"...earlier today during a routine inspection of private records within MACUSA's restricted records chambers signs of forced entry has been seen. (See more on page K6)..." Dakota read aloud to himself as he sat at his favorite spot within Central Park. He had stepped out of the nearby Healing Center for his lunch break and a chance to read the morning's paper while he had a moment of quiet. Sure today had been a mostly slow day and would normally be able to read in this circumstance but with Mr. Satchmore in that day as the Head Healer there was no way he could even appear not busy.
Dakota too had been a Healer at one point but had allowed his licence to expire and the next exam for re-licencing wasn't for a couple of months, luckily his credentials as a Mediwizard were still valid and luckily still had a while to expire. As such he was able to go into work, but he wasn't allowed to handle any of the major treatments - just minor healings and lesser curse liftings. That and he was allowed to do house calls, provided he was in relatively close proximity to any witch or wizard that needed medical attention and if the forwarding center told him where that call for help was issued.
Dakota cheeked his phone, a No-Maj technology - efficient for what he needed though it did have a habit of disturbing and annoying his pure-blooded co-workers and patients, not to mention his father. But it was a nice gift from his mother for his last birthday a few months back - she unlike his father had come from a half-n-half family and her mother had been a mudblood. As such Dakota was happy to enjoy the best that both worlds had to offer - much to the chagrin of both parties.
The time was 12:57, still had 3 more minutes before he needed to go back, he crumpled his brown paper lunch sack and tossed it in a high and wide arch to the closest trash bin a good 3 yards away. As he did his phone buzzed - the hospital was calling him. The wad of paper missed by a fraction of an inch before sailing past and onto the fall leaves of mid-autumn. "Son of a banshee..." Dakota swore under his breath as he picked up his phone from the stone bench he sat on and that he had sat his phone on as well.
"Tennigan here, what's up?" Dakota said into the phone as he gathered his stuff together. The Manhattan Observer newspaper, his pen for the Sudoku puzzle he had solved in record time, his reading glasses case and his messenger bag that he began stuffing things into.
"I've always hated that saying..." Replied an older voice over the static filled phone call - the wizarding world still had the crappiest stuff, everything they said, used and did was 30 to 40 years behind the modern times. "You're needed, house call, minor altercation in SoHo at the Grand Hotel. Hit and run. Obliviators and Magical Law Enforcement are already on the scene. I don't need to remind you not to Apparate..." The voice droned on before Dakota hung up and pulled his wand out of a hidden compartment on his bag after he had swung the strap over his shoulder. He levitated the forlorn paper ball and dropped it over the trash bin opening.
With a simple turn of his hand he warped out of the park and into a nearby empty alleyway across the street from the SoHo Grand Hotel. Dakota walked up to the door before being greeted by what looked like two of New York's finest - Dakota flashed his licence with the Hospital's insignia on it before being waved in.
No telling what to expect from here on in...
Dakota too had been a Healer at one point but had allowed his licence to expire and the next exam for re-licencing wasn't for a couple of months, luckily his credentials as a Mediwizard were still valid and luckily still had a while to expire. As such he was able to go into work, but he wasn't allowed to handle any of the major treatments - just minor healings and lesser curse liftings. That and he was allowed to do house calls, provided he was in relatively close proximity to any witch or wizard that needed medical attention and if the forwarding center told him where that call for help was issued.
Dakota cheeked his phone, a No-Maj technology - efficient for what he needed though it did have a habit of disturbing and annoying his pure-blooded co-workers and patients, not to mention his father. But it was a nice gift from his mother for his last birthday a few months back - she unlike his father had come from a half-n-half family and her mother had been a mudblood. As such Dakota was happy to enjoy the best that both worlds had to offer - much to the chagrin of both parties.
The time was 12:57, still had 3 more minutes before he needed to go back, he crumpled his brown paper lunch sack and tossed it in a high and wide arch to the closest trash bin a good 3 yards away. As he did his phone buzzed - the hospital was calling him. The wad of paper missed by a fraction of an inch before sailing past and onto the fall leaves of mid-autumn. "Son of a banshee..." Dakota swore under his breath as he picked up his phone from the stone bench he sat on and that he had sat his phone on as well.
"Tennigan here, what's up?" Dakota said into the phone as he gathered his stuff together. The Manhattan Observer newspaper, his pen for the Sudoku puzzle he had solved in record time, his reading glasses case and his messenger bag that he began stuffing things into.
"I've always hated that saying..." Replied an older voice over the static filled phone call - the wizarding world still had the crappiest stuff, everything they said, used and did was 30 to 40 years behind the modern times. "You're needed, house call, minor altercation in SoHo at the Grand Hotel. Hit and run. Obliviators and Magical Law Enforcement are already on the scene. I don't need to remind you not to Apparate..." The voice droned on before Dakota hung up and pulled his wand out of a hidden compartment on his bag after he had swung the strap over his shoulder. He levitated the forlorn paper ball and dropped it over the trash bin opening.
With a simple turn of his hand he warped out of the park and into a nearby empty alleyway across the street from the SoHo Grand Hotel. Dakota walked up to the door before being greeted by what looked like two of New York's finest - Dakota flashed his licence with the Hospital's insignia on it before being waved in.
No telling what to expect from here on in...
A week had passed since the young female arrived to America. After leaving the comfort of everything that was familiar to her, she made her way to New York. She preferred a city setting and has always heard others talk about New York City. It was here she was going to make her fresh start. She left behind her past and looked forward to what was next. With her belongings and a comfortable sum of money, she went to find a new life.
She would splurge a couple extra hours of sleep before finally getting up around ten in the morning. Today she was going to explore the city. She has not done much of that since she traveling the muggle way was never her thing and proved to be quite exhausting. After a hot shower and dressed, the female was out and ready to take on the rest of the day.
After tucking her wand into her knee high boot and slipping into her jacket, Aria grabbed her bag and took off to explore the city. She did not use any map nor really watched where she was going. She just found a path and started to follow it. After she had gotten settled into the city, she was supposed to find the equivalent of the Ministry of Magic departments to see about getting a job. In school she was studying to work with magical creatures. However, for now she was going to enjoy her time.
During her outing, she had grabbed a newspaper and decided that she was hungry. Her wandering around placed her in front of the SoHo Grand Hotel about 11:30. From looking at the windows the place looked rather nice. She went inside and looked around. She wander the hotel until she came upon the restaurant. Her stomach growled in complaints for something to eat.
Aria would request a table at the restaurant that looked rather nice itself. She sat in the corner with her paper. After ordering her food, she started to scan the classifieds for an apartment. She was so obvious to her own thoughts, that she took no notice of anything else around her.
She would splurge a couple extra hours of sleep before finally getting up around ten in the morning. Today she was going to explore the city. She has not done much of that since she traveling the muggle way was never her thing and proved to be quite exhausting. After a hot shower and dressed, the female was out and ready to take on the rest of the day.
After tucking her wand into her knee high boot and slipping into her jacket, Aria grabbed her bag and took off to explore the city. She did not use any map nor really watched where she was going. She just found a path and started to follow it. After she had gotten settled into the city, she was supposed to find the equivalent of the Ministry of Magic departments to see about getting a job. In school she was studying to work with magical creatures. However, for now she was going to enjoy her time.
During her outing, she had grabbed a newspaper and decided that she was hungry. Her wandering around placed her in front of the SoHo Grand Hotel about 11:30. From looking at the windows the place looked rather nice. She went inside and looked around. She wander the hotel until she came upon the restaurant. Her stomach growled in complaints for something to eat.
Aria would request a table at the restaurant that looked rather nice itself. She sat in the corner with her paper. After ordering her food, she started to scan the classifieds for an apartment. She was so obvious to her own thoughts, that she took no notice of anything else around her.
*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*
The sound of the rope hitting the warn wooden floors was infectious. Memorizing and addicting, as were the aches he felt in his knees and shoulders.
*Tap Tap Tap*
The burn felt good, all ways constant. Allowing himself to push harder, faster, longer than the last time.
*Tap Tap T-*
He's been at it for little under 20 minutes before he hears a 'Coo' come from down the hall. He missteps and the rope slaps his shin.
Sighing, he hangs the rope up on a hook that is riddled with the rest of his work out gear, from ropes to gloves to weighted bars, before closing the door.
He fiddles around in his pocket for a tiny remote and presses the power button. His favorite band Never Shout Never begins to play loudly throughout the hidden speakers around the apartment.
Kiri has been in the Big Apple for a couple weeks. Although going to Hogwarts, he lived in Italy. The canals of Venezia and the warm blue water were much missed but he had a job to do.
Kiri was training to be an Aurora and on his First year as a Rookie. With the threat of Voldemort removed, Wizards have been traveling all across the world to explore and once again truly experience life for what it had to offer. Kiri was always one to travel and loved to explore places that were less known to wizards. Across the pond and in a big city, Wizards would be completely lost with all the No-Maj's around but Kiri felt at peace. He was a half blood, and had to survive the cruel months away from Hogwarts, so he was able to blend right in.
Eventually, his travels brought him here, a place riddled with wonders of technology during the day and Magical lights by night.
It took some time but eventually he found wizards and witches ( and quite a few might I add) that had there own little underground community.
He found a nice studio apartment of the Long Island that had a beautiful view of the Ocean, a glimmering East River and lit up NYC at night.
Today however wasn't a bad day for a run. He put on his usual workout cloths, grabbed keys, cellphone, and white skull cap. Screeching could be heard from the a room in the back, and a small smile crept onto his face and he headed back to open up the door. To be attacked by an Angry Owl. Her eyes were light and glowed beautifully in the son as did her feathers, her talon which where digging into Kiri's skin were sharp as was her beak which pecked at him.
"ARG, S-stop Quoise! You know I would never forget about you!!"
He pets her head as she immediately stops, the fickle bird.
Hooting, she flaps her wings to carry her to the window seal that automatically opens. Walking over, he places a necklace around her with an enchanted rune that acts as a Notice Me Not Charm.
~be safe! all be out soon!~
He heads out the room, passing a fireplace he had 'installed' a fire message pops up. He walks over and bows his head respectfully.
10 minutes later,he is properly dressed in his tuxedo and dress shirt combo, with his wand tucked into its holster on his back. He grabs the keys to his apartment and heads out.
Headed to the Metro to take him to the City.
~Holy fucking shit... I got the offer? Holy beard of Merlin! So i gotta start training! Aurora Training is still 3 years but holy fucking...Me?~
He practically ran the rest of the way there and by god was it worth it.
After initial boot camp which only lasted 2 months intense, he was put on active probation like all the other Rookies that the started. Sense he was top of his class, he was gonna be a squad leader but actually got assigned a solo case after his first year. Its not suppose to be to challenging but he always has a feeling in his stomach telling him something big is going on...
What it is, he's got no clue.
The sound of the rope hitting the warn wooden floors was infectious. Memorizing and addicting, as were the aches he felt in his knees and shoulders.
*Tap Tap Tap*
The burn felt good, all ways constant. Allowing himself to push harder, faster, longer than the last time.
*Tap Tap T-*
He's been at it for little under 20 minutes before he hears a 'Coo' come from down the hall. He missteps and the rope slaps his shin.
Sighing, he hangs the rope up on a hook that is riddled with the rest of his work out gear, from ropes to gloves to weighted bars, before closing the door.
He fiddles around in his pocket for a tiny remote and presses the power button. His favorite band Never Shout Never begins to play loudly throughout the hidden speakers around the apartment.
Kiri has been in the Big Apple for a couple weeks. Although going to Hogwarts, he lived in Italy. The canals of Venezia and the warm blue water were much missed but he had a job to do.
Kiri was training to be an Aurora and on his First year as a Rookie. With the threat of Voldemort removed, Wizards have been traveling all across the world to explore and once again truly experience life for what it had to offer. Kiri was always one to travel and loved to explore places that were less known to wizards. Across the pond and in a big city, Wizards would be completely lost with all the No-Maj's around but Kiri felt at peace. He was a half blood, and had to survive the cruel months away from Hogwarts, so he was able to blend right in.
Eventually, his travels brought him here, a place riddled with wonders of technology during the day and Magical lights by night.
It took some time but eventually he found wizards and witches ( and quite a few might I add) that had there own little underground community.
He found a nice studio apartment of the Long Island that had a beautiful view of the Ocean, a glimmering East River and lit up NYC at night.
Today however wasn't a bad day for a run. He put on his usual workout cloths, grabbed keys, cellphone, and white skull cap. Screeching could be heard from the a room in the back, and a small smile crept onto his face and he headed back to open up the door. To be attacked by an Angry Owl. Her eyes were light and glowed beautifully in the son as did her feathers, her talon which where digging into Kiri's skin were sharp as was her beak which pecked at him.
"ARG, S-stop Quoise! You know I would never forget about you!!"
He pets her head as she immediately stops, the fickle bird.
Hooting, she flaps her wings to carry her to the window seal that automatically opens. Walking over, he places a necklace around her with an enchanted rune that acts as a Notice Me Not Charm.
~be safe! all be out soon!~
He heads out the room, passing a fireplace he had 'installed' a fire message pops up. He walks over and bows his head respectfully.
10 minutes later,he is properly dressed in his tuxedo and dress shirt combo, with his wand tucked into its holster on his back. He grabs the keys to his apartment and heads out.
Headed to the Metro to take him to the City.
~Holy fucking shit... I got the offer? Holy beard of Merlin! So i gotta start training! Aurora Training is still 3 years but holy fucking...Me?~
He practically ran the rest of the way there and by god was it worth it.
After initial boot camp which only lasted 2 months intense, he was put on active probation like all the other Rookies that the started. Sense he was top of his class, he was gonna be a squad leader but actually got assigned a solo case after his first year. Its not suppose to be to challenging but he always has a feeling in his stomach telling him something big is going on...
What it is, he's got no clue.
(Finally, someone joins us! I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that you posted!)
Dakota entered the lobby and was instantly met with a room filled with motionless No-Majs, someone had placed an Immobulus charm over the entire hotel to freeze them all in place to allow the Obliviators to work their memory charms without the risk of mass panic and undue confusion. Dakota wandered the Lobby until he was addressed by a member of the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol, "Ah, you've arrived. Thank you for being so prompt. If you'll kindly follow me I will direct you to your patient - they are in the middle of questioning." The man said as he began to escort Dakota through the labyrinthian like corridors of the first floor until they came to a set of magically concealed elevator doors.
It wasn't a long ride up to the floor where the hotel's restaurant was, everyone inside was perfectly still and unresponsive due to the charm over the building that was being used to specifically target only the No-Maj's. Dakota peered in for a brief second before continuing to follow the officer.
They came to a sun room garden and indoor arboretum just past an apartment room with it's front door in splinters that was allowing the scent of after-fire smoke to permeate the hallway. Inside the sun room was an older woman being questioned by a small squad of specialized law enforcement individuals. As he approached Dakota could recognize the various branches of magical law that was here - although all of them seemed a bit on the younger side. There was one from each branch here; Improper Use of Magic Department, Department of Intoxicating Substances, Magical Law Enforcement, Witch Watcher Department, Hit Wizard Department and even the Investigation Department of the Auror Department.
The old woman seemed flustered by all the attention, "...I've told you young people all I know! First that terrible man barges into our home, the next he accuses my husband - a good man - of stealing something that belongs to him. Next thing I know I get blasted out of the room as curses and jinxes start flying everywhere. Now I want to see my husband, I need to know he is alright. That hoodlum ran off just before you all arrived he could still be nearby!" The lady crooned and wailed as she clutched her arm. Dakota could see it a mile away - broken bones.
Dakota stepped in and began to wave his wand over the injury site as she was asked more questions by the various detectives and lawmen. Her wound was healing and as the bones were mended back into place the woman would wince in pain as her bones meshed and knit back together.
As Dakota was finishing up his healings an officer exited the room, "Uh - you guys might want to see this..." he said to the group of officers surrounding the old lady and Dakota. As the group would move into the apartment the smell of burning flesh could be more clearly smelled and a magical duel ruined home. Halfway embedded into a wall was the shriveled and burnt crispy corpse of what Dakota would guess had been the old man. The old lady sobbed and was ushered out into the hall and away from the crime scene. The officers murmured to each other.
"-Never seen anything like it..." "That must've been one powerful curse..." "Talk about a battle, look at this place..." "Nothing seems to have been stolen..." The mingling of voices would say to each other. Dakota, having already treated his patient went over to inspect the body and identify the exact spells that caused his death. There were fire, blasting and deep slash markings all over as Dakota waved the length of his wand over the corpse and surrounding wall.
"It is my professional opinion that this man was hit directly with at least three different highly damaging spells. I would imagine he was first disarmed, then levitated and forcefully pressed against this wall. He was then slowly cut with severing charms to torture something out of him - this is based purely upon the infliction locations on his body. Afterwards he was blasted unconscious by a powerful blasting spell as evident by the indentations in the wall and the blunt force injuries sustained. Finally, in an effort to dispose of the body and eliminate evidence a powerful incendiary spell was hurled at this man - this was what finally killed him and what would've set the room and building on fire had you all not arrived so quickly." Dakota stated as he explained how things had transpired.
Without taking questions Dakota left the room to allow the officers to do their work. He would meanwhile exit the room and step out into the hallway that was still crawling with Magical Law Enforcement personnel.
(Alright, I left a way into this for both of you and anyone else who wishes to join. Let's get things rolling!)
Dakota entered the lobby and was instantly met with a room filled with motionless No-Majs, someone had placed an Immobulus charm over the entire hotel to freeze them all in place to allow the Obliviators to work their memory charms without the risk of mass panic and undue confusion. Dakota wandered the Lobby until he was addressed by a member of the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol, "Ah, you've arrived. Thank you for being so prompt. If you'll kindly follow me I will direct you to your patient - they are in the middle of questioning." The man said as he began to escort Dakota through the labyrinthian like corridors of the first floor until they came to a set of magically concealed elevator doors.
It wasn't a long ride up to the floor where the hotel's restaurant was, everyone inside was perfectly still and unresponsive due to the charm over the building that was being used to specifically target only the No-Maj's. Dakota peered in for a brief second before continuing to follow the officer.
They came to a sun room garden and indoor arboretum just past an apartment room with it's front door in splinters that was allowing the scent of after-fire smoke to permeate the hallway. Inside the sun room was an older woman being questioned by a small squad of specialized law enforcement individuals. As he approached Dakota could recognize the various branches of magical law that was here - although all of them seemed a bit on the younger side. There was one from each branch here; Improper Use of Magic Department, Department of Intoxicating Substances, Magical Law Enforcement, Witch Watcher Department, Hit Wizard Department and even the Investigation Department of the Auror Department.
The old woman seemed flustered by all the attention, "...I've told you young people all I know! First that terrible man barges into our home, the next he accuses my husband - a good man - of stealing something that belongs to him. Next thing I know I get blasted out of the room as curses and jinxes start flying everywhere. Now I want to see my husband, I need to know he is alright. That hoodlum ran off just before you all arrived he could still be nearby!" The lady crooned and wailed as she clutched her arm. Dakota could see it a mile away - broken bones.
Dakota stepped in and began to wave his wand over the injury site as she was asked more questions by the various detectives and lawmen. Her wound was healing and as the bones were mended back into place the woman would wince in pain as her bones meshed and knit back together.
As Dakota was finishing up his healings an officer exited the room, "Uh - you guys might want to see this..." he said to the group of officers surrounding the old lady and Dakota. As the group would move into the apartment the smell of burning flesh could be more clearly smelled and a magical duel ruined home. Halfway embedded into a wall was the shriveled and burnt crispy corpse of what Dakota would guess had been the old man. The old lady sobbed and was ushered out into the hall and away from the crime scene. The officers murmured to each other.
"-Never seen anything like it..." "That must've been one powerful curse..." "Talk about a battle, look at this place..." "Nothing seems to have been stolen..." The mingling of voices would say to each other. Dakota, having already treated his patient went over to inspect the body and identify the exact spells that caused his death. There were fire, blasting and deep slash markings all over as Dakota waved the length of his wand over the corpse and surrounding wall.
"It is my professional opinion that this man was hit directly with at least three different highly damaging spells. I would imagine he was first disarmed, then levitated and forcefully pressed against this wall. He was then slowly cut with severing charms to torture something out of him - this is based purely upon the infliction locations on his body. Afterwards he was blasted unconscious by a powerful blasting spell as evident by the indentations in the wall and the blunt force injuries sustained. Finally, in an effort to dispose of the body and eliminate evidence a powerful incendiary spell was hurled at this man - this was what finally killed him and what would've set the room and building on fire had you all not arrived so quickly." Dakota stated as he explained how things had transpired.
Without taking questions Dakota left the room to allow the officers to do their work. He would meanwhile exit the room and step out into the hallway that was still crawling with Magical Law Enforcement personnel.
(Alright, I left a way into this for both of you and anyone else who wishes to join. Let's get things rolling!)
It was not long that she had been sitting there and someone behind she felt the prickling sensation that a charm leaves. Whether it was a verbally spoken charm or not, one was cast over the room. It was not until she looked up from the paper and saw everyone perfectly still. Something had happened no doubt but how could she be so oblivious to not notice before sitting down at the restaurant? Had she really been that out of it or just plain ignoring everything around her? She shook her head a bit and started to stand up after the group of men walked passed the restaurant. Figuring they were going to the source of the disturbance, they were the ones to follow.
Aria got up from her chair quietly and left her paper there. She grabbed her bag and headed out to silently follow the group, assuming she did not get caught in the first place. She was a curious thing by nature even if it tended to get her in trouble. She wanted to know what was going on. After making sure she was a few paces behind the men.
She would stay still and close to one of the walls as she listened to what had happened. The old lady’s horror could be heard even in the hall. The sounds of her sobs were quite heart breaking, especially as she seemed confused as to why this would all happen. Fighting the urge to go comfort the woman, Aria had first had experience in losing a loved one, she stayed out of the way. The constant nagging sensation to know what had happened was too great.
She would stand just outside the apartment listening in, silently, as the others began to investigate. She listened to Dakota’s explanation of what happened. From the sound of it, the old man died a painful suffering death. The smell of burnt flesh was quite overwhelming to the point of sickening. Aria was quite relieved that she did not get to eat before coming here.
Going through everything she had learned, something stuck out in her mind. When Dakota came back out into the hall way, she would walk over to him. “Excuse me for ease dropping but what if it wasn’t something verbal the attacker tortured out of him? What if it was a memory?” She gave it a pause then spoke up again. “The lady said her husband would never steal anything but what if he had knowledge of whatever it was the attacker was looking for it would not be difficult to torture a memory out of someone.”
Aria got up from her chair quietly and left her paper there. She grabbed her bag and headed out to silently follow the group, assuming she did not get caught in the first place. She was a curious thing by nature even if it tended to get her in trouble. She wanted to know what was going on. After making sure she was a few paces behind the men.
She would stay still and close to one of the walls as she listened to what had happened. The old lady’s horror could be heard even in the hall. The sounds of her sobs were quite heart breaking, especially as she seemed confused as to why this would all happen. Fighting the urge to go comfort the woman, Aria had first had experience in losing a loved one, she stayed out of the way. The constant nagging sensation to know what had happened was too great.
She would stand just outside the apartment listening in, silently, as the others began to investigate. She listened to Dakota’s explanation of what happened. From the sound of it, the old man died a painful suffering death. The smell of burnt flesh was quite overwhelming to the point of sickening. Aria was quite relieved that she did not get to eat before coming here.
Going through everything she had learned, something stuck out in her mind. When Dakota came back out into the hall way, she would walk over to him. “Excuse me for ease dropping but what if it wasn’t something verbal the attacker tortured out of him? What if it was a memory?” She gave it a pause then spoke up again. “The lady said her husband would never steal anything but what if he had knowledge of whatever it was the attacker was looking for it would not be difficult to torture a memory out of someone.”
Just outside stood three teams of Aurors, each going through there own private rituals to get ready.
Jefferson was a family man, always carrying a golden tri-fold locket, containing his muggle wife holding a newborn and 2 kids, all having his curl blonde hair. There smiling at him and waving as he kissed them, before tucking them away under his shirt.
Zeke was a rookie who had a bad experience on his first call out. He was jumpy. With bad nerves like his, he tended to always check his wand- as if its conditions gonna change in 3 seconds.
Kane was a lot more weathered than the rest, remaining very still and squatting down as if praying. His eyes were closed but his mouth made no utterance a deity.
Kiri stood with some Sensors, going over all the possible threats he could based on the magical signatures that were given off. Stunners, hexes and some very nasty stuff were all present.
Kiri flicked the cigarette he held in his hand. He watched it fall, half smoked. He sighs out and thanks the men for the information before leaving to inform the assault party.
He had wireless earplugs that played his music, his own way of preparation.
"Senors picked up on 3 Signatures in the building. Lethal spells were used and a fucking Cruciatus was used so this is gonna be good. Apperate to the floor below and were gonna sweep and clear. On my go. Zeke take point with your partner, Next is me and then Jefferson and you-" he says pointing to a smug red head "-and you two." Kane nods as does his partner, a man with a bald head and ebony skin.
Kiri stands in the background as the Medic does his work.He dismissed the other Aurors quickly seeing the Mo of his serial killer. He notices the amazing skill the man, Dakota was it?, has, seeing how he gave a play by play of what happened within 45 seconds of examining the body.
He is always paying attention and looking for the smallest detail to exploit. He noticed different magical signatures of 5 assailants, 2 being faint.
~ probably the stunners. The others can't pick up on them yet but i'm sure that its there~
He licks his lips, not wanting to speak until he had more answers. He saw the medic leave and after a minutes followed him out, wanting to ask a few more questions.
He walked up and was about to call out to him when a women approached Dakota before him.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
~Shes not in the department is she? I haven't seen her around... ~
"-said her husband would never steal anything but what if he had knowledge of whatever it was the attacker was looking for it would not be difficult to torture a memory out of someone.”
He didn't quite understand.
" AH! But whats the memory and whats it relating to..."
He approaches the pair with a thoughtful look on his young face.
As an after thought he offers,
"I'm Kiri Snow, Department of Investigation under the Auror Department. Very good skill you have Medic, able to give a play by play like that means your quite experinced, hm?"
He gives a half grin but his face was still contorted in thought.
Jefferson was a family man, always carrying a golden tri-fold locket, containing his muggle wife holding a newborn and 2 kids, all having his curl blonde hair. There smiling at him and waving as he kissed them, before tucking them away under his shirt.
Zeke was a rookie who had a bad experience on his first call out. He was jumpy. With bad nerves like his, he tended to always check his wand- as if its conditions gonna change in 3 seconds.
Kane was a lot more weathered than the rest, remaining very still and squatting down as if praying. His eyes were closed but his mouth made no utterance a deity.
Kiri stood with some Sensors, going over all the possible threats he could based on the magical signatures that were given off. Stunners, hexes and some very nasty stuff were all present.
Kiri flicked the cigarette he held in his hand. He watched it fall, half smoked. He sighs out and thanks the men for the information before leaving to inform the assault party.
He had wireless earplugs that played his music, his own way of preparation.
"Senors picked up on 3 Signatures in the building. Lethal spells were used and a fucking Cruciatus was used so this is gonna be good. Apperate to the floor below and were gonna sweep and clear. On my go. Zeke take point with your partner, Next is me and then Jefferson and you-" he says pointing to a smug red head "-and you two." Kane nods as does his partner, a man with a bald head and ebony skin.
Kiri stands in the background as the Medic does his work.He dismissed the other Aurors quickly seeing the Mo of his serial killer. He notices the amazing skill the man, Dakota was it?, has, seeing how he gave a play by play of what happened within 45 seconds of examining the body.
He is always paying attention and looking for the smallest detail to exploit. He noticed different magical signatures of 5 assailants, 2 being faint.
~ probably the stunners. The others can't pick up on them yet but i'm sure that its there~
He licks his lips, not wanting to speak until he had more answers. He saw the medic leave and after a minutes followed him out, wanting to ask a few more questions.
He walked up and was about to call out to him when a women approached Dakota before him.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
~Shes not in the department is she? I haven't seen her around... ~
"-said her husband would never steal anything but what if he had knowledge of whatever it was the attacker was looking for it would not be difficult to torture a memory out of someone.”
He didn't quite understand.
" AH! But whats the memory and whats it relating to..."
He approaches the pair with a thoughtful look on his young face.
As an after thought he offers,
"I'm Kiri Snow, Department of Investigation under the Auror Department. Very good skill you have Medic, able to give a play by play like that means your quite experinced, hm?"
He gives a half grin but his face was still contorted in thought.
((Oh wow, that color of font is difficult to read with a white background. Also, as a side note, can I ask you guys to proofread through what you post? I only ask because I had to re-read a few times before I understood what you two were trying to say. Please and Thank you!
Dakota walked a ways down the hall before he was stopped by a young woman around his age.
“Excuse me for eavesdropping but what if it wasn’t for something verbal that the attacker tortured out of him? What if it was a memory?” She she offered as a possible solution before pausing. “The lady said her husband would never steal anything but what if he had knowledge of whatever it was that the attacker was looking for, it would not be difficult to torture a memory out of someone.” She further reasoned.
Dakota considered it, "If what you're hypothesizing is the case then the blasting spell makes sense. It could crush the skull and prevent anyone from retrieving or searching for missing memories. But mental magic is a bit out of my depth; I heal, I don't mess with memories or thoughts - that stuff is best left to Obliviators and Legilimens." Dakota said as he discerned for himself why the crime scene was as it was now. "Either way, it's too late now to grab anything from inside his mind, its been crushed and burnt - retrieval and exploration is impossible."
"AH! But whats the memory and whats it relating to..." Kiri said as he approached the pair with a thoughtful look on his young face. As an after thought he adds, "I'm Kiri Snow, Department of Investigation under the Auror Department. That is a very good skill you have Medic, to be able to give a play by play like that means you're quite experienced, hm?" He said as he gave a half grin but his face was still contorted in thought.
Dakota turned his attention to Kiri, "Oh, sorry sir - I didn't see you. My name is Dakota, Dakota Tennigan." Dakota says hurriedly - Aurors weren't the kinds of wizards who you wasted time with, they were the pinnacle of efficiency when combating the Dark Arts. "I was trained by a coroner in the Healer's Arts, I was told that I should be able to size up exactly what happened with perfect clarity and accuracy of how a witch or wizard died within one minute of viewing - less if it can be helped." Dakota said as he explained his skill.
"As for the possibility of memory theft, I'm afraid there isn't much anyone can do. The mind expires as quickly as 3 minutes after death and in this case even then with all the damage done I'm not sure there would be anything solid to find." Dakota said. It was then that another officer came running down the hall - "There's been another break in at MACUSA! This time it's with the Time-turner lockers. A time-turner was stolen!" He announced as he barreled down the hall.

Dakota walked a ways down the hall before he was stopped by a young woman around his age.
“Excuse me for eavesdropping but what if it wasn’t for something verbal that the attacker tortured out of him? What if it was a memory?” She she offered as a possible solution before pausing. “The lady said her husband would never steal anything but what if he had knowledge of whatever it was that the attacker was looking for, it would not be difficult to torture a memory out of someone.” She further reasoned.
Dakota considered it, "If what you're hypothesizing is the case then the blasting spell makes sense. It could crush the skull and prevent anyone from retrieving or searching for missing memories. But mental magic is a bit out of my depth; I heal, I don't mess with memories or thoughts - that stuff is best left to Obliviators and Legilimens." Dakota said as he discerned for himself why the crime scene was as it was now. "Either way, it's too late now to grab anything from inside his mind, its been crushed and burnt - retrieval and exploration is impossible."
"AH! But whats the memory and whats it relating to..." Kiri said as he approached the pair with a thoughtful look on his young face. As an after thought he adds, "I'm Kiri Snow, Department of Investigation under the Auror Department. That is a very good skill you have Medic, to be able to give a play by play like that means you're quite experienced, hm?" He said as he gave a half grin but his face was still contorted in thought.
Dakota turned his attention to Kiri, "Oh, sorry sir - I didn't see you. My name is Dakota, Dakota Tennigan." Dakota says hurriedly - Aurors weren't the kinds of wizards who you wasted time with, they were the pinnacle of efficiency when combating the Dark Arts. "I was trained by a coroner in the Healer's Arts, I was told that I should be able to size up exactly what happened with perfect clarity and accuracy of how a witch or wizard died within one minute of viewing - less if it can be helped." Dakota said as he explained his skill.
"As for the possibility of memory theft, I'm afraid there isn't much anyone can do. The mind expires as quickly as 3 minutes after death and in this case even then with all the damage done I'm not sure there would be anything solid to find." Dakota said. It was then that another officer came running down the hall - "There's been another break in at MACUSA! This time it's with the Time-turner lockers. A time-turner was stolen!" He announced as he barreled down the hall.
(I will try to be more careful. Sorry about that, sometimes I write rather fast and forget to look it over. Sorry for the shortness. I was not sure what else to say.
Aria shook her head, “It would not matter the condition of the skull. If the memory had been stolen, there is no retrieving it. Once the memory is taken from the mind it is no longer there. Of course, in order to make that theory work, the attacker would have to have access to a pensieve and know how to use it. Either way, as you said, that is no good to you because you would not be able to retrieve the information unless you physically retrieve the memory.”
She was silent as the two men started to talk. She had no authority being here besides being an innocent bystander. The girl had no more useful information to give. She was just curiously sticking her nose in business that was not her own. She was a new face to the city has yet to even check in with the country’s ministry. Not knowing how their politics worked, she only knew from experience that her home country was strict about magic users going around without being accounted for.
After proving to be no more use nor any use at all, Aria pulled away from the pair and started to go back to the restaurant. She soon stopped when someone spoke up about a timer turner being stolen. She turned and looked back up at Dakota, “Looks like you guys have more trouble than just a random killing. That is a rather dangerous device to be stolen.” She sighed a bit, “I wish you guys the best of luck. Hopefully you captured whomever it is that is causing trouble.” She nodded a bit and started to walk down the hall once again, unless she was stopped first.

Aria shook her head, “It would not matter the condition of the skull. If the memory had been stolen, there is no retrieving it. Once the memory is taken from the mind it is no longer there. Of course, in order to make that theory work, the attacker would have to have access to a pensieve and know how to use it. Either way, as you said, that is no good to you because you would not be able to retrieve the information unless you physically retrieve the memory.”
She was silent as the two men started to talk. She had no authority being here besides being an innocent bystander. The girl had no more useful information to give. She was just curiously sticking her nose in business that was not her own. She was a new face to the city has yet to even check in with the country’s ministry. Not knowing how their politics worked, she only knew from experience that her home country was strict about magic users going around without being accounted for.
After proving to be no more use nor any use at all, Aria pulled away from the pair and started to go back to the restaurant. She soon stopped when someone spoke up about a timer turner being stolen. She turned and looked back up at Dakota, “Looks like you guys have more trouble than just a random killing. That is a rather dangerous device to be stolen.” She sighed a bit, “I wish you guys the best of luck. Hopefully you captured whomever it is that is causing trouble.” She nodded a bit and started to walk down the hall once again, unless she was stopped first.
Izanami's eyes closed at the news and didn't even bother to look over at man who relayed the message.
~This is there second time with in 24 hours... They rushed this one I think, so lets see what we have. We can regroup and get the facts straight before we find the people behind this and stop them~
Nodding to his own plan he opened his eyes as the women spoke.
“Looks like you guys have more trouble than just a random killing. That is a rather dangerous device to be stolen.
As she was walking away, he hesitates for a moment before calling out to her,
"Hey! Where are you going? I-I think i need a new set of eyes on this and a actual team. Doc, you should come to this new site. They should be finishing up here and your skill would be needed in case there are fresh bodies to exam. They rushed this one and I'm sure you can find there mistake."
He spoke softly but with the authority of any person in his field. Despite his attire that consist of a band-tee hidden under a charm/hex proof vest and ripped skinny jeans, he was as serious as Aurors come.
He turned to head back upstairs and retrieve any lose information that came up and delegate task that he thinks beneficial to the case .
(So sorry about that! It was exam week and my mind was kinda all over the place but i hope this is a little better ^.^)
~This is there second time with in 24 hours... They rushed this one I think, so lets see what we have. We can regroup and get the facts straight before we find the people behind this and stop them~
Nodding to his own plan he opened his eyes as the women spoke.
“Looks like you guys have more trouble than just a random killing. That is a rather dangerous device to be stolen.
As she was walking away, he hesitates for a moment before calling out to her,
"Hey! Where are you going? I-I think i need a new set of eyes on this and a actual team. Doc, you should come to this new site. They should be finishing up here and your skill would be needed in case there are fresh bodies to exam. They rushed this one and I'm sure you can find there mistake."
He spoke softly but with the authority of any person in his field. Despite his attire that consist of a band-tee hidden under a charm/hex proof vest and ripped skinny jeans, he was as serious as Aurors come.
He turned to head back upstairs and retrieve any lose information that came up and delegate task that he thinks beneficial to the case .
(So sorry about that! It was exam week and my mind was kinda all over the place but i hope this is a little better ^.^)
"I. I do more than give corpses a good look over you know..." Dakota said under his breath, "-And my name is Dakota, Dakota Tennigan. Not Doc." Dakota was sure to correct.
He considered the options before him; on one hand he could reject this request (as was his right as a citizen without an official MACUSA order), this way he at least had a chance to staying in one piece and alive. But on the other hand if he did accept he might be given some official perks during this time, maybe even an official and overruling reinstatement of his Healer's license or even a promotion!
"Fine, I'll help. But I expect some reimbursement for my services. Up front, during and after. Healer's and Mediwizards work in hospitals for a reason. To avoid as many psychos of the outside world as they can." Dakota said as he agreed to lend his services as long as his stipulations were met.
It was about this time that another officer arrived before the group. "Sir," he said addressing Kiri. "-We did a more thorough search of the apartment and found this." He said as he would hand Kiri a heavily leafed book titled "The Wonders of the New World, The Sights of The United States of America" by... There was no author listed anywhere on the book. But the more you looked at it the less of a history and guide book it looked and the more it began to seem like a travel journal.
"It belonged to the deceased, it was tossed behind the couch and was almost overlooked. Upon looking inside we noticed that a few pages had been ripped out of it. We aren't sure which pages but we think that this book may be connected to your case." The officer said before being called back by another officer.
He considered the options before him; on one hand he could reject this request (as was his right as a citizen without an official MACUSA order), this way he at least had a chance to staying in one piece and alive. But on the other hand if he did accept he might be given some official perks during this time, maybe even an official and overruling reinstatement of his Healer's license or even a promotion!
"Fine, I'll help. But I expect some reimbursement for my services. Up front, during and after. Healer's and Mediwizards work in hospitals for a reason. To avoid as many psychos of the outside world as they can." Dakota said as he agreed to lend his services as long as his stipulations were met.
It was about this time that another officer arrived before the group. "Sir," he said addressing Kiri. "-We did a more thorough search of the apartment and found this." He said as he would hand Kiri a heavily leafed book titled "The Wonders of the New World, The Sights of The United States of America" by... There was no author listed anywhere on the book. But the more you looked at it the less of a history and guide book it looked and the more it began to seem like a travel journal.
"It belonged to the deceased, it was tossed behind the couch and was almost overlooked. Upon looking inside we noticed that a few pages had been ripped out of it. We aren't sure which pages but we think that this book may be connected to your case." The officer said before being called back by another officer.
Aria stopped and turned around, she stared up at the man that called her back. She watched him closely then spoke up. “Eh, Why not? It is not like I have anything better to do with my time. I can spare time to go on this random chase with you. I do not know what I can add to your team though. I am merely a book worm who just got out school about a year or so ago. My studies go more for magical creatures and beast rather wizard conflict but I am sure I can be of some use?”
She listened to the conversation between the two men. A small smile played on her lips when Dakota corrected the officer. She liked that honestly. He appeared to be one who does not take anyone’s crap. It was not long until her attention turned to another officer. Curiosity got to her. She quietly walked over and stood behind behind the men to peer over their shoulders at the book. She listened to what was being said and thought about it for a moment. It was rather interesting as to why someone would want another travel’s journal.
Once the officer walked away, she spoke up to Dakota and Kiri. “I am guessing what you’re looking for is in that book even if some pages have been ripped out. Honestly if you can get an idea of what the book presents then maybe with a little research, we can make a decent guess as to what is missing. If it is more of a journal, which it looks to be, then the sites were probably visited in that order. We just got to find what type of sites they were going to and about what direction they were going. I am guessing honestly. I have no idea what direction to go from here.”
She thought for a moment then looked to Kiri, “You are basically law enforcement. Am I going to get in trouble for helping you? I am not exactly from here and your ministry does not know me. Can I use magic without getting in trouble?” She would pause for a moment then spoke up again. “I am Aria by the way, Aria Valacari.”
She listened to the conversation between the two men. A small smile played on her lips when Dakota corrected the officer. She liked that honestly. He appeared to be one who does not take anyone’s crap. It was not long until her attention turned to another officer. Curiosity got to her. She quietly walked over and stood behind behind the men to peer over their shoulders at the book. She listened to what was being said and thought about it for a moment. It was rather interesting as to why someone would want another travel’s journal.
Once the officer walked away, she spoke up to Dakota and Kiri. “I am guessing what you’re looking for is in that book even if some pages have been ripped out. Honestly if you can get an idea of what the book presents then maybe with a little research, we can make a decent guess as to what is missing. If it is more of a journal, which it looks to be, then the sites were probably visited in that order. We just got to find what type of sites they were going to and about what direction they were going. I am guessing honestly. I have no idea what direction to go from here.”
She thought for a moment then looked to Kiri, “You are basically law enforcement. Am I going to get in trouble for helping you? I am not exactly from here and your ministry does not know me. Can I use magic without getting in trouble?” She would pause for a moment then spoke up again. “I am Aria by the way, Aria Valacari.”