)

This place was a bit hard to miss, the outside was relatively inconspicuous, aside from being both a barn, as well as what seemed to be a blacksmith forge. This particular store had not true sign to mark it as a shop though it stood out being near the middle of the city. In lieu of a sign there was a fairly large window, which offered a view into a small part of the “barn”. This window had what seemed like a transmutation circle on it, and looking into it one could see a number of often exotic and quite strange looking creatures. The more astute might recognise the creatures as familiars, to others they likely came across as pets, in truth the store held a mixture of the two. Inside the blacksmith forge was where the main part of this shop.
Immediately after walking in, along the left interior wall was the counter. On the counter there were three “small” enclosures, each of which held a fairly docile creature. The one which often attracted the most attention was a “blue fairy”, the other two held something called a “Gibbit” and an “imp”. Behind the counter was where the “forge” lay along the back wall, next to a door which led into the barn. The forge almost looked like a normal forge with the exception of the “fuel” which was obviously not coal. Instead there was some sort of copious amounts of crystals which often were glowing a particular color. There were also a great many various bottles and vials filled with all manner of things which lined the walls behind the counter, these were “ingredients” for the creatures Hecktor was capable of producing. His skill was an exceedingly rare one, and quite lucrative in the right areas. By using ingredients and a few various catalysts for forbidden alchemical arts he is able to produce entirely new and unique creatures. This service though was only available to the clientele whom had “deep pockets” and items of particular interest to Hecktor, this was often a quite expensive purchase, the bulk of the business was in selling the captured creatures from the various areas of the wilds of the worlds. The entirety of the right wall of this room was various books concerning information on the creatures that could be found here for sale. In the middle of the room there are three isles of cages with various familiars for sale.

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Moderators: Kage (played by ZeekHarbinger)